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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. They'll regret revealing the win, honestly, as it's tax exempt winnings in the UK, they'd be better off investing in a property there or putting it in the S&P with the new Foreign Income taxes especially as you've just announced it to the world, should have at least had said it was his winnings and had him only come for 179 days this year
  2. that is exactly the same as now for the majority of nations so just some extra ones I think it will be a flat 60 but you won't be able to do the 30 day ext, that will be reserved for the TV
  3. maybe I'll visit one day then, it was just the media telling me it was nothing but a red-light district full of old men in chang vests
  4. I do not believe 1m was offered and turned down at all (def not the 2nd part), if they had that either Elite visa or a legit company could have been set up
  5. Good for you, my stepdad does Sea defense work 3 months on 3 months off and the money is insane, I run my own business but sometimes wish I'd have followed him into it, less stress (but hard work when out there) and the work is always out there
  6. Very true, I'm guessing she tried to make it work over here and ran out of funds/time to find a way to support herself and waited until the last moment (just enough left to book the flight) before they opted to do the sensible thing and return back home. It's a learning experience, I'm guessing she will be back but will be planning it and having more emergency funds in future.
  7. Probably recently divorced and is now "finding herself" but not updated her legal documents Either way, I'm guessing these stops were overnights or required going through immigration, possible airline changes or there was no visa to enter India (assuming one may be needed) so perhaps doing a little research before buying the cheapest ticket possible.... though considering she had no funds left she probably had little choice than a possible 36 hr multi change flight. Sure if it was direct to England any airline would see its a UK passport and just allow it.
  8. That's 75% of Samui businesses opened in the past year f##ked, can imagine its been the same elsewhere unimaginative new shops popping up offering the best and cheapest and going bust or looking empty within 6 months.
  9. I'd take a guess he paid to have the story published to promote his online coaching...
  10. I know you are in the IDC until you can pay the fine and the flight home, but I've always wondered about the funds, do they allow you to use your cards, what if you have cash at your condo is there some leeway to retrieve it or do you literally have to have cash on you etc. I mean if you are overstaying and know about it why wouldn't you have 40,000 -60k baht (20k fine 20k-40k one way ticket depending on your origin country) tucked away to be in and out in a day or 2 until the flight
  11. Not the brightest, managing to flee then coming back 7 years later. If he is innocent surely you'd contact a lawyer/embassy to say you are coming back to defend yourself, still I wouldn't see the point as you are likely to still lose so just stay away, there's plenty of other countries to go to.
  12. I have no issue with protecting your child at any cost, but I was simply addressing a male adult who was suggesting to instantly pepper spray a dog, most the time it's just a dog barking saying get off my land, we wouldn't consider a human saying those words as dangerous. My landlord's dog often runs to the edge of the road and barks (mine live indoors, his doesn't), but he stops right at the edge and if the people keep going he doesn't follow. running, and cycling do present issues, dogs instinct is to chase it's not necessarily aggression, even my little 8kg recent rescue one gets excited and stands on his hind legs on the leash when he sees the Muay Thai dudes doing their morning run past us on our walk. I'm not usually one who likes fines (punishment for the poor but the rich do not care) but I agree until it is under control then punishment is required. Still, the normal thing here is they will say not my dog when it is and the dog gets into a problem, then if a stray dog is hit in the street by a driver suddenly there are 8 owners.
  13. I have a Golden retriever and 2 small Thai street dogs, it's not about being some big muscle-bound dude, it's about your posture toward the dog, if you are an adult male unless it's some giant dog, you will outweigh it and be way taller. Too many just get into panic mode when a dog barks and run turning their back, which is the idiots way of handling the situation and will get you a bite on your calf.
  14. I was literally responding to a grown man even referencing that fact, not a child, also it does work with packs you make sure you retain eye contact with the Alpha, again if you act like a little bitch then they know. Which "dog lovers" are you referring to exactly? Your solution would mean murdering all dogs, owned and strays for it to be a solution as we know owned unsteralised dogs are out there making pups because they are allowed to roam. I agree there is no good solution, sterilisation is best but unfortunately, you can not do that with the Thai-owned dogs and most don't bother so the cycle continues, so you'd be murdering them forever, I'd suggest education is the best way forward to limit the future issue.
  15. Barking is not attacking, it sounds like you react like a scared little girl
  16. Sorry but that is not true, pepper spray can cause many long term effects, including corneal ulcers which can lead to blindness... I've worked with dogs since I was a teenager at a local shelter, foster dogs and have 2 of my own, dogs only attack people who they think they can dominate or attack first, any grown man should be able to stand their ground and get the dog to back off
  17. Honestly this is a disgusting post and is animal cruelty, the best way is face them, stay tall and back away slowly. You are a grown man you don't need to attempt to blind the dog to come away unscathed.
  18. Moron, even though my dogs are all friendly I walk them on leashes because I know I'd be held liable if they went in front of a scooter, or knocked a kid over (my 40kg soft git doesn't understand his weight) or something and this dude really isn't helping us out by doing this on purpose
  19. well he's not bright but honestly getting a good haircut from a Thai is so tedious I got the clippers and learned how to do a fade myself during covid 4000 baht isn't crazy either, you are probably talking about full hair and bread treatments with bleaching or something involved or perhaps he does womens hair too and then that can be fairly cheap for them
  20. There's 8 Muslim Nobel Peace Prize winners, try again bigot
  21. Please enlighten, can you provide the passage and the non-Sean Hannity interpretation? I assume you have studied the Quran and not just listened to some random non-religious scholars' feelings? Do you put as much stock into the intention of all Jews based on lines written in the Talmud about the "goys"
  22. Not all but lots of the ones from major developers are, about 5 of my friends first houses are leasehold, I did a google and apparently it's falling and was only as high as 20% but I'm not sure I believe that figure as my sister is house hunting right now and she said every single new one is leasehold (ok its centuries worth and no ground rent) On those I'm not sure I'm guessing it would depend on the specific situations but I have seen plenty of cars being bumped (by hand not car) out the way of a driveway in my years.
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