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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. current soldiers more in line with the popular vote and the people and will not turn on their own.

    thus import other soldiers who will be soldiers with no feelings towards it all and keep the local soldiers on task as well since their will be threats against mutiny that could be enforced then.

    Chess moves to stay in power.


    Thats my 2 second severely ill informed take.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Jason1921 said:

    Also, were you here on a visa at the time, or just a 30-day visa exempt?

    I was on the extra 30 day extension for visa exempt.

    I cannot tell you office hours for immigration at airport, but I assume they are 24/7.  But don't assume when it's your butt on the line.

    Maybe try an agent for your immigration office if you want to do it in advance?  

    I had a weird case of old PP to emergency PP due to embassy and then immediately to NEW PP.

    So I had my agent move stamp from old pp to emergency pp for me for like 800 baht.

    2nd time, from emergency to NEW PP I just did it at border (but I was also under expectation that I wouldn't need to move anything since I was leaving country...but I was wrong.)

    Possible options:
    I do not know if you can go to another immigration office and do this? 

    or if you can just hire an agent that can get it done for you there or at another immigration office?
    or just go to a nearby border or airport and get it done  before hand.  (they did mine outside and before I could give my pp to the immigration officer to leave the country).

  3. 4 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    It doesn't need to be moved as, unless he has a re-entry permit or a multi-entry visa, his permission to stay will end when he leaves the country & when he re-enters he will get a new permission to stay in his new Passport. 


    It's a different point if he does have a Re-Entry permit or Valid Multi-Entry visa but he explicitly states that he's not looking to move his visa so I'm assuming not.  



    I just did this.  They DO move it now.

    @ OP, you should also be able to get it done at immigration.  But they will do it at borders/airport.

    I thought (as the gentleman above thought) that there would be no need to move it...but the officers stopped me at the window and had me get it moved before letting me proceed to leave the country.

    This took roughly a half an hour.  Of course, the time it takes is gonna vary by where you are and how busy they are...so just plan for that time suck.

    It was a 500 baht fee btw, as well.

    *they asked me for letter from embassy but embassy no longer issues them and immigration is supposed to know this.  I did have a letter on hand because I got my new PP 2 days after the "no letter" rule and I begged since I knew there was a big chance of it coming up at the border.

  4. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    It's a North Korean public health official.... not Kim.


    "The North Korean Ministry of Public Health's Dr. Jong Min Pak has been seated on the WHO's executive board with a term set to last until 2026."




    Technically you are right.  But in NK all things are Kim.  What he says is the first and last word.

    The sky, the ground, the air, the water.  It is all Kim lol

  5. 3 hours ago, h90 said:

    Do you have a link for the Kim thing? I read that Russia has problems with diplomats as NK is still or again complete closed because of the fear of Covid or any other virus/bioweapon. But I couldn't find much information and don't know if it is true or not....One source reports that NK delivers ammunition to Russia, the other source says that the border is complete locked down...that is contradicting each other

    I don't think we are talking about the same thing, but here is a link about North Korea getting a governing seat at WHO.


  6. 4 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Yes, the 5000 baht charge includes everything that is required. You just give them your passport/docs and make yourself available for your visits to the DLT.

    I found that service to be a rip off for what is done (dr cert, residency cert, and taxi driving).

    But understand that for some doing the homework can cost more than spending the 5k.

    I mean, I pay essentially 2k plus the 1900 for agents just to go do my 30 day extension.  Not for the ease of paperwork, but for avoiding that office, the headaches, and the all day lines.

  7. 20 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    My massage lady takes falang to get driving licences for 1000 baht, agents charge circ 5000 baht

    Nice.  I didn't use an agent when I found out they can't help in any way with drivers licenses.. 

    They don't get you to the front of line or keep you from having to go twice or any benefit except one stop shop to also get your residency cert and physical cert.

    I still used the agency to go to immigration to get my residency to keep me away from immigration.  A little homework and I found a clinic that charged 100 for physical just going in and out to get the paperwork.  First clinic I checked wanted like 800.

    • Thanks 1
  8. VIP Visa is usually lowest price for standard services in Pattaya (that I've found).  They do door to door service.

    **although last time I had to travel to Immigration and take photos in front of the building (eliminating door to door at least for one required visa trip).  Something new it appears.


  9. 5 hours ago, Dart12 said:

    Non o conversion 20k for 3 months in pattaya is my next visa, which may continue on to an ED visa for additional 12 months.

    3 separate agencies gave this option.

    Convert to Non-ed 3 month then take 12 month extension @ $X per 3 month (2 actually require full year payment)...or go home after 3 months and when I come back repay for the 3 month Non-ed.

    ^The reason going home is mentioned is I've intended to fly back to the states for the fall season.  But may hold off for one more year until qualify for the retirement visa when headaches become much smaller for exiting and re-entering.

    I'm not going to argue with you on if possible/ not possible as I'm not a Thai VISA expert.   

    However, this IS what multiple agents are offering and the one I'll go thru is respected here and been in operation 18 years or more.  No reason not to believe him in my book.

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