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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. 1 hour ago, hotandsticky said:




    I am also a Boomer but unlike you I apologise for nothing.

    no one is asking you to apologize. simply understand what you have done and at least try to remedy it. the mindset of the new generations don't think like you guys do. an evolution of thinking away from the world that got us into this mess in the first place is underway.


    the age of information has changed everything. you cannot compare this time to any other in the past due to that. at no time in human history has so much been available to all at tip of their fingers. think of the amount of information and knowledge accessible now in comparison to you guys when you were young. 


    all of what has been happening over the last 50 years is well documented and will stand the test of time through history. this is why i make the comment about being a truly despised generation. in the future the selfishness of the boomer generation will overshadow your accomplishments i'm afraid. 







    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, frantick said:

    Daddy issues, huh?


    Generations are a product of their time. Had you been born a boomer, you'd have done exactly the same.

    actually i could have my dad chime in if you like ? he knows what they have done. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Care to expand on your "The most hated generation ever to walk this planet".  You sound like a very judgmental person whose beliefs and values do not line up with what the real world is all about.  Without the Boomer generation, then your generation would not have the computers invented and the internet which is just one of the many contributions, but then you knew that already didn't you and so you believe we are just sucking up needed air and resources your generation thinks they need.  I get it.  You want us to move on so you can move upward, well stand in line for a long time, we will not be dying off for a long time as the last of the boomers were born in 1964, which is where I come in as the last of the boomer generation, so at my age of 56 you unfortunately have a long wait ahead......

    you also created many of the issues facing our planet today. you also have the money and knowledge to fix ALL of these problems yet keep hoarding it.


    i am 43 in great shape and health with loads of patience for that long wait. it will be a huge relief.

  4. 1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Why, are you jealous of the older people, or your tired of competing with your dad....Oh, you mean because they are taking up to much space and resources, well good on you to determine when people should kick off.....grow up mate!

    you make a sad dad quip and i am the one to grow up ? 


    the boomer generation will go down in history as one of the most hated ever to walk this planet. 



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  5. 2 hours ago, Dante99 said:

    I don't think he dug up the thread.  There was a post before his which dug it up then were edited out for some reason.  Perhaps several posts deleated by edits.

    i don't see any of that on my screen. i saw a post from 2004 then his looked to be next. if there was another poster my comment is directed at them then. lol


    who digs up a 16 year old thread ? 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, holy cow cm said:

    What’s the diffence now? They already look down on us and if I could have a PR or citizenship then what has changed? Do you think they take or look at a foreigner with citizenship here better? And if you do then that is bizarre. One difference would be I could return home to Thailand now if outside. So I already know they don’t respect us. 

    i  guess i would just rather not be stamped officially as a 2nd class citizen. i know where i stand here. to be honest i don't care much at all what they think of me.  

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