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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. 7 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    DTAC full unlimited (well, 100 mbps max, but no cap on transfer) is 1299/month and available from DTAC shop. The 1/4/8/10 mbps unlimited SIMs are available from Lazada/Shopee. Mutt Daeng even posted a link to one of these above. But you have to use the number that you get - can't transfer your number to it, so it's only for new number. Available from DTAC/AIS/True for roughly same prices.

    Odd.  I've ONLY gone in to the dtac shop (pattaya central mall) and the most ever offered at unlimited to me was 20 (as a special) at that price.  Otherwise I paid 1299 for 10mbps every month I renew .

    I saw that from matt.  Will probably take advantage of that.

    You are saying ais also has deals on lazada like that?.

    I don't care about the phone number...but does changing phone number mess up our LINE and whatsapp accounts on our phones?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mutt Daeng said:

    I agree with your comments regarding signal strength etc. Obviously, anyone who intends to buy one of these sims needs to determine which provider will be best for them BEFORE buying the sim card. As for topups, they can be done using Mobile Banking on your phone, so no need to go to a shop to do it. I am also getting a lot of marketing SMS on my new sim but that doesn't faze me.

    I have had to go in each time.  It won't accept my credit cards or bank cards (US based banks).

  3. 21 hours ago, robblok said:

    Unfortunately we are all different. But it probably means you could gain some nice muscle easy. Usually its those like us that get fat easy that can get muscles easier too. Its a trade off. 


    I must be super strict to keep progress but have less problems hanging on to muscle when dieting.

    Take me back about 1000 years ago and I had the metabolism that you wanted.  Could last days on a single meal. While all the fast metabolism people would die from hunger lol.

    Hated a couple of my buddies in high school.  They'd eat a liter of ice cream and it might as well have been steak and eggs and avacado super food as they would gain muscle.

    Tagged, one of those buddies was in the military too.  When he'd go back every summer for the Reserve, he'd put on close to 10kgs muscle.  At home he was just a stoner who ate pizza and ben and jerry's. 

    Genetics are source number one for what kind of results you get from the diets you try.

    And most of these that I've seen in this thread will work...IF you stick to that principle of that diet.  EVEN high calorie keto can gain lean mass while cutting fat if you stick to it.  

    But don't be mixing the different diet principles, you'll usually just fail while you are THINKING you are dieting.    Just a recipe for failure from my experience.

    • Like 1
  4. Time to MAKE UP and SPOIL HER.  

    Take a family 'vacation' to your legal home country.

    Then do whatever you want now that you are playing under fair rules of engagement.

    She doesn't care.  You'll have to understand that to make wise logical decisions instead of from the heart once you can actually do what's best for your son.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  5. Restaurant owners closed it down.  This 'illegal gathering' has been a daily occurrence since bar and restaurant closings over 3 months ago.

    I live on second street, so I have to use it for one way daily to get to and from home.

    It's 50/50 Thais and non Thais.

    Mostly  never thought too much about it.

    Although I did nickname it "Degenerate's Row" lol.

    Then I started hearing music being played again, with restaurants open.  

    It started to start feeling like life was being re-injected into the city.

    Then I saw the Pub/restaurant close.  I wondered why.

    then the open pub/restaurant next to Tree HHouse close again after just being open two weeks.

    I was thinking the new medspa clinic that was just built was buying them out? Or maybe they complained.  (What and why you would build a clinic in a bar/entertainment district is beyond me.  What else would you expect as passerby's?

    But, then it hit me.  Nobody cared all these months thhat people were drinking out there and gathering...

    until restaurants could serve alcohol again.  Almost to the day, that's when that gathering space was dispersed.

    I'm now going to retire my honorary Sherlock Holmes badge and get some work done for the day. 


  6. If you ride a bike, you will get hurt =

    if you learn to walk, you will fall down and get hurt

    if you love, you will get hurt.

    If you talk to others, you will get sick.

    Best to quarantine yourself, stay in bed, stay away from people and live in a sanitized protected bubble,... 

    Damn thing is...you'll still die one day.

    Truth is, you don't have a clue how your end will happen.  So go LIVE instead of worrying about "IF" x y or z will kill you..

    • Thanks 1
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