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Everything posted by quake

  1. Just pay someone to do a proper clean once a year. strip down wash with small pressure washer. self cleaner air con. is BS. Good luck with all the sales gimmicks Ps obviously clean the small filters/screens yourself once a month.
  2. They don't want us here anymore. We mean nothing to them.
  3. Yes, There drinking buddies are the local police and magistrates. never a problem for them.
  4. Dam, Thought it was Bob Smith thread. Ps, Just a thought, can't you get one of them self test machines. If under Thai limit drive home , if over limit leave car / bike at drinking hole. Car bike maybe gone when you go back next day. so as they say in Thailand, up to you. Maybe go for the least expensive option in the long run, a Taxi.
  5. I understand that. But can you show me all the posts i posted where nonsense. because that is what you have stated. ( three pages of nonsense) that was your words.
  6. Who said I never questioned it Like I said, many government offices, for many different things, just make the rules up themselves. But, well done for schooling Buriram immigration on TM-30 issues. I have had two run-ins with Nongkhai immigration, in the past 3 years. I have had enough of there ways. ( just making stuff up ) the other issue was, not issuing a certificate of residence, for the renewal of a driving license, Reason was, current 12 months retirement extension was not issued in Nongkhai. so had to stop driving for 6 months. until it was 12 retirement extension time at nongkhai ( wonderful ) but the bright side was I could have a few beers all the time, as wife had to drive. I will be doing TM-30 stuff on line soon, I used to do it with the old system on line, just never got round to using the new one. I also just find some hotels at the present, that are happy with just my wife checking in. to avoid the TM-30 stuff. Again won't be an issue when I do it all on line, soon. But I bet it's a problem for some of the older ex-pats who are not computer savvy. and don't live close to nongkhai immigration office. It's about time they scraped this crazy 90 day and TM-30 reporting. Thailand needs to grow up.
  7. Nah, they know 100% what they are doing. Like many government offices for many different things, they just make the rules up themselves. Nothing you can do about it.
  8. It's yellow pill on Fridays, not the blue one, that's for Monday
  9. Well that's two. Maybe we need a pinned thread stating these rouge immigration offices. So no one gets misinformation. Ps, I wonder how many more could go on the list. and for many other things.
  10. Please go tell that to the immigration office in nongkhai. Please report back with your findings.
  11. 100 % depends on the immigration office you use. Nongkhai, not good.
  12. I think Bob Smith maybe part of the back office team at work. Team Dan, maybe.
  13. Maybe Aseannow, should make a new Sub Forum Call it, Biggest Whopper of the day. it would be a bit more honest than what we read now.
  14. Bs, someone or some object hit it. Possible point of impact.
  15. How to economize on toilet paper use.
  16. I think that's reserved for lady boys at fishing parks up country.
  17. Analog Porn.
  18. Chalk was added to the mix.
  19. The phone is most likely stuck to the desk now, right next to the tissue box.
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