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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. Columbus Ohio is a fantastic area to check out.  Even places close to downtown are going to be very cheap compared to where you are moving them from.

    However, not sure if that would be a great move just for winters, seeing how it is also a city with Northern winters (although not nearly as brutal as NY or Cleveland or Buffalo or Chicago.

    I mean, if I'm moving for 6 months I'd like to move somewhere warm.  Downtown Fort Myers might be an option then.  Cute area and a little main street area with restaurants.  Lots of fully furnished places.
    Very elderly city (oddly so). Cheap flights to the north.

    ***NOT anywhere in fort Myers,  ONLY DOWNTOWN Ft Myers you want to search.  Reason is, FL in general is a TERRIBLE place for transit.  Everything is 30 minutes away minimum.

    But if they are willing to move year round.  Definitely look into Columbus Ohio.

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, inwardglee said:

    Is nobody surprised that now that there is communication that Bangkok and the country altogether will gradually open up to some degree, there is still no talk of Pattaya opening up or removing the blockade of the city.

    To my mind this city has had less cases than other places, it is definitely not a hot spot like Bangkok, yet the measures are strict, even overstrict, and there is no talk of opening fitness centers here again like in Bangkok, and the beaches like the parks in Bangkok, and above all the roadblocks.


    Any ideas why there is this specifically tough treatment of Pattaya, and when that will improve? 


    Bangkok just delayed any openings...and said "no" to 2 day alcohol selling too.

  3. yeah. too small for what we are looking for.

    I may even take off to Bangkok if Pattaya doesn't match their relaxation of re-opening.  

    I sorely need a gym or condo/hotel gym to be open for use asap.  ...or I might hurt more people that C19 lol

    ...and it would be nice to get out of house SOME.


  4. nooooo.  Just get the economy and shops open first.  Importing the virus back in they'll lock everything down again.  

    rules of study of science state only change/ add one variable at a time so that you can monitor the effects.  Add 2 or more and you don't know the reason for the effects.

    OPen for awhile...monitor, THEN open up the country for international traffic again.

    • Like 1
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  5. @SteveK and @kekalot are right.  content, or NEW content is limited.  But if you've never had it, you'll have a year solid of 40 hour a week shows to watch...

    BUT you'll need to ask your friends what shows to recommend.  Theres a good 10 years of history at least of shows to get recommendations on that used to be on HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, the movie theatres, then their own original content.

    They are not going to advertise it to ya, becuase, well, it's old.  But it's in there. Tell people what you like, then ask for similar recommendations and you'll get a 100 suggestions minimum I bet.

    And when it is no longer a use...cancel it.  (or jailbreak it, but that sounds too techy for you at the moment ????


  6. 29 minutes ago, 2long said:

    The Mom & Pop shops are running out, or have already run out.

    This two-day window enables them to stock up, and sell beer throughout May, thus everyone saving face... 

    Winner winner, chicken dinner.  

    This isn't for peoples to restock in massive amounts.  It's for the small shops to restock to supply the determined drinking masses.

    YOu can get whatever you want still, but makes it less easy, keeping the big gatherings down.  Plus reasons to collect baht fines

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1.  I forget how many accounts you can have from one "paid" account.  Like we have 5 different profiles on our one account. (not their intention, but whatever, we do it).  Each profile will start showing you different shows you might like (it learns your taste in tV).  It also tracks what you've watched in the past and have not...and will restart an episode for you wherever you left off.   

    And, even if you are using just one profile in your house...you can both watch different shows at once on different TV's in the house (I think).


    2.  Yes, you can use all those devices. and anywere you go.  We bought ours in US, have lived multiple places.  It's SaaS/cloud based, so anything that can get online can play it.

    3. Super easy.  If you can flip channels on cable, you can watch netflix.

    4. One fee (maybe $12.99 usd/mn ?) .  watch all you want.  Put your credit card on the account online.  Easy to cancel if you want.

    5.  Smart TV's apps sometimes suck/ are terrible and don't work well.   If your's does not after getting Netflix, buy an Amazon Firestick or Rokue stick.  Both are around $60 to $80 USD. We Very small boxes about the size of a pack of gum.  You can plug them into any tv then and come with their own remotes.  I think you'd like this and recommend getting one or the other.  Firestick is probably slightly better.

    Netflix probably has a free trial if you wanted to mess with it on your computer first.  On pc might be a little tricky at first because they auto play trailers when you hover over a show's link.

    You'll have too much Tv for a lifetime if you join...and years of great shows to catch up on.

    Hope this helps ya!

    • Thanks 2
  8. 8 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    you may be right, it looked like 300 meters from top floor tho

    Never been to walking street, except to get to pier. So that doesn't bother me.  Will definitely check out Vt6 too then ????. The low rise condos are fantastic...but having a sea view would make the gal happy.

  9. 10 hours ago, natway09 said:

    I was going to say how many M2 do you want ? For me anything under 60m2 is like living in a box

    There are 6,000 apartments for rent or sale under 42 M2

    agreeed.  especially since I work from home and my gf lives with me (who has absolutley nothing to do but interupt work all day).  Need the space for sure.  It clears up mental space to be creative.

    Any suggestions?

    I'm REALLY hoping Pattaya has some relaxation on what has to be closed, then amenities will be nice add-ons as well, like gyms, pools, etc.

  10. 11 hours ago, Caine said:

    I've found a brand new condo complex 1 bedroom overlooking beautiful salt water pool, kitchen, 2 air con units, Sky TV, Free Wifi,  Cleaned twice a week including bed linen and towels. Electricity and water at Government rates. 11300 Baht a month but I'm keeping it to myself don't need the dross there. ????????????

    Well, that is a DEAL.  If there are any more available, please pm me.  I'll try not to be a Dross lol

  11. 12 hours ago, OffshoreMig said:

    Pratumnak. Jontiem anywhere away fro the Centre

    I'd say Centre is actually best area right now (while there are no tourists).  You can still get shopping done and multitude of eateries.  Very few people (comparitively when its normal times)...but just enough it doesn't feel like a ghost town.

    Not only that, prices are way down for rentals ????. Just my little bit of lemonade from all these lemons being served.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

    Can I ask.........what is anybody's take on renting/buying a pool villas/house in the Pattaya area? 


    Villas/houses seem incredibly good value compared to condos both in terms of rent or purchase.


    Is there a catch?

    Villa owners have been much more willing to negotiate lower rent prices.

    Not sure if that info helps you at all.

    • Thanks 1
  13. The girl knows what she wants.  And what she wants in a relationship.  Nothing less will do.  I have no problem with that and even respect it.
    -I have zero respect for how she is throwing fits.  That is also a sign of lack of simple cordial respect and gratitude towards what you've done already.

    She's stated what she wants and will tolerate. Or she walks.

    You need to ask what you want out of a relationship?  Draw your line.  If they don't meet.  It's time to cut your losses.  Maybe your line involves giving her what she needs to get where she wants?  Great.  Do it and take pride in it, don't hold it over her head anymore.  If it makes you miserable, if it's driving you broke, if your life isn't how you want it...DESIGN the life you want and live THAT instead.  (which might mean without her).

    I"m sure you have emotion invested in this.  That you want to be a good man.  That all you seek is some gratitude and accountability (and justifiably that this biz is yours too {in writing}.  
    -Also sounds like the reason you are not leaving is guilt. Whether internal or external from her.

    And from what you say, there will be no compromise from her.  So choose:  Live the life she wants and be happy. Going all-in is not a bad thing.  
    or Live the life she wants and be unhappy.  Staying becasue you are "supposed to" or it's "the right thing", or 'you should be married by now" or whatever other world standard that runs your internal compass.

    or Leave and live the type of life that would make you happy.
    Unlike the States, when you break up with a gf where she can have dates lined up by the weekend (throwing salt on your wounds)

    ...while it might take months for a normal guy to get some opposite sex attention rolling again in the States; Thailand you could walk out the door and have a legit date (and yes, bought dates as well which a lot of posters here talkd about as welll)  by dinner. Little nicer when what's good for the goose is good for the gander, no?  Takes the edge off the bite.


    2 choices you are happy.  One you are not. 

    The two happy choices you have to go all-in and make a DECISION.  And decisions are hard. But its' wortht he angst of making it to quit living in misery.


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  14. 6 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    Lockdown means no travelling to Pattaya from outside provinces.  How are you getting here (you mentioned looking "online" so assume you are not here yet) 



    No.  I live within the lockdown area.   Actually quite nice and serene with no vacationers ????.  One of the big reasons people don't like living in this area is all the congestion.  Absolutely none of that now.

  15. Get minimum 20 minutes of daily sun (vitamin D)

    Take your multi vitamins.

    Drink about 5x the water you said now.  at least 4.  Start every morning with 1 liter immediately.  do this 4x a day (it's really not bad, just chug room temp water).  This will actually help your diet as well.  

    Look for some blue blocker computer strain type glasses online.  YOu are probably glued to either compute or TV or both all day long now.

    Some intense, short exercise wouldn't hurt either (less than half hour day). Not walking or jogging.  Some form of HIIT exercises would work or resistance exercise if you have a gym.

    These should help greatly with what you are already doing.

    good luck

    • Like 1
  16. 21 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Reading this thread, and mainly post #7, I would absolutely avoid Centric Sea or the Base if I wanted to live in Pattaya.

    They are mainly "AirBnB hotels" with a permanent traffic of tourists with suitcases in lifts and a lot of noise from these tourists, mainly from Chinese who often keep their door open and shout to each other from a room to another!

    Also keep in mind that the quality of these condos (and many other recent ones) is very bad on the soundproof point of view. A friend of mines bough in Centric for his retirement and sold after only 6 months of living in, because of the noise. 

    Unixx in my opinion suffer to be too eccentric. Not on a bahtbus road and lost in a part of the city with no shops. Where do you go when you just want to have a meal?

    Last point: Most these recent condos are tiny. They are made for a 1-week stay. Apartment starting around 24 sqm (!) and 1 bedroom around 32 sqm ! Yes they have bigger ones, but prices increase a lot...

    We stayed at the BASE for two weeks until our current place opened up. Same owner owned both units so we got a good price.  22 floor sea view.
    Great view, great location.  DISGUSTING PLACE.  I killed over 12 cockroaches in that two weeks.  Showers were like prison stalls.
    I would NEVER recommend it.

    As for tourists...this is a ghost town right now in half the places.  So no real worry about traffic, etc. 

    I will say though, that when we go further in-city...Thais are out in full force living.  Doesn't look like a quarantine at all.  Good for them I say!

    Although, might be sad that mom and pop place inventory is running low lol.  

    I agree with the unnix location.  

    So far...best Condo's seen have been in Jomtien for size, design, and price.  Best views and paradise has been Wongamat Beach area.

    Best convenience is where I'm at now.

    We have like two more months, maybe 3.  REally had intended on spending a month in several places in Thailand...but doesn't seem realistic anymore.  If they open things up again a bit, who knows.

    • Like 1
  17. On beach road the other day, the People being kind, are, well, just people being kind.  They have no ability to set up all the requirements, but just want to make sure food is given out to those in need.

    They don't have the resources to organize the way teh city wants...BUT they are resourceful and learn quick.

    When I walked upon it (accidentally while on way home from supermarket) , there was a huge line.
    Then I watched everyone scatter suddenly.  I was a bit confused.
    Then I see the police drive by a minute later.

    Apparently they set up look outs.

    Is this the best way to help?  Idk. But I'm glad people are out there still trying to help those in need ????

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