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Everything posted by Muzzique

  1. Normally when you´re masturbating it´s big
  2. At least the Chinese will know where it is all the time now.
  3. What a group of numpties. Anyone with an ounce of tech knowledge would know what not to do when running a highly illegal business redistributing live streaming DRM protected content. This is how they got caught. That´s like hiding your Man Cave porn stash in a top secret location in a hidden cellar beneath your garage, behind a secret door inside an alarmed bank level safe with a time-locked encrypted 10 digit biometric PIN CODE, only for your wife to find a disk left in the Blu ray player.
  4. The writing is on the wall here my friend. She is gripped by what seems an addiction and you need to take action to prevent any risk to your finances and yourself. If it was just playing for company it could be understood perhaps; but playing for 24hr and online goes beyond company and boredom. I have seen full well with my wifes sister her slow slide into the dark addiction hole. How the loan sharks sought her out and empowered her to continue using her family as collateral. The first we knew was when some very nasty guys came to our house demand we pay for her debts to keep our limbs intact. First thing to do is to protect your finances. Secure your assets and have full control over their access. Check your bills and all letters. Get new cards and pins. Move everything into your control. Getting a babysitter is simply going to enable her to play more. Disable all enablements. The maid, the take aways, the access to cash. If she wants to eat she has to cook it. If she wants a clean house she has to clean it. Go out as a family to eat rather than eat in, use it as a chance to communicate and try to clean the house together. If she is bored find ways to do things together that breaks the cards cycle. Be prepared to be strong. Non aggressive confrontation. You must not be angry or approach any discussion with potential escalation into an argument. Keep calm and peaceful in how you talk. Become the solution not the judge., Be prepared to walk away as people in the grip of an addiction tend to refuse to acknowledge it till it brings them to their knees Recognise gambling requires money and increasing demand changes people. You may be more valuable falling off a balcony than moaning at her. Make sure protecting your family should you pass away doesn´t become a route to financial fuel for her addiction. That assets don´t pass to her directly after you are gone until she has beaten the grip. Now it is time to protect yourself and your son, Once this is done then tackle the problem. You have a tough road ahead of you. I hope she is worth it.
  5. Did no one think that small objects can be dropped or fall onto a travelator? If it's not poor maintenance then it's a serious design flaw. Either way, there is no wriggling out of it.
  6. Absolutely the best way. Drill though the case into the disk and out the otherside.. Quick and easy.
  7. Who know what may happen in TH. Could go good or could go bad very quickly. Such is the political volatility of emerging countries. What we do know is it's a sham democracy. The rich and corrupt will never hand over control as there are too many snouts in the trough. A fresh government poses a threat to them, either in cutting them out of the gravy train, or purging them. If there is even a chance that their power can be compromised they will find a way to rip out the roots of the threat. For me the threat of grass-roots political turmoil is still bubbling away and the voice seems to getting louder. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.
  8. It's a workers market with every country trying to get external laborers. Who wants to jump through these hoops? Seem more like obstacles,. Another reason perhaps?
  9. And 2/3rd of voters are right. The key word used is "contributed," not "caused." Food price rises are linked to increased energy prices. Refrigeration, electricity, transport and business overheads. Fertilizer costs have increased by 200% compared to the start of 2022. The UK also has difficulty in recruiting workers for harvest and there is some increased export overheads Inflation has a multitude of "Contributing factors". Brexit is one but not the main one. This is a pointless article. It tells you nothing.
  10. The guy fled before the police came so probably up to no good. He dictated his lifestyle so has to live with the consequences. Stabbed in the calf, strange place The police are probably looking for a foreigner with a 2ft high girlfriend.
  11. Madgee shared a trail with the same enquiry Contact MS directly to clarify. In this enquiry it was stated by the requester it was a genuine email after they contacted MS but their reply could be fake . Only MS will know. Treat it as suspicious and a phishing email till you have contact MS directly to clarify Note to everyone. You can use a gmail email address as an MS account user email. This is not an email about a Gmail account, but an MS account where a Gmail address has been used to set up the MS account. I have multiple MS accounts that do not use MS email addresses and one of them, uses a Gmail alias.
  12. Seems a solid secure financial transaction process Bank → Chair → Crypto Exchange I see no risks here. I always do that when I have money to invest. Just explain to everyone online you have piles of cash and you want to buy Crypto then watch the great offers come flooding in. Who needs a financial advisor when you can buy NIGERIUM and SCAMCOIN directly from the people minting them. It's a no brainer. Also works for trying to find a young girlfriend who looks like a model.. Mine got stuck in the airport with huge airport taxes to pay, then was about to catch a flight but was hospitalised with 2 failed kidneys. I am funding her ongoing dialysis and her family keep losing a buffalo every couple of weeks. But at least she loves me ????
  13. Really? Who would have thought that..... I suppose the average IQ at the top of the police force went up from 7 to 9 on this amazing piece of deduction. Give that man a lollipop, shave his head and call him Kojak !!!
  14. Pros and Cons at a ratio of 1:1000 me thinks
  15. Thai home electric wiring and electric cars. That's a great idea. I hope they increase the number of firefighter to compensate.
  16. If you take the risk, you foot the bill. If the hospital let him go home before this, the bill will never be paid. So pay up. The hospital staff didn't turn him away. Go remortgage your home, sell your car, max out your credit cards and take out loans. Next time think about the risk and mitigate with insurance that covers all possibilities. If something where being intoxicated or not wearing a helmet invalidates the insurance, don't drink and put on a hard hat. Always travel fully insured and save your stupidity till you get home.
  17. He said the reason he committed the horrific abuse is that his girlfriend “would not follow orders,” I´d lock him up for a long time and force feed him Dog Poop 3 times a day (without rice of course).
  18. Of course. They have nothing to lose. After all there is no corruption and none of them face lengthy prison sentences if the new government gets power. It's like Turkeys voting for Christmas.
  19. Unfortunately they need 376 seats to have over half the vote so there is no majority not even a narrow one. Welcome to the banana republic of Thailand.
  20. I see another Myanmar coming perhaps. Depends on how much the people want the change and how much the army will protect the dictatorship. Tough time are coming either way. Pseudo democracy, where you vote but the results are ignored is not democracy, just a dictatorship creating the illusion of democracy to keep the peoples will suppressed. Get an emergency bag packed, check the flights outta here and let's all hope it doesn't come to that.
  21. Democracy in action. You can all vote. You can vote for whoever you want However, whoever wins can´t do anything Way too many nepotistic unelected snouts in the trough Sounds more like a dictatorship with a pseudo democratic top coat to make it look good.
  22. She will not be the last daughter of the leaf who will blow all her cash on drugs rather than think about going home when the cash is still there. It's is the precursor for the future that legalising MJ presents.. As to her sister sending money, I´m not feeling that vibe. If my sister was stuck in Thailand and ran out of cash I would not send her $10000. I´d pay for her ticket home and book a car from where she is to the airport. Sending a large sum of money to a stranded pot head in a country where MJ is legal is about as safe as asking a bar girl to look after your wallet while you go to the toilet. I have been so poor that I had no money for food myself. I was forced to rely on charity handouts. When you have depression you cannot think rationally nor see the way out. This seems to be a cry for help which someone should answer. The last time it was missed as I remember a young man jumped to his death at Bangkok airport Lets hope someone from her embassy sees this article and reaches out to get her home. That´s exactly what they are there for.
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