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2 is 1

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Everything posted by 2 is 1

  1. He say he want stay a year or maybe more! But its up to him. I think he see all possible visas from link what i put!
  2. Elite visa cost 600k bth and valid 5 years. If you have that money that is not pain in butt solution. https://www.thailandelitevisas.com/membership-overview/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7Ievnv6s9wIVFWEYCh1ijwIcEAAYASAAEgK33_D_BwE
  3. Yeah have over 200 kilogram explosives under your butt and maybe extras ammo's also. And system is really sht. One time in Lapland we shoot real ammo and i was stuck in shooting area because i need to switch off all power from tank. Even radio not working. There is chain whitch load ammo and explosive baggage in the tube. Ammo going in nicely but explosive baggage going side way, when not goign truely in that chain start hiting over and over again detanator in explosive baggage! ???? So i need to get power off from tank that we not die in that place LMAO. We was trainig retreat battle and all my company was far away already. Company has 9 tanks 3 times alfa,3 times berta,3 times celcius. I was berta 2. So explosive baggage stuck in half way on tube and no electrisity on tank. I take ak-47 (equipment in tank , tank man has pistol in personal weapon) and start to hit side on that baggage and try also bend it off from tube. Finally i manage to do that and put power on. Right away call command center and say or shout lol HOLD FIRE berta 2 still in fire zone. Then call my own captain that i need help. Find out that there was bigger issue in tank that just loading system error. All shell's from ammo's i shoot already was inside tank, not going outside like should. So hole "automatic " loading system was stuck and goign to put tower to mode that it not work/turn. After 1 houer fix our practise "war" continued.
  4. Russian tanks has 3 people crew! Commander,driver and shooter. I serve my military time in T-72 here in Finland i was commander. It has automatic system dont need loader. But anyway yes need have people who know how to use its not simple! Normal people cant even get it started if dont know what are doing.
  5. Only good thing what i get out of my ex is my son! Hes coming 12 and even looking whit fathers eyes hes best boy in world. Even hes mother is biatch im happy that he has get little asian parenting. He is much more polite and more well mannered than other kids in hes age. Meaning normal Finnish kids/boys. Boy has wanted to live whit me all the time after divorce but money mean more to ex than happines of her boy. Alimony's and money from government every month make her happy so others happines dont mean nothing to her. But answer to question : best in my life is my boy even sometimes need to live apart and thats killing me. He really understand that i cant just wait in Finland the time when her mother let me see him! Now have been here over year and we have been together every other weekend Happy times!
  6. Thats amazing that Thai man cant haddle small woman whitout knife. Knife is much bigger than what hang hes down stairs.Can assume he has smaler than average thai has. Smaler than 13 centimeter is really small! I was wrong that kind not hang at all!
  7. Thailand Pass will also be paused temporarily to update the system for the new rules, set to start on the first of May. Just said there!
  8. How many new cat you can get whit 300k bth?! Or put milk and tuna can in back of house you can collect many cats for free. Our neibor from US feed those stray cats , many cats lay down in our front balcony . Cats leavings smell much worse than dogs. Dont know why people watch you strange when you hit stray cat but its ok to hit soi dog whit bambu stick. I hit both!
  9. Everybody going to get covid some point. Many people going to get it many times. Just was news that some nurse in UK get covid second time after 3 weeks from first infection. Ofcourse many country is in different situation about pandemic but in Europe almost all is like before covid. Nobody has ever force you to wear mask in here but now they have take off to even recommendation to use it. Finnair goign to trop off mask use in their flights starting from next monday, only need use if arrival country demand it. Fact is that we need to start live whit covid not hide. Life must go on, sadly its going to take some casualtys from people who have some kind illnesses or from older folks. I have zero sympathy to people who not take vaccines and those people cant keep other people hostage. Yes some coutrys has failed to deliver vaccines to all citizens or dont have enough money to deliver but hole world cant wait those countrys and stick head in bush!
  10. You really not act like one "SIR". To get respect need to give that also!
  11. Many Thai has problems to pronounce western names, so you want all call you bye name what sound really stupid or funny?And how thai who dont speak english at all going to ask your name?! I recommend you should move to Phil if you want all call you Sir.
  12. Already, rest ships escape 300 kilometers away. That Moscow ship was so idiot, it run same route every day until chance to come sub! Now hole fleet is whitout main carrier whitch had air defence. Come russian kitty kat come!
  13. I think NATO has rule that they cant take new member if that country is war at the time.
  14. They sent application i know schedule! Every NATO country need accept first! That take 4 to 12 month!
  15. This kind speculation is what it is. Has been going on here in Finland any kind point of view. And its meaningless, Finland going to request NATO membership before June and we will see what Russia going to do. But if NATO hold down Finland application because some action from Russians then it shows how weak it is! If Russian provocation make NATO to back off. If (BIG IF) Putin try to attack here in Finland he going to hit hes head to "Karjala" pine tree like all hes forefathers before! Finland has anyway one of the most powerful army in Europe and we can put arm's almost 1 million men whitch all has get military training!
  16. Lol im not saying im alpha.But surely im not under woman also if im not want to some times. (An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round.) But it has nothing to do about giving money to woman. Just tell my story and point.
  17. I wai my mother and father in law, my thai friends, older people, people who have some kind "status". Younger people in our family wai me , my thai friends wai me if not seen in a long time. And im atheist! And yes i wai 3 times in temple to buddha statue and put my head almost on ground.
  18. I have always hated that rich people can buy them self out from prison or can pay criminal charges away! Every country where that is possible cant call democracy nation!
  19. Avoid trap of losing money to women. Reply to this question: I think every man pay way or other in relationship and he should! Still can be alpha male! But if lose all money to woman or you are on womans leash then you are looser. I have not been whit 500 woman but (or dont know, stop counting after hair start grow in down low) have had "few". Still have make mistake whit asian woman(Filipina) and was looser because not make prenup whit her! Whit my Thai woman im not pay much, she manage her self almost everything and government pay our other house in town. I help in other way , help family in farm drive stuff to sell etc. I know ofcourse she dont mind if i give her more money lol. But if you start give much you cant come back to give less!
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