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Yorkshire Tea

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Tea

  1. It's a car, not the Mona Lisa. Live with them ????
  2. Seen a few on the roads. Look way over priced already ????
  3. I preferred it when there were plenty of cheap guesthouses in the mountains. Now it's all overpriced Instagram crapholes.
  4. Cash is king. You'll miss it when it's gone. I only use banking apps to pay bills. Everything else, cash. Use it or lose it.
  5. Sounds like you've got the same attitude as the locals. I'm not suggesting kids start picking up snakes, but that they abandon the idea that all snakes are out to kill you. No need to panic & kill them like the Thais often do. Just give them space & leave them alone.
  6. Execute a few corrupt officials. The rest will change their ways ????
  7. Schools should educate kids to recognise snakes. Most are harmless.
  8. You're probably paying too much for those due to price gouging by sellers here. I buy Typhoo teabags on Lazada cheaper than in UK.
  9. How many of the road deaths are "4 wheels" hitting & killing motorbike riders that then get classified as a 2 wheel death?
  10. It's one of the Hmong villages off the "Samoeng Loop". https://www.google.com/maps/@18.8861195,98.7858674,1192m/data=!3m1!1e3?authuser=0&entry=ttu
  11. That was during covid. Maybe GH owner desperate for custom?
  12. The advertised prices for installation I've seen are a complete ripoff. Seems the best way to go is DIY or buy the components yourself & find competent electrition/handyman to do the install for you. Any suggestions for the latter around Chiang Mai?
  13. This year, the governor tried to cut down on burning. It worked at first, and AQI was around 150 (not good, but not "hazardous"). This was probably due to smog blowing in from neighbouring countries & provinces, feb-march. Then in April the Chiang Mai forests were lit by the mushroom pickers. That's when AQI went through the roof. Thankfully i was out the country for April.
  14. Thai bureaucracy at it's best. One time, I used my DL to get the residence certificate to get my new DL ????
  15. Pretty sure I've read of the locals complaining on Facebook about this. Should they find another area to live?
  16. Sure he wasn't wearing baklava on his head?
  17. I phoned as soon as they start work in the morning. 15 minutes wait. If you get disconnected after the initial announcements, keep trying.
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