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Posts posted by Muzzique

  1. 17 hours ago, Blumpie said:

    You buy a new car and you need a medical certificate



    Yes, one to prove you're insane enough to take a new car out to play dodgems on the roads of Thailand.


    It's more the drivers of old cars that are the problem..


    As for a medical certificate... 100 baht from Dr Brown Envelope no questions asked. (500 for Ferangs of course).


    or just print one at home...


    These plans are 100% fool proof... 




    100% Proof that fools are making them up.

  2. 5 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

     This can't go on forever as the whole show will fall to bits shortly, and i'm not talking about Thailand i'm talking about the world...


    Remember the term new normal? I'm afraid it's man against nature at the moment. It will go on for as long as it will go on for.. So we just have to learn to live with it..  Anyone who is sitting waiting for things to go back to what it was before, is living in Cuckoo land....  There is no going back.

    Pandora's box I'm afraid.. 

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  3. On 2/2/2021 at 3:26 AM, bannork said:

    The article then goes on to describe the impact of EU red tape.


    The EU red tape was always there. It didn't just appear for Brexit. Other non EU companies were already dealing with it no problem.


    UK companies had years to get ready, they just didn't bother to. Now they're whingeing like babies. 


    Remember the 7 P's of logistics


    Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents P*ss Poor Performance.


    Plan for the worst, and hope for the best.


    I moved everything to Germany 2 years ago as I knew what a pigs ear the UK government would make of it.


    Trading to and from the UK post Brexit would just introduce to much expensive overhead no matter the outcome.


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  4. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    she kept it for herself and tried to hide its provenance and say it was her own money.


    Didn't cut the higher ups in I bet so was thrown to the dogs.


    They have to throw a few that way so it looks like they're doing something to smoke screen the extent of the the problem.


    Even the police are begging for money now the brown envelopes have dried up. Getting behind on their condo and car payments no doubt,

  5. On 1/29/2021 at 6:43 AM, webfact said:

    It is bad news for pub goers in Bangkok with Thailand’s Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) on Friday that bars and pubs in the capital will remain closed.


    Bad news for anyone who does not know how to drive a car, ride a moped, hitchhike or buy a bus/train ticket.


    I pity the 4 or 5 people who will be left in Bangkok next weekend.

  6. 13 hours ago, smedly said:

    It would be wrong to assume that lights in the bathroom are fed off the light circuit - especially in Thailand were standards are possibly not followed 


    I think you the added the word 'Possibly' by mistake


    Anyone who takes on Electrics in Thailand should start with the assumption that it's 100% a death trap and assume nothing. Work on the basis everything is live even if you switched the mains switch off.


    I feel sorry for this poor guy. A simple safety check and he would have survived. He paid a terrible price for 'assuming' everything was wired correctly. RIP 


    If there is one thing I have learnt in life it is never assume anything, especially when you are dealing with stuff that can kill you.. 







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  7. 23 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

    t a moron! you CANNOT fake a COE, as every COE is unique with a number on the top left corner. It states the Code of the embassy where you applied for  + a multiple digit number



    The stamped paper is simply the information the immigration officer uses to look up the online COE.


    I assume he didn't think that the Immigration service computers and databases Worldwide are linked somehow 


    Anyone who is stupid enough to think the printed paper IS the COE doesn't deserve to enter Thailand. 



  8. 6 hours ago, Wildliferescue said:

    While the government says there is NO money at all to help these businesses, they are discussing spending billions on a bridge between Hua-hin and Pattaya and submarines, neither things Thailand needs. 


    Yes. but one could imagine the last 2 are riddled with kickbacks (as is the moon rocket probably). Got to keep those affluent lifestyles going somehow when the other kickbacks are drying up. 


    There is no money left for the people and businesses because it's most likely in Panama being invested in Rolex's and overseas condo's. 



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  9. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    I think they have a Ministry For Stupid Ideas!


    What do you expect?


    You have people fighting to keep their jobs in a dead industry.  What else can they do but come up with ideas that can never work.


    For a nearly a year they have kept themselves employed by coming up with nonsense. The alternative is for them is unemployment. 


    I would do the same. The idiots are the ones who continue to employ them.

  10. 3 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Nobody in Thailand not die in this virus! Only country in the whole planet which not report almost any deaths in this virus! Amazing Thailand!


    But they are busy opening ICU equipped field hospitals with hundreds of beds for people who have "mild symptoms or none at all".  


    I suppose it's so they can all have quick lie down before they go home to self isolate.




    That should keep the 2500 staff members busy I'm sure.


    Looking after people who aren't really feeling ill or who don't know they have COVID as they are Asymptomatic.


    What other possible reason could they be opening for?


    There's no serious COVID problem in Thailand, is there. Not according to these government issued figures. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The field hospital has 308 beds and over 2,500 personnel to serve patients


    Why is this needed when no one in Thailand has COVID?

    If half of the people hospitalized die as is seen in other countries, then during the last 10 months, only 134 people have needed hospital treatment. That's about 1 person admitted to hospital every 2 days in the whole of Thailand.




    Why do you need 356 hospital beds with for this? I thought people stayed at home and self isolated if the were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms?


    The staffing ratio here means that even if it was full to capacity, there are still almost 6 staff for each bed for people who are not seriously ill.


    There is a distinctly fishy smell here and it's not coming from a prawn buffet or a bar girls love socket.




    18 minutes ago, champers said:

    All Brits should get the AZ/Oxford Uni vaccine FOC; we all paid taxes to help fund its development. It is the UK's gift to the world.


    All Brits resident in the UK will. As for the ones who left the UK, well they made their own beds and there they will sleep. You can't have your cake and eat it.

  13. So now everyone is tracked. You have no choice and you have no idea what else the app does. Listening in on calls, collecting personal data. monitoring texts and emails, accessing the microphone to listen to external conversations, etc. The press and social media can only report what the government dictates is the truth hidden in COVID regulations. It's 100% 1984.


    Be warned. Big Brother is watching you now.





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