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Posts posted by Ryan754326

  1. 7 hours ago, gargamon said:

    And they are only counting the deaths of Florida residents. If you're only there for the winter your death doesn't count. If you don't have a Florida permanent residence, your death doesn't count. If you are a tourist your death doesn't count.

    Maybe this will balance out the numbers from New York, where they are counting “probable” deaths from Covid19, without a positive test. 

  2. On 4/26/2020 at 9:44 PM, mauGR1 said:

    Careful talking common sense, soon you'll be called trumpian, right wing and all sort of names.

    Tell me about it. I can’t even point out the official statistics that show the USA has a lower per-capita death rate than some European countries without people accusing me of “defending Trump”.

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/28/2020 at 9:26 AM, murraynz said:


    There will be big influxes of chinese and indians,but they are budget tourists. 

    I predict that there will be a big influx of rich Chinese tourists soon after things open up, but they won’t be spending money in the bars, they’ll be buying them, and knocking them down to build another Sihanoukville where Pattaya sits today.
    If the economy crashes hard enough, Thailand might even give in, and let them build casinos too.

  4. On 4/27/2020 at 8:11 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Based on the U.S.'s horrible handling thus far of the CV pandemic with now 50,000 plus dead, the erratic, ill-informed Trump Administration and the hapless politics over science regulators at the CDC and FDA under Trump's watch who could have prevented a lot of this but utterly failed in their jobs, I'm just not feeling the trust right now.


    What about the leaders of European countries where the deaths per-capita are far higher than in the USA? Did they drop the ball too?

  5. 4 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    One more time for the slower ones in the room. Road accidents do not spread exponentially. One accident does not spread to 2 then to 4, ... Not the same thing at all. 

    Bad analogy. Traffic accidents don’t spread exponentially, but the vast majority of people already have the disease (driving). A small percentage of those people will eventually die as a result. 
    The stats have already shown that the lockdown has saved more lives, through reduction of traffic fatalities, than the Coronvirus has killed. What is your argument against banning cars and motorcycles forever, based on that fact?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    As an American I am proud of our alcoholic history.  The roaring 20's were some of the most wild, free, fun, and sexually promiscuous times. 

    All during the prohibition of Alcohol?  Hmmmmmm

    Maybe Thailand will start opening speakeasies, producing bathtub gin, and we will all be dancing the Charleston and Jitterbug soon

    You can bet on it, if lockdowns and alcohol bans continue for any length of time, and the Thais will do it for themselves, whether there are any tourists or not. 
    Let’s be realistic. It’s already happening.

  7. There’s sure a lot of people here, and everywhere else, that are placing all of their bets on a vaccine being an effective cure. I’m not holding my breath. 
    We have vaccines for other Corona viruses already (the flu shot). They are about 60% effective for those who get them, and it’s a never-ending battle to update the vaccine every year, to keep up with new mutations of the virus. Even with that, tens, if not hundreds of thousands still die from the flu each year. That being said, we don’t live in a constant state of panic, as we know that it’s mostly the old, the sick, and those with already compromised immune systems who die. We have accepted this risk as part of the cost of building a functional civilization. 
    The vast majority feel rough for a week or two, but survive without needing medical attention, and go on with life. We all know this.


    Another thing to consider: If all of the speculation is true (which I don’t believe it is), that humans are being reinfected after recovering from Covid19, rather than building up immunity, then there’s not much reason to believe that a vaccine would be very effective anyway.


    The “vaccine or nothing” approach is obviously the one that will be pushed by those in the business, as they stand to make unimaginable amounts of profit from their taxpayer funded cure. The WHO is in the business, as it is heavily lobbied by Big Pharma and other interests.



    • Thanks 2
  8. On 4/14/2020 at 9:09 PM, Enoon said:


    Forget Pattaya.


    I'm looking forward to new naughty somewhere.


    With the previous generation all out of business it'll be a level playing field.


    A purpose built, multi resort area, accommodation/restaurants integrated, on a greenfield site, with no "family"/beach paradise pretensions,


    A real, hardcore, City of Sensuality.


    A "Hyper Nana".




    Sounds like it will be a great place, until all of the family oriented tourists and righteous expats who don’t belong there insist on coming anyway, and then proceed to complain endlessly about what a seedy, debaucherous dump it is.



    • Haha 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Crazy behavior. 

    If this virus is as dangerous to normal, healthy people as we are led to believe, Pattaya bar girls should be dropping like flies. As far as I can tell, they aren’t.
    Many of them are still working online, or on the streets, and then going back to the cramped rooms that they share with several other girls, who do the same thing every day. 
    I’ve asked all of the girls I know, whether they, or any of their friends have been sick, and all of them have said no. Should I believe them, or are they just lying to me, to avoid scaring a potential customer away?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RedPill said:

    I don't have much opinion about that specifically ... just another politician, surrounded by experts giving advise. 


    But from my point of view, it has a lot to do with the 'way' he act's and forces his message across. Not so diplomatic, and his tweets while maybe sitting on the toilet ... just out of nowhere. Without any agreement with his team. They are all puppets just saying yes, else get fired.


    Before I worked many years for a US multinational, you know that kind of business style in the presentation rooms.


    Hey bob, good job ... harry has good numbers, harry is good. And over there, other division, DJ's numbers, RJ's numbers, DJT's, JT's numbers ... terrific.

    And Mark, you know Mark, always does a good job. Tony, yes, I like Tony ... bla bla bla. I like myself too, I do the best job in the world.


    No, I don't know any of them ... just speak up in clear language. You are the POTUS, not a power hungry CxO of a company.


    When I saw him standing on the left side, while presenting his 'video clip' 2 days ago, I had a flashback.


    And then he points out people, during a presentation ... hey bob ... that's correct, or not? Bob just nods his head, what else should he do in the midst of that power seeking chaos in a meeting room.


    He had exactly that same 'unpleasant' grinse in his face as my ex-boss, during his presentations. God, I hated this show so much, that's why I left that monkey business and live free in Thailand now.


    Anyways ... good luck and all the best to the US, from the bottom of my heart.






    I agree with everything you say about Trump, he doesn’t carry himself well in the public eye, and his way of speaking isn’t diplomatic. 
    I have to wonder though, if he might act differently, had the media not turned the entire world against him, completely disregarded the positive things he has accomplished as president, and made such a huge show out of things that all past presidents have also done, such as detaining illegal immigrants at the border. 
    I often shake my head when I see Trump faced with an opportunity to make his opponents look stupid by explaining the facts in a calm, reasoned manner; only to see him to lash out aggressively, and give them that much more to criticize him for. He’s not that sharp, and is often his own worst enemy. That being said, most of the Americans that I know, who work, pay their taxes, and try to get ahead in life, have said that while they don’t necessarily like Trump as a person, their situation has improved since he has been president. 
    So many people nowadays seem to think that being a likable guy is the most important credential for running a country, and that the government’s job is to take care of people, rather than to create an environment where people can take care of themselves.

    • Thanks 2
  11. I was waiting for the official announcement from immigration last week, and was ready to pay an agent to do my extension if the announcement didn’t come through on time. Then it did. 
    my exemption stamp expired yesterday, and I’ve done nothing, as was advised by most posters here, as well as immigration themselves. At least that’s how I read into it.
    Then yesterday, a guy who is staying in my hotel, tells me that he had just come back from immigration in Jomtien, and got a renewal for 1900 Baht. I told him that I thought we didn’t have to do anything, and would be granted automatic extensions until at least the 30th, with another extension most likely on the way if necessary. 
    He told me that isn’t the case, and that immigration officers gave him some runaround reason why.

    I suspect that this guy was just being paranoid, not keeping up on the latest information, and made himself an easy target when he walked through the doors at immigration, despite not having to do so. At the same time, I will be pretty unimpressed if I missed some technicality, and I am hit with an overstay fine when I leave the country. 

    I entered from Laos on March 16th, so as I understand things, I should do nothing, and will pay no overstay as long as I leave the country when it is possible to do so.

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