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Everything posted by Jenkins9039

  1. Thanks for clearing that up, no i am elite visa but was confused as always thought it was one or the other.
  2. Thought it was 65,000 per month OR 800,000 set aside for 4 months... When did the rules change? Sucks to be an old fart dancing to IO tune but the rules are the rules.
  3. Same happened to me, it was 'google store', continuous charges of 34 baht
  4. Opened for a year? Oct 2021 - Nov 2022? Fancy taking the yacht for a spin, but want that confirmed.
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6269215/Paul-Mercer-CEO-luxury-hotel-firm-quizzed-Thai-police-running-rubbish-collector.html
  6. https://thethaiger.com/news/north-east/family-attempts-to-sell-eyes-and-kidneys-to-save-home-and-farm Same thing really...
  7. Seems to be a general belief that tourists are coming to Thailand this year, I'd argue its evident they will be in (Europeans) Southern Europe, North Africa. https://www.surinenglish.com/malaga/passengers-numbers-continue-20211014115322-nt.html
  8. Possible but NOT definitive, i.e some of the requirements to enter Thailand don't apply to Elite Visa holders. Further the Visa's themselves are issued for 'Five Years' but you still need a annual stamp (leave, but don't have to leave) so Immigration in Bangkok (Elite Team) handle that (if in Bangkok) or email over docs if outside of Bangkok for local immigration, so IT could be enforced 'annually', No. 3) What is the cost analysis of how much more or less expensive the 20 Year Elite visa is compared with getting 20 one-year annual extensions of a marriage visa? Think of it as connivence and hassle free, i worked it out to be on par with those people that do visa runs if you factor in 'decent travel', and 'half decent hotel' etc as you go up the annual 5-20yrs etc its works out cheaper. Beside, its not really the cost, if you have the money and not the patience then that's the selling point. I was previously WP, Marriage, Investor Visa (40m) and now Elite, each visa prior was a headache, elite is 'all done for you'. Yes, you pay after being accepted (they run criminal checks on you internationally , and also run AML on your funds via world-service something). No, possibly, Elite is a 'tourist visa' but is considered permanent residence (for the duration), but permanent residence via marriage requires a marriage visa i understand. No, I don't believe the government would renege, its a contract... and works both ways, enforceable via failing to do so in most competent courts in most jurisdictions, Thailand could be held to account for violating a contract, and when there's 15,000 of us... it becomes a class action - stop listening to the guy with no pot to <deleted> in talking at the bar lol. Main one it should come down to is 'do you have the patience'? - if not, then its the visa for you.
  9. Ask the wife, its her decision i take it, i mean she owns the residence you sleep in lol
  10. Anyone know where this is done? - On Lazada i have no issues, but on shopee, every single transaction even if just 10 THB i have to do a OTP, its burdensome to say the least!
  11. Why not use wise and transfer baht into a baht account, its usually instant, and no charges, can withdraw straight from ATM. I was looking at FCD for tax reasons (Singapore mature for 12 months then bring in). But turns out the account doesn't serve the purpose.
  12. Recently went into a branch to open an additional account (with a new bank, opposed to existing bank, i bank with), its been something like 10yrs since i opened anything new, anyway, they looked at my visa and said oh Elite arrange this for you, so rang them, they've spoken to Kasikorn and heading to the branch tomorrow to open the account (freebies, and less requisites) They mentioned a SGD account (FCD) account, I previously had a FCD account with Bangkok Bank for my Thai company (EUR). Does anyone know how the FCD account works with Kasikorn ? (THB one i fully grasp lol). IS the FCD account a domestic or Singapore based ? - Kasikorn are operating out of Singapore also - hence the question, important reason (tax) and I generally think most bank staff give you the safest answer opposed to the facts if unsure.
  13. In the old days you used to be able to walk into a branch and slap down 50-100k and open one, but with AMOL laws now, the Thai Government cracked down on Thailand being utilised for funnelling filthy funds into and out of the country. So i think those days are long gone, unless you get lucky in a tourist area (malls) etc.
  14. Came across these photos when doing some research, thought i'd share. King Chulalongkorn in Western attire. King Chulalongkorn in formal attire. King Chulalongkorn of Siam & his party. Group Photo
  15. They are mainly dirt tracks with a few concrete roads, there's like 500 people living on the island, mainly in one area (mosque area) in shacks (literal)
  16. Once drove down the one way system in Phuket city at 3 am <deleted>, lost, police came down the right way, turned around and came up to the window, spoke to them, gave them the phone, spoke to the wife, then proceeded to guide me (following them) to the central mall main road area, and allowed me to go on my way. Sure times have changed, police are less helpful (silent chuckle), but for the most part even the Thai police in urban areas turn a blind eye then, as now.
  17. These dogs should be exterminated, plain and simple. As for the family, if there was some method to donate in these articles, i'd gladly donate.
  18. Probably the same as what happened when a Thai friends husband killed a family in one of those bike side cars at 6 am, go to the ATM, and trust the money is enough to stop the idea of a criminal case going forward which serves no one. Wife summed it up 'we need two kids, in-case one dies'. - If you want safety and security move to the West.
  19. Not really, i asked whether there's a 'license plate' requirement.... I'm not so worried if they are 'road-illegal' as it will be used at our holiday home which is on a island... and the roads there are not exactly roads for vehicles, and i doubt the trucks on there are licensed, insured or even tested by the government annually (due to their age) and the high costs (60,000 THB) to take them to the mainland, and (60,000) THB to bring them back to the island, same would apply to all the scooters either with side cars or without side cars, its just not economical for the Thai's on the island. So for me, it was just checking to see if a plate was needed, I doubt there's any enforcement (need a muzzler) and can go about my day using it when it arrives.
  20. You'd be surprised, i'd hazard most educated professional Thai's do, its the uneducated (past basic school) that don't. For years we've been dealing with 'someone' we thought was hard done by, turns out the someone picks up 22-25k a month, and now we are even more flummoxed on what she does with it, for always borrowing money, or asking for money up front (work), she once commented when her partner dies she has nothing, at the time there was questions/sympathy, now its like "you had 25k a month, most professionals work 8-5 5days a week for that (after tax, hers is tax free) and pay for cars, and homes etc Its a sheer lack of money management and pre-planning. My wife actually handles a lot of the funds/bills/management kinda like a PA around her own businesses/work etc and is smart, i've influenced /educated her on international options and she's taken to them like a beaver (savings/investments etc). One of her investments 15,000$ reaped 105,000$ return when its market rate popped, she reinvested the lot across other investments, and is slowly getting to understand opportunities and where to spot, and how to move into them and more importantly, when to get out of them...
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