Come on, your just making excuses for bagging Songkran.
Get on your bike with some plastic bags, micro pore tape and elastic bands.
covering the foot, and go to your clinic or hospital.
your making it a big deal of it, it's not.
Well if you live in the countryside, get a car or pick up, like all the other people do where you live.
plastic bags do work, your local clinic could change any dressing.
your just belly aching.
have a victor.
Yet you still rode a motor bike with a damaged foot.
Come on, cover your foot up with a plastic bag same as if in the shower.
or get a taxi, over the Songkran period.
Wonder how many posters chow down on animals every day.
But get very vocal, about elephants in captivity being used for entertainment.
And I also wonder how many poster go and kill there dinner now and again.
just so they have not forgot what they are doing.
Ah, breakfast beer time it's Sunday.