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Posts posted by jcgodber

  1. U.S. law says that you MUST declare any amount of dollars over $10,000 I would think that the best way for you to go would be to wire transfer your funds and remember to file a TD F 90-22.1 to be in compliance for REPORT OF FOREIGN BANK

    I would carry $10,000 in American Express travelers checks in $1,000 denominations if you can find them simply because you will be charged a small fee for each check regardless of the size of the check ( bigger is better) the exchange rate is better than , say a $100 bill.
    Then wire the rest.
  2. Thomas is the BEST I have ordered many items in the past with no problems and timely delivery.

    I one time wanted something Thomas didn't have and he made the effort to find it for me.


  3. I simply use Crayons to mark plastic bags or boxes.

    Works great every time.biggrin.png

    The main reason I use crayons for marking is I use plastic boxes for freezing.

    I do reuse the boxes and with a little soapy water and a scrubbing the box tops come clean.

    Everything from beef stew, re-fried beans homemade spaghetti sauce and Chilli.

    I use zip bags for storing pizza slices ( homemade) and beef and bean burritos

  4. You really let that bother you ? A little "spray in the bushes" ? I would imagine that there is just one cat spraying ,as it is just marking their turf and a warning to other cats to stay clear. A little "poop" in the dirt isn't hurting anyone, and cats bury their poop.

    To my mind you are lucky to have cats around your house.

    ​Surely you must have more important thing to be concerned about in bah.gif your life.

    • Like 1
  5. I have lived here now for many years. I too cannot tolerate fries and bugs in the house. We never have flies inside. The very first thing I did was to screen all windows large and small.

    Do what most Thais don't , KEEP THE DOORS CLOSED !

    One of the most important things I did was spend about 5000 baht and install a garbage disposer. Many Thais put their food scraps in bowls outside for the dogs and chickens! NEVER LEAVE FOOD OUTSIDE !

    I have 4 cats I never leave their food out for the flies and critters. The cats eat 2 times a day and then their uneaten food is put away, except for dry food .

    To try to control the mosquitoes we have removed all standing water that has gathered from the rains

    good luckwai2.gif

    • Like 1
  6. Very sorry to hear this and I am sad, Meow lived a very long time for a cat. I hope that the vet will put her to sleep.

    I will say that I had a very bad thought. Perhaps the vet is reluctant to stop all his medical help because then he would stop getting a fee for service. As I say hopefully just a bad thought. I will be thinking about Meow and hope that she will rest in pease.

    • Like 1
  7. Seems like you have that white powder mildew in the hedge,

    Best to cut all the branches out that have the mildew, and then burn them. If not removed the mildew can spread to other trees near-by.

    I have used a spray made by Bayer called Sevin85 which seems to kill off the the insect that causes the mildew.

    Also good for hedges,trees and shrubs to keep the pests away.


    Thanks for your help I will give it a trywai2.gif

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