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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. 19 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I usually know what tedldts may be needed.


    If I do not, or the doctor recommends test(s) I have not had I usually get it done at the hospital unless it is something unusually expensive. Which is infrequent.


    There is no problem to be candid with a doctor about cost concerns. Ask how much tests will cost.


    It will usually not save money once in a doctor consultation to leave and go to a lab outside as that would entail 2 separate paid doctor visits eheras usyally get charged jyst ince if you are sent to hosputal lB and return right after.  Makes sense only if the test is something that won't yield results quickly. 

    ok.  As I had never considered testing outside of a hospital before, or bringing tests.  In US most anything outside of their own circle is rejected for use on the basis of possible litigation by the patient for wrong diagnosis/treatment.

    But everything is a whole different game here in Thailand.

    thank you for helping once again, Sheryl

  2. 7 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Yes but I'm not saying there isn't a price to pay.  It would have been nice if one of my past relationships had worked but there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough and find a different way.  It took me far to long to learn that.


    At the moment I'm enjoying it but who knows what will happen next week, next month or next year? I doubt it though ????.

    No. your way is logical and sane lol.  I dream of how much I could get done in starting a new biz using your model.


  3. the Thai will fall in line once they see the reasoning and can get the population technologically up to speed.

    This is just the necessary hysteria needed drummed up to start pushing hard the complete and only digital currency CBDC in the USA.

    You'll see a couple more Banks fail.  You'll see how the FDIC will cry they can't insure it any longer.  You'll see mass news about it, and how CBDC is the only solution via the gov.

    Just like the pandemic was the excuse to derail logistics, industry, and push a huge hidden tax (inflation) to put their heel on the middle class.

    They are not even hiding anything since the beginning of the 'pandemic'.

    The Western  powers that be have those green eyes for the Chinese government structure and control.


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  4. 18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    It tajes 6 years post high school to complete a medical degree in Thailand.  People do indeed becomd doctors ar 23 or so here.


    Specialty training takes longer of course. 


    Yes I would include motorcyce as a bike.  


    When you see the doctor find out what medications (if any) he is prescribing. Whrn you arrive st cashier tell them right away you do not need the medications. 


    If they give you flak stand your ground. By law hospitals cannot require you to buy medications from their pharmacy. 

    ugh.  almost can't avoid the bike, but am doin the rest based on your recommendation.

  5. 41 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    English is ok, not perfect, but you'll have a good English speaking nurse close by. On the subject of meds, you'll go to the cashier to pay (ground floor), ask for the list of meds before you pay, then you move to the right where the pharmacist is and they'll take them off. I would take a photo of the list so you can buy elsewhere easily. I didn't discuss taking the meds off with the Dr, i just did it, mine where basic bill padding stuff

    thank you for the wisdom there.  I appreciate it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 23 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    After several goes with both Thai and Western, I'd rather have neither and play the field as long as I'm able. Much cheaper too - you can get a maid for less than a wife costs and some maids come with benefits. When you want a change or a newer model, you just get a new one. ????

    That math hits me a lot while living here lol.  

    But I'm not built that way.  I prefer a relationship.

    However, it  Doesn't mean I can't envy the lack of complexity in your life though.

    Cheers to freedom of decisions.


  7. On 3/4/2023 at 6:49 AM, GinBoy2 said:

    On a somewhat serious note, I do worry about the effect of pornography today, but not for men, more for boys.


    I don't think it's a stretch to say that for many of us sex ed was rooting through Dad's sock draw for his porn stash.


    Thing was back then it was a lot more vanilla and for a lot of it even the teenage male brain could tell it was staged.


    Not so sure about that today, and I fear that what a lot of what those boys watch online gives them a very misleading idea of what is regular sex versus fantasy.


    It's not that I would want to restrict porn, I think as an adult I can distinguish reality and fantasy, but not so sure a 15 year old boy can make that distinction

    according to Llisa shlesinger, a comedian...she can't stand being with the younger guys as they ask permision for everything like a dog begging for a treat and wimpering lol.  (She's late 30's I think?). Good looking woman.

    she says that society has sucked the masculinity out of them and it's severly depressing to experience.

  8. On 3/4/2023 at 12:57 AM, rose33 said:



    Especially since around 2000, when high speed internet brought digital pornography into the home of every western couple. Pornography kills the relationship, and women know it. Governments turn a blind eye.


    Many women prefer to be single and self supporting than to try to relate to a partner with this digital junk in his head. Statistics on male pornography use in the west are astounding. Used in the last month, 86%. In the last week, 46%. In the last day, 25%.


    So, government response to pornography is an important element, in addition to what you mentioned... no-fault divorce, welfare state, and asset stripping in property settlements.


    Interestingly, educated young THAI girls notice the way my generation of western women live, and they want the same thing. "I'll never get married"... Several gorgeous Bangkok girls in their 20s have proudly told me this.


    Does that mean it's time for tax hikes in Thailand?

    If you switch out pornography for Instagram and Tik Tok and FB, you nailed it.  

    It's not the junk in mens head.  That's been there since the dawn of time. Pornography too. 


    However, females, seem very susceptible to believing the fakeness of IG lives as real life and think they should get to live the life of a queen (without realizing that while a queen has immense power, it comes with immense work and responsibility.). They don't want to put in that effort.  Or to give in order to get.

    And while they have the looks, their DM's are filled daily by boys and men continuing to sell that dream, offer the world (fake promises), and while also deriding the current partner with 100% complete blind agreement and falsities thrown at the reigning man...so that they always have that back door escape even BEFORE marriage and all the financial rewards of marrying and divorcing as you mention.

    I'm not advocating porn, but I'm saying that's not the variable that's changed, social media and the smart phone are the new ingredient that's, frankly, made the entire world worse imo, not just dating.

    Think back you can to about only 8 years ago ish...how many less problems the world seemed to have, less hate, less adversity.  And that was when smartphones starting becoming popular.  FB already existed.  Even then, it took a few years for it to go from being a fun combo into a wicked combonation eliciting such hate a despair and division amoungst all people.


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  9. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    He did my vasectomy at Pattaya Intl, he was very good, nice bedside manner and all that. I think he is director \ head of department at Queen Sirikit. Yes he is older, think of all the experience

    Yeah, age doesn't mean he's bad or not up to date...but being up to date I think becomes less likely statistically.

    Thank you for sharing.  I'm glad to hear a positive experience.

    oh.  Is his English pretty good?



    43 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Certainly not 80.  He graduated 46 years ago which would make him probably sbout 68. 


    I have the impression though that though his originsl qualugication was urology hd branched out more into general durgrry. 


    Before going anywhere get PSA and urinslysis  done at Lifecare kabs, and bring results with you  will save money.  Avoid bike riding and sexual activity for 48 hours before the  PSA test for most accurate results.


    And don't get medications at thr hospital, buy at outside pharmacy. 



    I doubt he was a doctor at 22.  It takes about 10 to 14 years to graduate and become licensed as a doctor.  Which would put him hovering around 80.

    I'll do that with Lifecare labs.  Good idea.

    bike?  you include motorbike/ clicks / scooters as a bike?  

    RE: medication.  What should I say to them exactly so that they don't force their meds onto my bill?
    I know that sounds like a dumb question, but I tried to stop them one time and I basically got a "no, no, can't" and got ignored.   I didn't push it though.  Usually when at a hospital you are not in the mood for arguing.


  11. Hi.

    I have been told to find the Doctor, and not chase the hospital before.

    But I've used Memorial several times and have had decent experiences both times.  Once for surgery for broken bones even.

    However, some months back I asked for urologists with a good name here in Pattaya area (I don't know the problem, that's why I'd be going in),
    and his was not one that was suggested.

    This will all be out of pocket, and I did research the consulatations of recomendations that were in BKK Hospital Pattaya and they were 3x more expensive just for the consultation alone, so I can only imagine the same if not worse for the care.

    Of course, you'll never find anything online really in Thailand about doctors.  

    And I know this does not mean anything, and it's sort of even agist....but doing the math that he graduated 50 years ago to become a doctor he is squarely over 80 and that leaves me wondering how up to date he is with issues and solutions.  I know that's not fair...but I feel it might be real.

    Might anyone have an experience to share, good or bad, with me before I commit to going to him?

  12. 15 hours ago, rwilem said:

    Yep, I get it. Got to be judicious with the border runs. And it's a tougher row to hoe here than it is for the PI, no doubt.


    Part of the fun...'yeah'.


    Keep us posted how it turns out for you.

    welp.  mailed the passport day after return from cambodia.  

    Now just sitting in no-mans' land praying they get it back to me in time for the extension.

    And honestly, after doing my first border run, I'll be looking for different visa to use. 

    Losing a full day to travel (and the discomfort of it)...it's probably costing me more in lost monies than saving me.

    Plus I got to watch one guy get denied getting back in when a new girl came in at shift change.  I don't like those kind of surprises.

  13. I haven't been home in about 3 years, but intend to fly back in sept/oct.  

    I have one last land border run allowed which would take me to almost august.  

    then I need to figure out a way to stay another 2 months ish.  

    I don't qualify for retirement yet... and education, etc is overpriced for that short term.

    Wish it was as easy as places like the philipines, but hey...part of the fun I guess, right?


  14. 5 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

    Yes, US passport holder, the letter comes back with the new passport, never had to request one here as a separate procedure.

    thanks so much for the info.  

    I assumed all that would be covered when I sent it in for renewal...but reading this post I got a little nervous for a second.  Thank you again for sharing.

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  15. 4 hours ago, expat_4_life said:

    No, I don't believe so.


    I can only speak for US passports, but the Embassy routinely has provided the stamp transfer letter you need at immigration automatically when you renew a passport in Thailand, which I've done twice


    4 hours ago, JimmyJ said:


    Yes US passport.  

    You are both saying letter automatically is shipped back with the passports?  (this makes sense, but governments have no common sense usually).


    3 hours ago, rwilem said:



    If you don't mind, from which land border did you enter, and which immigration office are you planning to use to apply for the 30-day extension?



    US Embassy.

    Land border Cambodia.

    Jomtien immigration.

  16. 11 hours ago, rwilem said:

    OK, let's get clear here. You entered visa-exempt, a 45-day stay. And while here you have applied for a new passport, from either your embassy or passport-issuing agency. And you desire to get a 30-day extension, at or near the end of your 45 days. 


    So we're talking about an entry stamp here. If that is correct, just take both passports with you at the time of applying for the extension. Your entry stamp and any other pertinent info should be transferred from the old one to the new one, and then you should be able to proceed with the 30-day extension application.


    At least that's how I believe it would go. But it's a good idea to contact the immigration office you will apply for the 30 day extension with and confirm that.


    Having a letter from your embassy, or passport-issuing agency, for Thai immigration, which requests the entry stamp transfer should be needed. Your new passport itself might have a stamp placed in it for Thai immigration for that purpose, in lieu of the letter.



    Yes, that's pretty much it.  

    So according to you an additional letter will be needed from the Embassy will be needed for immigration to transfer the stamp at local immigration...

    ****(and not required to go to the border where I got the stamp, right?).  

    so I will need to email the Embassy and make a special request for that letter to be mailed back to me along with my passports?

    this correct?

  17. 5 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Not enough focus on fatty junk food, focusing on sugary drinks just won't work. They lived for generations on rice carbs no problem

    I could actually go and eat Mcdonald's burgers  for a month straight and not gain fat.

    Now, would my arteries be ok?  No. 

    But if stuck to their burgers and cheese only, you'd be fine weight wise....even lean up being protein and fat only.

    Now, part of the problem is the sauces they put on them and not just that its bread on the meat...they fill their processed bread with sugar too.

    But again, if you strictly ate their burgers, no buns, for a month you'd trim up.

    **now talking about their real meat.  I think they sell two kinds still?  


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  18. 24 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

    I'll find out more and either update here or DM to you.

    She went to three schools and Blue Book was a definite apparently. Two told her "come back in March when you or he are on a blue book for the district". When she went back she was told applications had closed week before and the school was full <deleted>. My GF has been in Thailand for 20 years and speaks Thai fluently so she did not misunderstand.


    That would be great. Thank you.  By chance, can you tell me if you are looking more in the central pattaya beach area or more inland?

    My GF also is usually mistaken as Thai by other Thais, and the kids don't even speak Cambodian, only Thai.  They've only been in Thai schools in their life as well.

  19. 1 hour ago, soi3eddie said:

    Not sure about Cambodian citizen children but there is quite likely to be a way if paying.


    This timing is a coincidence as my Cambodian GF is trying to get her 13yr old Thai son into a school in Pattaya (he has Thai ID card, Thai birth certificate and was born to Thai father, lived and schooled until now elsewhere in Thailand). The Pattaya schools were giving the GF the run around but, just today, she visited a local school who will take him upon passing some sort of exam or interview. One thing for sure is that her child must be listed on a Blue Tabian Baan in the area. She was told by the school that fees are 15,000 per 6 months - I'll be checking this all out when I see GF tomorrow. I didn't know Thais had to pay to go to government schools.


    Which school specifically gave you this information?

    Yes, I'm also under this impression that not just thai kids go for free.

    *** I was also told by a woman here with two kids that she has enrolled other kids for her friends and THEY went free because she  enrolled them under her Blue Book from owning a condo.

    So I assumed we would have to pay something more in lines with what Britman was saying...3-4k per term if not under a blue book.

    15,000 is a big difference from 8k.

    And I'm trying to learn what the total would be too, as Britman also mentions another 5k for what would be two terms I believe.

    If 15,000 includes ALL the fees for 6 months that's not too bad.

    But are you positive of being listed in a Blue Book to attend?  this seems contrary to other info.

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