So what would you do, if falang or Thai in this circumstance, soaks you with water. laugh it off, or go back and start a fight.
I think anyone who thinks they can control the waves over Songkran is an idiot.
Well, there was me thinking religion was the root of most bad deeds on this planet.
but, maybe I'm just off and pompous.
I'm ok with that, transman.
good day.
Maybe it's time to, not teach any religion in any schools
as it's all BS anyway.
When your an adult, you can join any of the whack jobs who believe in it all.
Religion would then go the same way as the dinosaurs.
Used a few times a year, saving pedestrians crossing the road and not looking at all.
they all lived, thanks to the horn on my car.
Now get out the way I'm coming through.
( that's the Thai drivers)
Oh look.
Not a Bald, Fat, 40 plus, Tattooed Falang in that one.
Oh is that the real Songkran some talk about.
How's that for a bit of balance outraged girls.
Happy Songkran.
Try not to lose it over the Songkran period.
just remember, smile.
Happy Songkran. ( just Thai kids having fun)
Oh this won't do, where are the Bald, Fat, 40 plus, Tattooed, Foreigners.
Must try harder foreigners, your letting the side down.