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2 is 1

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Everything posted by 2 is 1

  1. You know what is pistol and what kind bullet use on it! Yeah im not from Cambridge and ban again if say what actualy meaning! Ok i sign out too much drunk to this sht again! have nice day anyway! Stay safe and toutch everybody who want to be toutched!
  2. You dont have any clue what is living in Thailand! All fat a holes who use country and people in it should walk behind some old barn and give them 9 "ibuprofen" it maybe helps neck pain! And im not say millimeter.
  3. Yes he just say dont want go Phuket! He can still use that voucher to flight to BKK later! Or they going to have same sht hole year! Point was he not loose hes flight money!
  4. Nothing braging, just not everybody's life is totaly F UP! So if not good storys fit in this life what the f we do anymore!? Put rope on your neck and get swing!?
  5. I get it! But you not waste your flight money! Every airline company now give voucher if you cancel your flight, what you can use what flight you want! Airline company's has been very flexible now days, hope in your situation still the same!
  6. Before covid i stay Thailand half year and Finland my sons holidays and best summer time. I leave Thailand november 2020. Have good situation coz my family in Thailand has everything ok. Mrs. work in goverment so get her salary every month. And mother in law sell 13 rai land last year so they dont have money issue like so many else in LOS. Good thing also that my woman has now start to drive car every place even in mountain, so not need to count on me even for driving thing. Wife's girl also want now move to our "town" house and chance her school close bye, so save money and nerve's that also! Happen when next term start. Good thing also that government pay our house in city coz wife has odered to work there. So if only get easily back everything in my family looking ok! Best thing is that everybody is healty!
  7. I have always travel fast! Like nothing plan if i go i go! Normaly when decide i flight next day! Now not possible. Im bist to all kind request's, never before has travel country's where i have to apply entrance forward!
  8. I come back March if some kind entrance is possible then. Today going to get my third jab (Pfizer), seems like dosent matter that either for anything else than maybe im not get really sick myself. People get 3 jabs / year and still close border's, when going to end this sht!? Cant stay home forever and isolate hole world. Here in Finland had over 11000 infection last friday (waiting weekends number), i just visit shop whitout mask coz forget one. I just dont care anymore! F IT!
  9. I think is how you take life in Thailand. If you dont make any effort yourself and dont show you are intrested any connection whit nobody! Why Thais need make any effort to get to know you!You dont need same language to get to know people! In our village have 3 other farang and in 4 years i have seen one guy once! Many thai think farangs not inrested to spend time whit them! I go front of shop to drink whit guys , make jokes, go fishing whit them . Even has helping to build they house etc. They always say/shout hello or sawadee when i walk or drive bye. If have dinner time they offer me food and if they drinking offer me beer or lao khao (mostly lao khao lol). So im member in our village but if you only stay inside home and dont make any effort to know nobody why should them to do anything for your favor
  10. February 29 is really safe day! Its only kill people on roads once in 4 years!
  11. Internet is full of information how you can move all your data from old android phone to new one! What kind new phone you buy is up to you, what you want from new phone. If only daily use and dont need many cameras etc. stuff then buy some phone about cost 100€. It already has all what you needed. I am iphone guy and i just buy new iphone 12, not latest 13 coz 12 was few hundred € cheaper. Anyway i update 5 G conection and 12 was first 5G iphone.
  12. Hope this omicron is only covid virus whitch stay "alive"! Then we can treat it like influenza and continue normal LIFE! Give vaccine to those who now take influenza shot's and let everybody else get it!
  13. Soon this vaccine thing start to be never ending story! Israel start to give jab number 4 to people! Then jab number 5,6,7,8,9...............? So everybody need 2 jab/year, when this thing ends? You cant get immunity whit vaccines, omicron shows that if not knowing before! People even get infected second or third time and really fast after have had covid already!
  14. Thais urged not to drink and drive this New Year But day after its OK!
  15. And in France had over 200000 case , have population little smaler than in Thailand.
  16. Thailand have to chance mindset and not put everybody in hospital who have running nose or nothing symptons! Even Thais are not so stupid that they not stay in home isolation few days if they get positive test result!
  17. Nobody don't need wonder why Thailand choose Chinese vaccine and not "western" one! Even vaccine they choose is less effective and more expensive! I can tell you in this case brown envelope not chance owner, it was huge black suitcase!
  18. Yeah and yesterday nobody die roads in Estonia but covid kill people there!
  19. If Anustin continue this idiot policy to put all infected one's in hospital. Then Anustin hurry up to make more space there, coz soon you have 30k case /day! They not all fit in your palace!
  20. Yeah only way you are not vulnerable to Omicron variant infection is stop breathing! But when you are vaxxed you not get serious condition.
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