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Posts posted by Muzzique

  1. 2 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

    I'm not a criminal mastermind, but wouldn't it be better to overnight bus it to a province far far away with a bag of difference clothes etc and use small local buses to travel around to the machines. Then get a few different buses home avoiding big stations if possible. 


    Sounds like you have this all mapped out.

    All you need is printer and a bag of fake beards and you're away. 

  2. 47 minutes ago, Cobra666 said:

    My mum had it, and she is 73 yrs old with a serious underlying condition. She described it as a mild flu with a little bit fever, and just stayed home for a few days. She is still alive.

    I also have 3 colleagues who had it and one did not even notice it (tested after being in contact with someone with the virus) and the other two very mild symptoms with a little fatigue. 


    It's an unknown how it will affect different people. The one of biggest issue is the bodies reaction to the virus. Sometimes, the immune system overreacts to viral invaders resulting in T cells killing normal, healthy uninfected cells and causing tissue damage. However, there is a ‘brake mechanism’ that should kick in, causing T cells to reduce their activity and calming inflammation  once the virus is under control.


    For some of those that develop severe symptoms it appears that the 'brake' never cuts in to calm the over reaction, This then leads to the continued destruction of healthy cells in the lungs leading to pneumonia and death.




    It has something to do with the protein  ‘Foxp3’ that should apply this brake not being produced by some people so the brakes don't come on.


    it is therefore pot luck whether you are someone with this flaw and hit a critical point where you go down instead of up. I would assume that older you are the less able your body is able to repair the damage quickly so that would contribute too.


    There is still so much we do not know now so best keep yourself safe as you have said until the information becomes clearer.

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  3. 38 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    A silent pandemic then!  Well, Thailand does have an incredible ability to keep things hidden.  But we would surely expect to see the same sad sight of crowded hospital wards with sick patients fighting for breath. 


    We might explain the increased mortality as being caused by the effects of social distancing, poverty, etc.  So, people stop going to hospitals for their chronic conditions for example.


    I agree. There are a number of other factors at here that could affect this caused by the effect of the virus. The lack of tourists forcing businesses to close, causing lost employment, poverty and leading to people not being able to afford to go to hospital or buy proper medicines.

    It's hard to tell the reality as the social media and press restriction for COVID-19 reporting in Thailand are pretty tough.



    I think it's highly unlikely that we would see any negative press due to the strict censorship in place since March to prevent anything but the governments message being heard. So you should simply draw your own conclusions here.


  4. 10 minutes ago, bermondburi said:

    I remember posting the 1st link you have there in the past. Surprisingly the post was removed. 


    2 minutes ago, grumbleweed said:

    Viruses may become easier to spread because they have mutated. They don't mutate to become easier to spread.


    With viruses, they are running through evolution at high speed.  


    At birth, children typically have 70 new genetic mutations compared to their parents. With the time between parents birth and having a child being about 18 years.


    A virus however has between an 8-72hr replication period. Viruses are also working in the astronomic numbers of replications depending on the number of people infected.


    Most mutations are useless or  can be fatal. But the odd one brings an advantage meaning they are more likely to prosper.

    The larger the number of infections the higher the chance one virus can mutate with a change to help it become more successful.

    Evolution is just an inbuilt mechanism for all life based around probabilities. It's going to a be a war to keep on top of it. Until it is put back into it's box, COVID-19 will continue to randomly mutate with the possibility one of these mutations will be more successful than others at beating our immune systems. However your body is equipped to deal with these variations, it just need time to work out what it is and create a defense to it. No virus has beaten the human immune system in everyone who caught it yet.


    The higher the global infection levels the more mutations will be appearing so we are in for along bumpy ride I think for awhile yet.

  5. 20 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

    That is a most cynical comment and it‘s absolute nonsense. If „most of us“ were positive , quite a few vulnerable ones would be dead by now and hospitals would be overcrowded.. 


    There is currently a 8.5% increase in expect mortality in Thailand. Between April and end of July  2020 an extra 13000 people died than in the same months of the years between 2009-2019. This mortality data is taken from the Thai Bureau of Registration Administration. Whilst this does not mean COVID-19 is responsible it is hard to find another reason to account for this increase.


    There is more information and links here



    In addition random testing of all hospital staff in 52 cottage hospitals across Thailand between April and June 2020 shows that 3.7% of those tested have the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies' in their systems showing that they have had COVID-19 already.


    Random testing for all patient admissions (not COVID) within the same  hospitals during the same period show 12.1% carry the same SARS-CoV-2 antibodies which indicates previous infection.


    This report was created by the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, at Chulalongkorn University is shown here.




    So no, not everybody has had it. Thailand is doing as well as can be expected. You need to make your own assumptions based on the facts but it is clear that Thailand has had higher instances of COVID than we are lead to believe.


    Do your research and don't blindly trust figures supplied by people who may not want you to know the truth.


    Once you have that, then draw your own conclusions 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Phulublub said:

    Really? I am failing to see the overburden hospitals and trucks of body bags as seen in developed First World countries.


    As of start of August the expect mortality rate in Thailand was 8.5% above normal as compared to the years between 2009 and 2019.


    That equates to about 13000 more deaths than would be expected between March and the end of July.


    Thailand’s mortality data is taken from the Thai Bureau of Registration Administration. 


    Whilst this in itself does not prove those deaths are attributed to COVID, it's hard to find another reason for this large rise.


    You can read more about this here






    • Like 2
  7. 27 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    So if everyone was vaccinated we would still need quarantine ?


    No, provided we can trust the vaccines and certificates.

    However I'm sure there is a printing company somewhere in the World ready to create fake certificates. Also factories busy making fake vaccine.


    Wherever there is demand and limited supply someone will exploit it to make money. 


    Thailand is not in a situation to wait for this so it's highly likely they will open no matter the risk and remove quarantine as nobody will go there until this is gone..

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  8. image.png.b33f187ed78e406924540bf788828a66.png


    I am not involved in this enterprise, but I totally agree. There are future legal arguments that need to be resolved here but as it stands it is not an illegal service.


    By fighting change you just drive it underground as seen with the Record companies fight to retain DRM control  in the late 90's and early 2000's by resisting internet streaming. Now it is the biggest sales platform.


    By fighting the change the BBC are just adding power to the VPN, Real Debrid and Kodi based services. Time for the BBC to step up and embrace the future rather than digging their heels in. They are missing an opportunity here.



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  9. 44 minutes ago, Susco said:

    Iplayer is just an app provided by BBC, nothing to do with copyrights


    iPlayer provides VOD and as such is region specific.




    FTA streams have no regional block, provided you are not undertaking re-transmission.

    If you are a viewer receiving them within the country of origin you must have a suitable license.

  10. 1 hour ago, the green light said:

    i wonder if they can serve noodle soup on the flight

    that what Thai like to eat. 


    At the moment it's Durian but they are looking to add Pad Thai or mango sticky rice







    More info



    These space trials tests are successfully completed now.


    I would however advise anyone to stand well back from the capsule door when it opens for the first time after the return to earth.



  11. For those in the know, the British TV Club provides almost all live UK channels online for British Expats round the World over the internet without a VPN.


    It a fully legal service and priced at a reasonable £3.45 a month for full HD. Amazingly today they added an independent free Catch Up service.


    Don't expect a perfect Catchup UI interface as these guys run it as a service to support expats and are not big corporate entity, They released it in a rough and ready version so we can use it over Christmas while they perfect it going forwards.. 


    Works just like a normal home recording service so you can skip through the adverts if you want. Not like the current catchup services from ITV, Channel4 or Dplay. Best of all it's a free service for club members.


    At the moment it's limited to the last 24hrs only but I wanted to give these guys support for this project so I thought I'd list it here.


    It's a members only club but if you're not a member yet, just PM me for a nomination if you need one.

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