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Everything posted by Travis179

  1. Try strengthening the muscles. And mobility movements. I had a very stiff, painful neck, from decades sitting at a computer, on a desk job. Since doing strength training, which takes less than 5 minutes. Pain and stiffness is now completely gone. Can do at home, with just manual resistance (no equipment needed). Of course, this isn't medical advice. If you have a legit injury, should see a reputable doc. Good luck!
  2. You have no hobbies or outside interests. That's your problem. With that mindset, you'd be bored anywhere. Better to just work until you drop.
  3. Dr. Anna is the best. Have been seeing him for many years. I think semi-retired now, she's quite old. As someone mentioned, I think it's Wednesdays only now. But well worth the wait. She successfully treated an advanced BCC on my ear a few years ago. Dr. Waraporn as PIH also excellent.
  4. Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one. https://www.newsweek.com/fauci-said-masks-not-really-effective-keeping-out-virus-email-reveals-1596703
  5. Have you considered a CAC scan? A few years back my cholesterol was sky high (mostly LDL, the rest was in the normal range). My PCP was aggressively pushing statins, but I was concerned about the potential side effects. I subsequently got the scan in Pattaya, reviewed the results with the attending cardiologist, who informed me my score was zero. He told me to forget about the medication, and just continue what I was doing (ketovore diet). After that, my PCP didn't mention it again. Not medical advice of course, I'm not a doc, just something for you to consider.
  6. I've been using this site for years, works like a charm. I download to my desktop, then transfer to my MP3 player or WMP. Many other sites like it, just search for, "YouTube to MP3". Or MP4, if you want the vid. mp3-convert.org/youtube-to-mp3-converterss/
  7. A Thai woman issued a warning after two thieves attacked her with a knife and robbed her in broad daylight on Soi Sukhumvit 81 in Bangkok. Witnesses and motorists passing by the scene refused to help.
  8. Thanks for the recommendation, will check them out. They will scan and forward all mail received? Mainly interested in a physical address for SS documents and contact. I don't want to rely on friends, or have them reading my financial documents.
  9. I just grabbed a $1,500 R/T fare from SFO on China Air. Leaving next month.
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