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2 is 1

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Everything posted by 2 is 1

  1. So in 6 days your father has fill swimming pool whit some really powerful aggregate! And also 500 bth for cleaning! So cleaner spend there over 1 and half day, must be some dirty old man who lived there!
  2. Have to be really mentally sick people who claim other's to be Nazi and doing all the time bad war crime's!
  3. Nearly 4M Russians Left Russia in Early 2022 – FSB! https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/06/nearly-4m-russians-left-russia-in-early-2022-fsb-a77603 This Russians own news, how many has actually left !? Really bad thing is that IMO almost all who leave are against Putin! There for soon no people left in Russia who can tell real opinion about war or other things in Russia! Only voice what soon hear from there is government propaganda! Even not many opposition voices has heard anyway! Because if they are not in prison they has get killed.
  4. 6 days old news but situation chance all the time. https://laotiantimes.com/2022/05/02/confusion-ensues-as-thailand-opens-land-borders-but-laos-remains-closed/
  5. One really sad thing is that even school system not care! In Thailand dont have that kind system that you have to do school grade again if you not pass! In Thailand they just do cleaning and other things in school to get pass grade. Also dont have system to put kids in special school class who are behind from others or just have anxiety disoder or some other problems why they just dont fit in normal class. Some teatchers dont do anything only sign in mornings and out in afternoon. Those teatcher who even try to do something have other duty in schools also, what many dont know or talk about. Some haddle all financial things some can be school nurse etc. And after all things every government building need to have government officer 24/7. And who is there, normaly those who care even little.
  6. Thailand has been and is really safe country! Even my ex from Philippines not allow me to take my son in Thailand! But if i go Phil its ok to her LMAO! I havent seen any 7/11 in Thailand whitch "bouncher " has AK-47 in hes hand! Im not feel fear in any place. If you have even 2 pea in your head you know how to keep out from places where is dangerous to be. But like in every place if poverty grows then also safety decrease.
  7. https://dumskaya-net.translate.goog/news/u-zmeinogo-gorit-rossiyskiy-fregat-164010/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Soon has more dive destinations in Black Sea!
  8. Of course in this Globally situation everything has chance! And i feel really patriot feelings like many my countryman! About Nato talks here in Finland, what has been and going to be most important question! Im minority thinker, my personal opinion is we dont need! We have and always had enough! Man like me who feel patriotism in they heart can do what needed to defent our country! Also i dont understand why hole thing is so impostant in Sweden! They have Nato country next door and Finland between Russia! We have border whit Russian they dont have! We have always been block there! Im not say like many of think here, even i say! Smallest list of human kind is list about Swedish war heroes!
  9. I know what i talked whit my friend's! Russ Try us and get almost 1 million man who all want to show how much we love you! Babe i so much feel loved!
  10. Russian Oligarch Oleg Tinkov, Who Lost Billions After Russian Invasion, Calls War On Ukraine ‘Evil’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/05/03/russian-oligarch-oleg-tinkov-who-lost-billions-after-russian-invasion-calls-war-on-ukraine-evil/?sh=4040b3ce31ac
  11. I think it was some kind ammo storage?! After hit they laugh really much also lmao. Schadenfreude is best joy!
  12. Normaly i never put my own picture in any media but different situation and i support Ukrain! This is my rifle! Old pic so i put it here! Im in middle man leader of this sht tank!
  13. What they can do to manage! Even this is f up! Less than 10%. Dont know how drive car, believe some "fat"guy whit some good ideas, whit reincarnation. Maybe order some chinese food
  14. So how many passport control desk there is? 20? Because if every passenger take 15 minutes so they handle total 5317 houer passenger check's! I hope every tourist get off from line before 2023 ! even 50 desk eatch line take about 106 houer so keep calm everybody lol Yeah yeah get true i know! lol
  15. Everybody knows where speed cameras are, other places dont have speed limit! Also everybody knows when guy whit radar is there in bush! Surely never if rain, not in lunch brake 11.00 to 13.00 (then police is in houer hotel whit mia noi). After 17.00 never there . Never if schools have holiday season etc.
  16. Only Russian Genarals are so stupid that they go front line! And that is because they soldiers are even more stupid , dont even know how to sht if genaral not show first.
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