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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. Same as any other country right? Non-national does something to a national and the people are outraged, just the media covers it here rather than Europe. Okay, the crime might not be super serious but this is more about his attitude, and claims of police connections. Would you want a non-national in your country who treats people like this?
  2. I don't think many of us want him thrown in Jail for a disgusting act of petulance, we think he's an <deleted> and probably should face some consequences. Good thing karma will take care of this as bragging about your 1m baht a month rent while running an Elephant "sanctuary" is going to put that under extreme investigation, either he's making ridiculous profit through social media content, donations, merchandise, and put very little back in (like every charity in the world with the board of directors taking 6 figures for 1 day a month meeting and doing that on multiple different boards) or it's money laundering somewhere along the lines, large cash-based business taking around 3k a visit means a lot of notes could be cleaned. If it's the former well a boycott based on his behaviour will shrink the profit, if its the latter then he might have more than an apology to give.
  3. Good glad to hear it, I just hope there's someone who can take on the elephants or the entire business who genuinely cares about the elephants
  4. I have a feeling if the boycott that is likely to happen causes revenue to drop that the Elephants will be the ones to suffer, I bet he will make sure his salary is still taken from whatever cash flow the business still has. There are so many chancers out here pretending to care about animals but it's just to sustain their lifestyle out here.
  5. ฿1m a month rent..... either theres a lot of money in saving Elephants (possibly with monetizing social media channels) or there's definitely more to his and his wife (and their sons) activities in Thailand
  6. "should have taken place"?? WTH!! You think it should have happened! I'm hoping this is just a 2nd language and you mean this shouldn't have taken place.
  7. As a jew, Israel is an apartheid state and to criticise a state is not antisemitic in any way and people are tired of the be quiet word being used for any criticism of Israel or Bibi's actions. Just like Nazi, homophobic, sexist, fascist have all been overused and no one actually cares if you are called one anymore.
  8. He had 3% support prior to his imprisonment so no Putins closest threat was the communist party so na you are wrong You say hogwash and use an ad hominem attack "conspiracy theorist" because you can't disprove the facts can you Did Navalny give impassioned speeches to White supremacists and was to revoke Russian citizenship from the Muslim Caucasus regions? Yes Is there clear video of his top aide speaking with an Mi6 agent to start a color revolution? Yes Does his death benefit the western MiC more than Putin? for sure Who did the Nordstream attack? Unprovoked invasion??? You are having a laugh. A despise Putin but you are not living in reality, I'm assuming you are American with your Assange comment so it's a quite simple thing, if China staged a color revolution in Mexico and got a new pro China government and wanted to place Nukes and Missiles pointed at Washington/NYC/LA that the US would just sit there and take it... You know you wouldn't All US media has the same foreign policy you have state run news, same as the UK, there's subtle differences in domestic policy just the same as your Uniparty that acts as if they are different but are just a division tool to stop the masses from blaming the leaders and blaming their fellow citizens for voting for the wrong party.
  9. Triggered by someone who doesn't rent out their opinions to mass media Please tell me where I lied He was a supremacist, gave speeches to white supremacists His top aide is on video stating to a Mi6 it will take 20m a month to stage a colour revolution His death benefitted Putin how? Do you give a <deleted> about Assange or Lira western journalists who have either died in Prison or been held in ill health for 12 years? Finally do you believe Russia blew up the nordstream and have space lasers because it might be you with the tin hat
  10. I'm going to post this one comment as it's laughable how many people are crying tears over Navalny because they've been told by the TV to - He was a supremacist - He was a Mi6 asset - What benefit to Putin would his death provide over just keeping him imprisoned? (This seems to have benefitted Ukraine as the Western public was growing tired of Ukrainian financial support especially as the talk about conscription hit the UK and the reaction was not exactly positive) - Convenient it happened the day his wife was at a Security Council meeting to give a speech which led to further financial support for Ukraine - Do you care about what Western governments have been doing to Assange for years or what happened to Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine? They are manufacturing your consent to send more money which finds its way into the elite's pockets and eventually send your kids to die in a wider war. Think critically this is as bad as "Russia" blowing up the Nordstream which turned out to be a fabrication
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