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Yorkshire Tea

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Tea

  1. Why not hold it in the school holidays? Yet another day off school ????
  2. Location & geology would be helpful info.
  3. Much prefer western tourists to the hordes from Bangkok that turn up for New Year & all the 3 day weekends ????
  4. Another thumbs up for Xiaomi. Easy to get new filters, although we're still using the ones that came with the units.
  5. We had similar on road 1317 east of Chiang Mai. Too many accidents, so now a concrete barrier has been erected to separate carriageways. That central reservation is not wide enough to wait on to turn right, without risk of being hit from behind, or by on coming traffic.
  6. First thing they need to do is crackdown on drivers with illegible licence plates. Once all plates can be read by traffic cameras, they can then introduce this points system.
  7. Are rice farmers pumping groundwater 24/7 to flood their fields?
  8. Where can I report the noise pollution created by these flying lawnmowers?
  9. Couldn't watch True4U last night on my computer.
  10. Yep. Family back in UK complaining that bonfire night now means several nights of random loud fireworks all through the night. Too many a$$holes in the world.
  11. With an appointment, do you still have to get your papers checked outside, under the tent, before joining the queue inside?
  12. Disarm most of the police.
  13. Agree to some extent, but not sure about yabaa.
  14. I thought a "gun amnesty" was to give people time to surrender illegal guns, not to register them. The proposed amnesty is crazy!
  15. CNN should broadcast a travel review of Thailand, warning prospective visitors of all the scams & environmental pollution ????
  16. Schools still requiring ATK tests for kids every week & masks. Time for this to end!
  17. I always buy in bulk at Makro. Save money & then when I sell the cans at the recycling shop it's a win win situation, almost paying me to drink ????
  18. Bad advice!
  19. Wear a mask when you go to immigration.
  20. I wonder if they had insurance.
  21. Yes. last year I got mine 3 weeks after submitting in Chiang Mai.
  22. Floods might get worse. A lot of water heading south from up north ????
  23. The PA system is for everday life, not just during emergencies.
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