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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. 9 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

    I see, I'm still entitled to a 30 day extension of my current visa (IO office and other posters have confirmed this is possible in Ubon) and with the embassy letters for other people, i assumed there wouldn't need to be such a rush. Who knows, maybe amnesty will be extended again/special tourist visa! Thanks for the info

    getting MARKED that extension is going to be your obstacle.  Whether you have it or not...they are just rubber stamping covid extensions it seems.  Then it gets harder and pricier.

    You can still get long term accepted today (and maybe this week).  If not you are rolling the dice to stick around.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Guderian said:

    My new English neighbour renting the house opposite is under the amnesty. I asked him if he'd got a new visa yet (his plan was to get a volunteer visa) but he said no, he was waiting to see what happens. He's expecting the government to extend the amnesty again, I guess. As I understand it, he's left it too late now to get a volunteer visa, he's in his forties and reasonably fit so I doubt he'd get a medical visa, and there are flights back to the UK every week so he can't get a letter from the embassy to say that he can't return. I wonder what his plan is now?

    he still can this week.  Several agencies are providing the service.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, patient37 said:

    I asked them about the "15th", and they said that it may be possible but after that date price might be higher ????.

    So I don't think the other agents are lying to you, it could be true that some of them really cant submission after the 15th. But not all agents are the same, so some may still be able to do it.

    It's a business, and they need to feed their family too.  But it's not like they really know if it will get extended.

    I'm probably sure though this was a favor of the cabinet to immigration...making that decision  later than the last date possible for long term visa acquisition...so they all made a little money too (even if amnesty granted again).

    That way, they get both higher sums from those that can afford it, immediately.  Real? idk.  But a possible thought process.

    Rather be safe than sorry by waiting too long.

  4. 2 minutes ago, patient37 said:

    So I don't think the other agents are lying to you, it could be true that some of them really cant submission after the 15th. But not all agents are the same, so some may still be able to do it.

    I meant if I got a 30 day extension prior to doing it in a couple weeks.  They made it sound like they were being done away with.  Then they go "you never know...."  lol.  Lies? idk. It's sales tactics 101.  To me, common sense says, everyone will want money next month too, so it would be very doable.  

    And, knowledge gleaned from everyone here, it really dictates what stamp you can get from immigration. A Covid one might not work next month, the standard 30 day I think would be no problem.  But can you get the standard 30? idk.

    But thanks to the many people in this post that wanted to help so generously.  I think I found a good agent and solution that I'm comfortable with.

  5. 10 hours ago, patient37 said:

    I actually asked TVC this same question.

    They said that if I was no longer under Amnesty they would need me to come 20 days before my expiration date (I guess with amnesty they can be a little more flexible).


    As for you saying they quoted you 35,000 for a 1 year visa from VOA, that doesn't make sense.

    You would first need to get a 3 month non-immigrant visa first for 25,000 THB to be eligible for the 1 year extension (this is what I ended up doing).

    You should confirm with them, seems like you may be misunderstanding something.

    if you don't mind sharing, what was your total cost?  and yes. what you are saying process wise is similar to what I'm hearing.  

    @stranded81. I'm told you can get these long term visa now thru 3 other agents if you turn in your paperwork to them by the 15th.  TVC seems very reputable based on their hundreds of reviews as well.

  6. 11 hours ago, stranded81 said:

    Hi Everyone,
    Grateful for some feedback on the below.

    BACKGROUND - Arrived in Thailand on VOA, March 2nd. Received single 7 day extension till March 23 and then a "under consideration" stamp til April 22 from Bangkok immigration after obtaining a letter from our embassy.
    We moved to Hua Hin In April owing to possibility of covid cases rising in Bangkok and were told we were covered under amnesty anyway till July 31. Then till Sep 26th.
    When we went to update our stamp at hua hin immigration we were refused one as the IO told us that we could obtain the stamp only at the original immigration center (bangkok) but there was no need to worry as we were technically covered by amnesty till Sep 26th, and our permission to stay was technically in the window period (April 22 and amnesty kicked in march 26th).

    Now, My family and I (wife + 18 month old baby) have after a lot of groveling managed to obtain a letter from our Embassy for a 30 day extension request.
    However, when we went to immigration at hUA Hin with the extension request, they said we first had to go to the bangkok immigration office where we originally received the "under consideration till april 22nd" stamp, have that updated and then we can apply for the 30 day extension either at bangkok or hua hin - does this seem accurate?
    We don't mind taking the day trip and heading over to Bangkok for 2 days to get our "under consideration" stamp updated on Monday, Sep 14th.
    My question is - what will bangkok immigration office do exactly? update the stamp to permitted to stay till sep 26th?
    And then at the same time update that to October 25th with the embassy letter?

    Or is this one immigration office just passing the ball to the other in the hopes of discouraging us to apply for the 30 day extension?

    If we are successfully granted the 30 day extension, I have been informed by the THAI VISA CENTER AGENT (I believe lot of folks using their services here), we can apply for a 12 month volunteer visa and they will take care of the entire process . Naturally, they are charging a heft amount (35K per applicant)

    Summary of my inquiries -
    1. Will we be able to successfully get our "under consideration till april 22nd" stamp updated at the original immigration office next week? Considering it is so close to the end of the amnesty period anyway.

    2. Following that, will the immigration office in Bangkok right there and then approve and update the 30 day extension as well till October 25th since we have an embassy letter? (i understand thai immigration is under no obligation to do so, but considering that they may, can the process of updating 2 things , first the permission to stay till sep 26th and thereafter, permission to / another consideration till oct 25th with embassy letter be achieved within a single visit to the immigration office? Trying to ascertain the process flow here. I'll even have an updated hotel booking in bangkok to show the immigration office in bangkok.

    3. Will the agent be able to obtain a volunteer visa so long as we are given permission to stay till October 25th? (even if the new stamp states " under consideration till october 25th"

    Any feedback on the above would be greatly appreciated.
    thank you very much


    Each agent is telling NO (I cannot get the normal extension and then get a volunteer visa later).  That may just be a sales tactic though, to get me to buy one of the higher priced volunteer visas immediately.

    They are saying I have to get the volunteer visa NOW. (by tuesday have it submitted).

    Did Thai Visa Center say you CAN do that?  That also might be the trick:  Getting an "extension" based on your availability of them still.  I just don't know if they are recognizing those extensions after the amnesty.  I'm afraid they'll stamp mine "covid" regardless.

  7. 13 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    If you qualify there should be no issue getting a visa. You can either do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you. If you pay someone to do it for you, you will have to pay them.  Claiming you're being "hustled"  implies you are being cheated. I don't think willingly paying someone else to do work you don't want to do falls into that category.


    Can the organization you volunteer for not help you with this?

    The implied *possible* "hustle" (and it may not be), is that I cannot get a simple 30 day extension at this time and seek a long term visa next month.  Saying it won't be possible next month is my reference here. 

    This is a common scarcity tactic in sales.  I have no issue with it. It's how the world works.  But a duck is a duck is a duck.  So, I call it a duck.

    Oh...and each have said it's not possible to get lower priced than what they were offering.  This thread has proven that to be another false tactic...as I've now found at least one that will do it for 22,000 baht less (that is respected).


  8. 5 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Nothing new about visa services and people that are willing to pay for them. 


    If you qualify and they are only helping you process your paperwork it's generally pretty cheap. If you don't qualify and the are helping you cheat it is much more expensive.

    I qualify.  Do I have time to make sure I do everything right? no.  Prefer to hire a (trusted) pro.  

    that is the caveate though...finding a "trusted" profesional.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Agents are lying to you. 60k for 15 months at Thai Visa Centre in Bangkok and 55k for 15 months at VIP Visa in Pattaya. You can get a medical visa at short notice if you don't have time to get that visa. 


    You're currently being subjected to high pressure sales tactics by scam artists. Ignore them.

    I know I'm being hustled.  Not a lot of choices when you are the new kid and don't know all the ins and outs.

    Kind of funny how bad they are with business accumen, but how much they love to run a hustle in these moments.  Pretty good at it even.

  10. Who is charging 70K?

    3 Different sources.  2 Agents.

    I've been quoted 55k for 12 month, and 65k to 77k for 15 month.

    Told there is no 3, 6, or 15 by first agent.  Says big boss retiring in one year and will only do 12.

    1 seemed too unreliable.  I won't deal with her.  I don't do business with people I don't get along with.  

    Last is "inside". 

    With their money window closing, I just got an offer to do a 90 day volunteer for 25k.

    Not great, but a little softer.


  11. 10 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    There are some overpriced agents who have always charged that. Nothing has changed but if you want a volunteer visa you might have to get a 30 day extension or medical visa first. It's probably better to wait it out and see what comes of this long-term tourist visa proposal first. There will always be a way of extending your stay in Thailand through an agent if it comes to nothing.

    Being a relatively new international traveler, I hate to bank on that "always a way".  I've met SOME connections.  But no godfathers.

    I've got an hour to make a decision.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    When you apply for an extension based on an Embassy letter , you initially get 20 days for consideration and then you have to go back to get the extra 10 days .

       Immigration may not process the volunteer visa with the 20 day consideration allowance .

    If you are applying for a normal 30 day visa extension, that 20 day consideration issue shouldn't be a problem (As you would get the full 30 days )

    Well, I still have a 30 day extension from when I first arrived.  **But I have no idea if they are even honoring those after the amnesty.


  13. 2 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    Anyone banking on using the 30-day embassy letter extension followed by applying for a Non O (conversion) visa at Immigration, beware!


    The embassy letter extension is taken under consideration, with a report back date that does not leave you the 15 days needed to apply for the visa.

    can you elaborate?  how does the embassy letter change valid dates to apply next month?

  14. 3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Those volunteer  visas take 15 days to process , so today is the last day to apply .

    If you can get a 30 day visa extension, that should give you enough time to apply for a volunteer visa.

    The talk of a 270 day tourist visa is just talk at the moment and it would probably only be available from Embassys abroad . 

       You could wait until September 24 th and then apply for a 30 day visa extension and then apply for a volunteer visa 

    Yeah. Not banking on the 270 day visa materializing either.

    But taking another 30 day extension or "Covid" visa makes sense to me before applying for volunteer.  Was shocked at their price gouge during this.  All 4 are playing the card, "we don't know if they'll allow these next month" to me.

    70k is some decent pocket change.


  15. Does anyone know if this is true?  Agents are asking near 70k to acquire a 12-15 month volunteer visa (depending upon agent).

    Their big scarcity tactic  is, you have to apply to get one before today is over.

    Then their is talk of 270 day tourist visas coming out next week.

    Then a SMALL chance of further amnesty (yes, there is a chance still.  Not one I'm banking on though)

    I can easily get another 30 day extension right now.

    But of course, all I'm being told is that I will no longer qualify for a volunteer after today.

    Any truth to this?  I can't see any reason why I wouldn't qualify next month either.  It just makes fiscal sense to wait and see if this other tourist visa gets enacted that is a mere 2-8000 baht if I can still get a volunteer visa next month.

    Any insider peeps lurking here knowledgeable about long term volunteer visas?

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