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Everything posted by DaLa

  1. Must be some very revealing notes in there, I wonder who is paying that to keep a lid on the revelations?
  2. Well we know he is being supported by Europe and the US to date, but what happens if Ukraine join NATO and there's further conflict.
  3. I worked for an organisation like this in the UK , paid out of local government funds. Meanwhile the local taxpayers were freezing to death due to the exorbitant local taxes. I left due to the my conscience not being able to work in an environment where people were paid £35k a year with no benefit to the people who were paying their salaries. Someone undertake this exercise in the UK please. Of course it will never happen because those at the top of these organisations just love their empires and even higher salaries.
  4. Most of my credit/debit cards require a 4 digit PIN. However at several locations I have encountered a problem whereby the transaction has required a 6 digit PIN. I make it clear that the card only requires 4 digits but he sales person doesn't understand the situation or how to resolve the issue. Any ideas would be welcome.....yeh OK , I'll pay cash. Seriously, do I type in space space 1234 or 1234 space space. To add to the confusion some of the transactions are completed without the PIN at one store (BigC) and require a PIN for a similar amount at another branch. One serious side affect of this is on trying multiple times to key in the PIN my card was blocked and it was like trying to break into my wife's nightie on an 'off' day to restore my credit.
  5. Just release the full moon dates to SAGA in the UK, that should take care of a good 15 million.
  6. And if you are 1 of those 20% then you don't 'wonder' for more than a second about the options. After that decision you (I) will never know which treatment would return the best outcome. I'll never know whether I should have opted for active surveilance or the other treatments, but I'll also never know if I escaped a painful and shortened life. The problem with 'going on with their normal lives' is like me, you take your health for granted and miss the opportunity to catch it early. I was fit as a butchers dog when my biopsy returned a Gleeson of 4+5. I had to make a quick decision and thankfully Siriraj in Bangkok had the equipment and experience to deal with it. Radiotherapy had some side affects that I could have lived without , but I'm here 18 months later and reasonably healthy. My s3x drive has diminished but I put that down to the female hormone injections...2 more to go and then I'm hopeful I'll be back in action.. There's a slight issue with bladder/bowel control, but certainly not requiring pads, mainly the interrupted sleep from multiple bathroom visits. Good luck to anyone suffering from this, hope it works out well for you.
  7. My sentiment too. Tax is not my strong point so I avoid it which helps the revenue department waisting time with me on the matter. I was intrigued by the acronym 'DTA' , so I asked Pim 'do you do DTA Pim' and her eyes lit up she said it was expensive but I'd enjoy it. Wow, 8 minutes later she was right. I'm a bit exhausted but I recommend it, try it guys.
  8. That was always my take on this. However I stayed at the Dusit Thani Ha Hin on my 70th..NO alcohol rule. As posted earlier I was going to stop overnight in Pattaya this Makha Bucha day so I emailed the Dusit Thani there and got the reply below. To make matters worse, my nearest mom&pop store won't sell on Buddha days either...and finally I don't own a pool ! Life sucks sometimes.
  9. I live in a factory built steel house supplied by SCG Heim from Japan, The walls are insulated and then clad with a reflective tile , the windows are double glazed and the whole thing comes as modules that are then attached on site. The units are places on a traditional footing which is 45 cm above ground level.
  10. Thanks for this, I was just about to book a night down in Pataya. Now onto the Ante/Post Meridiem issue, safer to label and describe it as 0001 after midnight on Tuesday to 2359 on Wednesday (give or take a minute or two.
  11. Tame. Wife wouldn't let me drive here for 5 years although I had 1 million miles on the clock in the UK, cars and LGV. Just stay off the road between 02:01 and 01:59 you'll be safe.
  12. or any of them ? Good news for (most of) the world. Still horrific for the families of the hostages.
  13. Unfortunately prostrate problems require me to have access to facilities at all times and I was disgusted to hear that a councillor (or some other representative) of a UK town council stated when questioned about closing facilities locally 'there is no legal obligation of us to provide bathroom facilities' For a supposedly 1st world country I find that appalling. I would have thought that it should be one of the first items on a list of provisions by a local authority.
  14. Any advice on a repair shop for a HiFi amp in the Nonthaburi area? Could also look at any area in NW Bangkok. Thanks in anticipation.
  15. 2-3 k ? By the time the ladies in Stumble Inn have honed in on him he'll be bahtless by 8 PM.
  16. I don't honestly know, How about having a 'trusted' friend in the Philippines use your debit card there once or twice a month. Set a limit and maybe that will fix the inequality that the system promotes.
  17. Hi Negita, I'm at a similar stage as yourself. Diagnosed 14 months ago , 28 shots on the Linac, 5 shots of hormone. I suffered a major reaction to the treatment at around the 22 Linac shots which hospitalised me and since finishing the full course have been on a steady course of regaining strength and health. I would not say I have any issues that are not manageable or restricting my lifestyle however there have been and are side effects as follows: Hormone treatment hot flushes are crazy in a hot climate and when they occur it feels like my head is boiling. I would not say it has altered my moods and certainly not led to depression. Decreased libido but not completely destroyed and I didn't put on any weight. Benefits are I am now always correct when I have a discussion with the wife. Before diagnosis and treatment I was visiting the bathroom 3 times a night and this is still the case. It's a combination of that and age that leaves me tired in a morning. Personally I believe most of my lethargy can also be put down to age, I'm 'only' 71 but if you're active at 80 then I would take that as a bonus. My PSA is <0.08 and I will continue with the hormone injections for another 9 months (2 years in total). I understand once they finish my PSA may increase. Obviously staying in the UK will allow you treatment for free, however I opted to pay and have all my treatment in Thailand (Siriraj Bangkok). Although this is a public hospital the treatment and service has been excellent, and I hate to say this calm and civilised compared to some of the situations I experienced in the UK.
  18. Train, infrequent and 3rd class is a bit hard on the backside. I don't know the exact fare but 100 baht should cover it. But most important (for me) is it's multiple times safer than some of the F1 bus drivers. Oh, and stop off in Cha Am, better beach and caters for long term residents rather than tourists.
  19. I recall a science/history channel once documenting the effects at a certain time of year where elephants consume huge amounts of fruit and it ferments inside them. The effect a few days later is hilarious with totally out of control 1 ton beasts rolling around drunk.
  20. My names Bob Smith, the 'authorities' in Thailand have no idea of my address in the UK, they don't have my bank details in the UK, in fact other than where I live in Thailand and receiving the 1,900 baht for my extension and my passport number which is not linked to any of my banking they know sweet fanny adams about me. Ive never been in the forces but I know how to keep my head down. I have a bank account here for my 800k but don't have a tax ID, so where is this linking of information and identifying my personal details coming from. If there's a problem with securing my personal assets then I'll look at the remaining countries outside the OECD / AEOI.
  21. Only 4,800 (ish) for full health check at Siriraj. Next to Icon Siam building. Takes most of the day and an explanation of the results the same day by doctors with very proficient English.
  22. Ridiculous to attempt to change overnight. They should have introduced it slowly over a period of a few weeks.
  23. It annoys me when I give her an orgasm and she spits it out.
  24. Boy cat or girl cat, just have them neutered and that will remove some of the potential problems. I bath my male cat frequently and he smells clean enough to sleep on our bed. You will never know if a problem will arise with a neighbour; if I lived next door I’d probably volunteer to look after it when you are away, but others may protest even if there’s very little reason. I have a house with land so our cat goes out and I personally wouldn’t want to keep a cat indoors, however many people do and if that’s all the cat has known then they are probably happy watching tv, eating, sleeping and fighting with balls of wool. Losing your cat if you have to have it removed from your property would be tough. I had to pay someone £500 to take one cat off me when I came to Thailand, that was hard but nothing compared to my last one that was run over a few months back. I would go for it.
  25. The UK Lotto numbers at 12 noon on the Saturday before I came out here cattle class.
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