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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. I'm no fan of any politician including Trump but isn't Trump the first President to ever be on record as pro-Gay Marriage before running for any political office even 20 odd years before when barely any active politician was, Obama was against it, Biden was against it for all his previous Presidency runs until this one. You have 4 years of evidence of what Trump did in office and what exactly did he do with gay rights? He's all talk like every other politician so what if he bans DEI hires, good, I'd want to know I got a job based on skill rather than my skin colour. Gender/Race theory (yes theory not fact) does not need to be taught to kids by the state, if the parents of the kids want to, they can do it themselves, stick to 2+2=4 not 2+2=4=Racism.
  2. this is genius, victim blame their past lives so you don't have to ever investigate anything
  3. This is why I'm considering a move from Samui to somewhere without so many foreigners, I live in a Thai area so don't have anything to do with authorities really on the day-to-day, but I can see the IO becoming a little bit more annoying to deal with down here plus the rents are just going through the roof due to Israeli, Ukrainian and Russians (some others too but mostly seem to be these nations for the obvious reasons) operating subletting businesses
  4. Come on, you aren't that dumb are you? It's clear its more 😸 privilege
  5. You went with Russian, maybe it's women who are getting lighter sentences just like in the west?
  6. You have got to love the arrogance here, what does "many most" mean exactly? I'm a Jew by the way
  7. I used to live on KPG, there are a lot of stores that demand you wear footwear due to all the barefooted Sri Thanu dudes with dirty feet. Wouldn't be shocked at the escalation of events though. Anyways, would like to see the video
  8. Just the same as cops who handle a situation terribly/illegally will lie and their colleagues and higher ups (and unions in nations with Police Unions) will cover it up.
  9. You are drooling at the thought of 2 guys being raped in prison (or by the cops, it's not clear). Seek some therapy. Nowhere have I said the cop would be justified in drawing his weapon for a traffic offense, which would be dangerous and would pretty much say the cop is a hothead.
  10. As others have stated, if there is no criminal history for the people involved in these 3 incidents, how exactly would this help stop them? For tourists, this would be a huge sod that moment, we will go somewhere else.
  11. The lack of ability of people to understand the difference between evidence, conjecture, and statements with facts/proof is quite scary. You are 100% correct.
  12. Yeah I have a feeling most of the guys who jumped to the lynch mob are more pissed off by any younger person living in Thailand, than what they did, not the ones who are living comfortably here, they are usually a joy to talk to, but the ones surviving on a minimal pension.
  13. Thanks, I agree I'm wasting my time, it's just sad to see how many are happy to impose a sentence based on their initial feelings. They might be right and they are a pair of T#ats and did everything the police said. Can you imagine these people serving on a jury, scary.
  14. How will I ever live without interacting with the guy who would have helped the Gestapo round up my great grandparents back in the 40s
  15. We have seen some evidence of the tail-end of the incident only and you want them jailed just on this? What we know -They restrained and removed the weapon from his hand which we know one round was fired, removed the rounds then we have the police side and the 2 NZers denying all charges which is he said/she said Which leads to questions -Why was the gun in his hand? -How was the round fired? -What happened in the whole interaction up until the video started? -They didn't beat him up while he was grounded, if they were just thugs, why not? Honestly, it's people like you who consent to police being above the people, which leads to them gaining confidence they can get away with anything.
  16. They likely are toast, never denied that, but somehow you guys seem to want to bend over and take it, no matter the situation, which is sad to see. Not only that, you want others punished for doing so, with your never-justified logic.
  17. If it's one on one and your life is at risk from the cop, hell if it's 6 on 1 and your life it at risk, if you don't fight back you are a cuck
  18. Do you have proof to the contrary, they've denied all charges, and we need to wait for it to play out.
  19. Well based on this incident you wouldn't be dead, the cop was subdued with minimal effort.
  20. They are all possibilities, considering a round went off, there's more to the official story than we have been told and again these are reasons why you can and SHOULD defend yourselves, you lot don't want to wait to find out, you want them jailed immediately without knowing for sure. I'm not saying they weren't just Richards, but I'm happy to wait to find out before the lynching. Hilarious, you mentioned "unfounded" too Also, it proves you live in a fantasy land, just to help you in future.
  21. Again you are guessing what happened, hey you could be right they may have just attacked the cop, but you might be pretty wrong and the cop went on an ego trip and threatened to shoot or even, as we know one shot was fired, fired a shot and they took him down
  22. never worn a pair but somehow I suspect Thailand doesn't own the IP/trademark on these and lets not pretend like they care about knock off goods anyways, this was only about the tax evasion
  23. - Cop attacks first - Cop is unlawfully detaining - Cop is sexually assaulting you - Cop is acting on behalf of a tyrannical government implementing oppressive laws - Cop is threatening to kill you - Cop is drunk/high and handling his weapon All these would justify restraining or even assaulting and stopping the threat to you, just because you wouldn't have the balls to stand up to a cop doesn't mean that there are zero circumstances where a non cuck wouldn't
  24. Doubt they'd lie about a record to national news when that would be found in about 5 minutes by any NZ news outlet, yes they'll protect and lie about the character but if they had an assault charge they'd more likely not mention anything about the past than say they've never been in trouble in the past
  25. I've said it many times on this thread, there are plenty of times it appropriate
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