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Everything posted by quake

  1. They are hardly going to arrest themselves.
  2. Were they ever hard.
  3. Looks like the cool season may have arrived yesterday Nongkhai 28, 27 today. Lovely.
  4. That's not 100% right, It's women, Children and Welders first.
  5. Yes his father did make a tool and he named it Keir.
  6. Yes, The wide awake club will be right on the case.
  7. Not a good idea. Many would die of hyperthermia. Just take them back to france, no if's or but's.
  8. Do not bring them to the uk or let them land on a uk beach. Dump them by force back on a French beach. Simple.
  9. Yes there is. ( not of the disabled type) But they are pay toilets / showers on the side of some shops not local government run.
  10. Bought stuff for 25k through Lazada. No problem.
  11. Yes same me at our house. 28 in the front room , 27 in the bed room, i do still use a fan in both rooms. One thing to note. Last year I had two LG duel inverters fitted to my condo. bedroom set at 27 fine. But front room set at 28, i was standing on the balcony and realized the unit was cycling ( that will gobble up the electric ) I found I had to have it set at 27 max, to get it to run correctly.
  12. I wonder how much his driving license cost.
  13. Ok Gob <deleted>e. Wat's make plenty of noise every day. the one near me i can hear the chanting on there Pa system at 6 am most mornings. so that prove your full of it. Next. Gobbler. Ps, Let alone the fund raising events in the temple grounds that most wat's have. Yes a very quiet event.
  14. Yes please explain your silly post.
  15. Is there some point to your post ? Never hear loud music from a Wat, what about loud noise ]]]
  16. Yes, sometimes they do stand in the middle of the road. Just have to keep eye s front when approaching a road block ( tea money shake down )
  17. When was the last party you were invited to. 1970 what.
  18. You forgot the Hammer. This is required to hammer the earthing nail into the wall. RIP. I doubt that he was a qualified electrician. Just on the job training, taught all the bad ways from on more fool.
  19. Nice to see the resident Asean Now school girls. Still mud slinging.
  20. No, I would spill it.
  21. Give it a few weeks, if it's still to noisy. Move again. Noise is all part of Thailand's culture. But yes, I see it as manly anti social behavior by a selfish few.
  22. He needs jail time for a hit and run at a police check point. Bang him up, then deport. Scum bag.
  23. Yes , your correct I don’t have the answers at hand. Top marks. Now the uk has been run by total idiots for the last 27 years ( I left 26 years ago ) It all started to go wrong when Tony Blair got in. ( WMD ) maybe he should be in jail for that one. Let alone the new Labor slogan, Fair Blair and all that. What a joke. ( did you vote for him, I wonder ) Now is the time for change, and Reform will be that very long overdue change that’s needed. Now you can go on voting for Labor or Conservative if you want, or any others, it’s your choice. And would never take away choice or free speech from anyone, unlike some posters on this forum would like to. But the True definition of stupid. Is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. Carry on now.
  24. I think when anyone mentions Nigel Farage. It's an instant Trigger. One more time. Have a look at the next leader of the uk Government. Sir Nigel Farage.
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