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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. It's very hard to fund the Elephant sancturies without the bathing activities but it should not be done. Elephants should be observed from afar by all tourists. I went to Sri Lanka a decade ago to watch the Gathering we trailed them with a guide from a distance, didn't once feed or interact with them.
  2. Bunch of Judge Judys in here, there's no details stating how he was riding except alongside his friend, we do not know who is at fault.
  3. Yup that would be expected considering the line of work, it's russian roulette
  4. TBF it was a bit of a joke, the money is in the lifetime drugs, not the testing. Anyways as I mentioned it's around 12% for women aged 30 to 50 from Uganda, 5% is the figure for the entire nation, men have it at far lower rates and 30 and under numbers are starting to decline. My personal protection is don't <deleted> prostitutes.
  5. Agree with the first, 2nd is true based on my comment about creating a business around it, that would need real data but men who are looking for fun should be assuming the worst when it comes to sex workers, especially those from nations with extremely high levels of HIV.
  6. Ugandan HIV rate in adults 5.1% In women aged between 30 -50 around 12% Discrete HIV screening business opportunity in Pattaya
  7. fairly sure we are all of the felons according to reports on this place
  8. As others have mentioned dementia is a possibility, but its a tough one to believe as he managed to get here, find women at a bar and rent a room recently. It might just be drugs or a head injury from an assault not by him and he panicked fearing he would be the main suspect, unfortunately, if this was the case and he was innocent he's made it far worse to prove that.
  9. If you are going to deal in drugs, just have the common sense to do it in your own country
  10. These guys would likely be better off coming over for 3 months and producing 90 days' worth of material, then uploading it after they go, then doing the same in the next nation, etc. Use some common sense. If everyone is consenting it's harmless but the girls should be smarter and also film it themselves for OF or whatever at least get your own chance at future revenue.
  11. no, it doesn't mean that, stop repeating the Zio propaganda, the Lukid party has the same phrase, do you interpret it the same way? It's funny you reference genocides and let's not forget them so as to not repeat them when almost 200k are estimated to be dead in Gaza in a year and 90% of residential buildings, but that doesn't count, right?
  12. Nice to assume I'm self hating, and yes travel warnings are used by all nations, due to terror actions in those nations not some that took place around the world. Lay off the WW2 hysteria man, people are over it, in about 5 years it's expected there will be zero holocaust survivors alive, will you let it go then? It's actually insulting comparing current day events, especially those which happen to an outspokenly Jewish supremacist Rabbi is anyway remotely similar to back then.
  13. That somehow due to something happening in UAE that there's worldwide pogroms taking place bro, I guarantee there were similar murders of all races on the same day somewhere in the world yet no one was warning them that it was high-risk half way around the world, btw I'm a Jew and it's very much strong in almost every other fellow Jew I know.
  14. I wouldn't know about prices I'm just aware it happens and frequently.
  15. the victimhood is still strong
  16. I assumed this was Thai men renting out their wives or something weird, not just normal escorting/prostitution, hardly a groundbreaking book is it... Yes Holiday GFs are a thing, I live on Samui and this is pretty normal, a guy picks up a girl in Bangkok and brings her down for company (and the obvious extras) rather than eat and do things alone.
  17. Inheritance tax is the most disgusting of all taxes, sorry about your dad, you need to find 40% of the figure we place your assets as worth otherwise we will sell it cheap to our friends.
  18. Well, they can use the fact that the income to buy said items was from illegal business practices, unfortunately. It's like a drug dealer they'll seize everything in his name and auction it off because it's likely to have been bought with profits from illegal practices.
  19. why didn't she use Tim as the Thai business partner, like she clearly trusted this Thai lady to want to leave her the fortune, so why not include her officially not as a nominee when her business started to take off even if it was one of the villas. I hope she paid her well at least as now it sounds like she is screwed
  20. Be fair?? To Jimmy Saville?? WHAT THE ACTUAL <deleted>, any average person would have lynched him if it was their kid and they found out what he did
  21. no mention of the city, or condo... a bit hard to help find the dude in question
  22. Of course, it is. The perpetual victims were probably planning on causing trouble and then playing the victim, just like in Holland.
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