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Yorkshire Tea

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Tea

  1. Do you offer to pay more when out shopping?
  2. If you're travelling with family, each passenger needs their own contactless card.
  3. Do you need to use a blue or black pen for filling forms in?
  4. Had the same problem last year. Petty bureaucrats ????
  5. A bit like abstentions in the PM vote counted as no votes ????
  6. If the seat is empty it should be up for grabs. When you make the booking you are offered the chance to reserve "premium" seat locations. Fair enough if people want to pay for that. But those seats are still in economy class, same as reserving an ordinary aisle seat or window seat. If no takers for paying extra, let people choose to grab them once the doors are shut. Feel sorry for those who end up in the middle seats.
  7. Was that after they boarded the flight or when booking their ticket?
  8. I get A/C work for my old pickup done here https://www.google.com/maps/@18.7501356,99.0099581,3a,73.9y,95.45h,92.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPYxE1MOHxJPv2e27Lq4vwQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu On the Old Lamphun Road south of city.
  9. It's a crazy system. Surely we could submit all documents on line to passport office in UK, then when everything ok'ed & new passport received by VFS send passport to VFS in exchange for new passport (with old passport returned). In the UK you apply on-line & then send your old passport to passport office. No showing up in person. Expats are treated as criminals here.
  10. Why can't the application be done on-line?
  11. My money is on the EV side causing the fire ????
  12. Yes. About 11cm wider than a regular Ranger, although I see a lot of Raptors with extra wide tyres extending beyond the body.
  13. You were lucky. I'm having problems with financial institutions that won't accept bank statements printed out from downloaded statements.
  14. Thanks for the input. But their 5x micro inverters are 3900 each on Lazada, And it includes "installation". Difference between their inverters & no-brand inverters from China? All other advertised solar installations seem way more overpriced.
  15. https://psisat.com/shop/easy-plug-ct-05/?fbclid=IwAR09wRV3b7JmB0bITQ_z-HjOcwG46khzSu9GNS9_g3QT4uieaZWl9lV3SD4 Seems reasonably priced. What's the catch?
  16. Buy the monk an assault rifle & a crate of ammunition.
  17. Not seen any action such as fogging machines for years.
  18. I found it. Does it work in daytime?
  19. Does it work in daytime?
  20. I'm guessing alcohol consumption voided his insurance. In which case, what's the point of travel insurance?
  21. Nowt wrong with a bit of verbal abuse. Better than using an iron bar ????
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