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Posts posted by Muzzique

  1. 2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Are you saying with the new strain a smaller quantity of virus or a shorter exposure time will cause infection?


    Only that it can get inside your cells easier in order to replicate and beat the natural defenses. The odds of anyone exposed to the virus catching it are increased.

    Infected cells can also produce a higher payload of new virus copies into your body so the speed of the virus spread in your body may increase making you contagious in a shorter time from infection.


  2. Things are very tough when it comes to UK bank accounts. Even setting up with Transferwise and Revolut, utility bills in your name are required. Setting up an account is not as easy as it was before and will probably get worse once the Brexit trade deal closes.


    Some banks are flexible, and provided you maintain property or some asset in the UK, they will support you: Others are not.


    HSBC offer an expat account but the thresholds are high.


    I would advice you check in with these guys. There  is some useful information on site.




    I'm with Nationwide and use a UK virtual address. However I had the account in place before I left the UK. I had to jump through hoops with Revolut for my new UK account but I managed to do it from overseas.




  3. No one should trust that door handle is safe. A cleaner could sanitize it and 5 minutes later someone could have infected it again.


    You need to take responsibility for your own Safety. sanitize your hands after touching potentially contaminated item like a door handle, tap or a shopping basket/trolley. Or learn not to use your hands in the same way.


    If you need some help watch this.




  4. 34 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    He has a thai wife, maybe even a child, no need to throw him out of the country

    however a big fine is ok, and maybe some mandatory days as an observer in a night emergency

    hospital service, where he could see a lot of other idiots like him with less luck coming

    in pieces after an accident driving drunk


    He should have thought about the consequences before driving a lethal chuck of metal around risking killing someone else's wife, father, mother sister, brother or child.


    Luckily he just hit another chunk of metal and not a person. Could just as easily lost control and mowed into a group of people.


    Then like a coward he ran away. Shame on him.


    Driving while drunk is a despicable criminal act and kills far more people than COVID ever could.


    Throw him out and he misses his family he can take them with him.


    I say revoke his visa for life and anyone else who thinks DUI is not so serious.


    Before he goes have him meet a family who lost someone to a drunk. Then let them show him the effect it has had on them and how their lives have been destroyed. 


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  5. I have the feeling that the Thai government know that they have not hoodwinked anyone so they are trying to make us believe that it just arrived here, brought in from outside.


    Once they give the real figures of COVID in Thailand (by slowly easing them in) then tourists might believe that they are being honest. 


    We all know if it sounds to good to be true then it's a scam. Perhaps they've just woken up to this. Unfortunately it's not fooling anyone.


    Too little to late.

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