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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I think you're being a bit dramatic. Pointing out a behavioral trait of a nationality should not imply hatred. I don't mind Brits at all, and if I think hard enough I can find unpleasant behavioral traits of Australians and New Zealanders too, and most other countries. These threads are just a bit of harmless fun.
  2. You're whinging about people who disagree with your original comment and who are trying to point out that you are dead wrong.
  3. Ok, thanks! It's a bit silly that you took my reply so seriously and didn't sense the irony... however, are you suggesting that no one has 186K a month to burn through? I've done it on an extended vacation, as far back as 20 years ago. Those were the days!
  4. You're still a noob - expat. Sooner or later Monday morning will lose relevance in your life. We "debate" day and night on here, 7 days a week LOL
  5. Much appreciated for the TM 47 form upload. On October 18 this sign was on the reporting desk at Jomtien Immigration: They were insisting on a copy of your address report (TM30 or 28) and the person behind the desk also asked for a copy of my entry card (TM 6). Has this changed since October?
  6. Yet, in Australia and New Zealand, going back to the 70s, (when I was a teenager and young adult) the English had a nickname "whinging Poms". I didn't meet many, but the ones I did meet were true to form. You don't get a label like this without there being some substance to it. I didn't make up the name and I had no idea who did and how it had been used... it might have started at the dawn of the British colonization of these 2 nations. I think it is a general British personality trait. Whinging makes them feel good. It's part of their DNA
  7. You're using it to start a conversation about face masks, AND insulting the person you're replying to. Good work! Even if your IQ is ok, there's still a screw loose somewhere. Didn't you have enough of this during the 2 years of lockdown? I'm sure you cut 'and pasted your pseudo-science at any opportunity you could find. It was really easy as anyone who disputed the "science" was given posting vacations.
  8. No stoner's hand is sensitive enough to determine the difference between 12 and 14 grams. It's irrelevant anyway because the person purchasing a 13-gram box with tabs doesn't know if it should weigh 13 grams or 9 grams, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to determine the difference using his hand.
  9. Seriously, you're using this thread to explain your science of mask-wearing, while having another stab at anti-vaxxers while you're at it? Enough already, it has been done to death... I apologize for replying to a comment about masks. I won't make the mistake again.
  10. If it was weed, you'd be relying on your eyesight if no gram scale is available. The "Viagra" comes in a sealed box.
  11. LOL. The science of it all. We heard that a lot from people peddling pseudo-science. I picked up covid myself wearing a mask in a crowd. They are probably more useful on a scooter, protecting the lungs from air pollution. The Thai people had the fear of God hammered into them. About 2 weeks ago, I went for an early morning walk in the local park. On top of the hill, at 7 am a Thai man was sitting on his own, wearing a mask, no other humans in sight until I got there.
  12. Mask-wearing had nothing to do with education, but government-sponsored brainwashing. You don't remember all the leaflets they sent out during COVID time? But don't pick on the Thais. Foreigners all over the planet were heavily invested in the practice too. Even on this forum, if you tried to discuss the futility of preventing viral infections with a face mask you received a posting ban.
  13. Now that really IS a shopping problem. Spend 10 years (or however long it takes - I imagine a very long time) learning Kanji and come back to buy a computer with a Japanese operating system LOL. Problem solved. Your story also illustrates how English-accommodating Thailand has become. In most shops, even if a sales clerk cannot communicate in English, there's a manager or another staff member nearby who can. In Pattaya, shopping is an absolute breeze - even pleasure. Only an IQ-impaired shopper in the low 2 digits would have a problem.
  14. A troll with a low IQ is a big problem as they are blissfully ignorant of their own ignorance.
  15. I'm sure I'll be dying alone, but I don't give a sh*t LOL. It's quite the thing in South Korea Lonely Deaths in S. Korea
  16. Maybe shopping in Thailand is a lot of trouble for you because you need an IQ upgrade. Shopping has never been any trouble for me in Thailand. What happened in Japan? Did they send you packing?
  17. The tablets are too light to perceive the difference in weight from an empty box. It's quite strange that you can't comprehend that. The box and leaflet insert weighs 9 grams. The 4 tablets and foil weigh 4 grams. Are you suggesting the OP should be able to distinguish 13 grams from 9 grams by picking it up in his hands, and that he should have known that the box with tablets should weigh 13 grams and not 9 grams? The OP is a human f***** gram scale LOL If you shake the empty box, it sounds like there's something in there due to the folded leaflet.
  18. That's exactly what I was paying 400 baht for. Now I'll have to try to get a better deal.
  19. 186k a month is nowhere near enough income if one is paying 70k for rent... A person living upscale like that would likely be spending at least an extra 3000 baht per day on quality food, dining, electricity, transport, and sundries. If he's into fine wine and imported luxury food, even more. You don't live in a 70k apartment and eat on the street every night to save money. We're nearly out of cash now and haven't got any pussy yet. Assuming the OP wants quality pussy every night and goes for top-tier delights, the long-time girls can easily cost 5000 per night or more (and still want to leave as soon or as early as possible), without even factoring in lady's drinks. If he likes to party with the girls and drink heavily, 10k a night is a modest ballpark (including tips) and not excessive in those environments. The drunker he gets the more he'll spend. I've been out with some heavy-drinking Aussie friends who notched up a 10k bar bill in a gogo in 2 hours, not including any takeaways. If the OP ventured out like this only twice a week (he'd probably need a few days to recover after each night out), and managed to only spend 10k per outing and not tip the girl another 1 - 2k, that's another 80k a month. Let's call it 100k with some tips. So where are we at? The 186k is gone on basic living expenses. Another 100k for entertainment. I would suggest he'd need at least 300k to get started with such a lifestyle. Even if he roughed it in a cheap condo, he'll still be short of cash. It sounds like a lot, but when you start partying, it won't take long to spend. If the OP wants to party like there's no tomorrow, I would start at 500k a month to be comfortable, and he could even burn through that with no trouble. If he starts to develop some feelings for some needy "girlfriends", his costs could skyrocket.
  20. I've lived in Pattaya since 2005, and ride bikes here. I've never been irked by foreigners riding bikes. Maybe I was one of the foreigners who irked you at some point during one of your visits LOL. Expats who live here and ride motorcycles generally end up riding the same way as Thai riders. They go up one-way streets, sneak here, sneak there... it's the best way to get around. It's the only way to get around. There's no such thing as an orderly traffic flow in Pattaya and you need to go with the flow. The expats learn from the Thais how to ride here, which is a special kind of crazy. It works and it's fantastic! I'd say you have some sort of weird dislike of foreigners because there is no major problem with foreign riders in general, no more than with Thai people. You should get out to areas where there are fewer foreigners to experience the difference - you'll find it's the same. The one exception is tourists on bikes. Sometimes they look the wrong way and ride on the wrong side (if that's even possible LOL) because they drive on the right in their home countries and you cannot adjust to the opposite side riding on a short vacation. You see the problem more with pedestrians, who are looking the wrong way when they cross a street. A brief beep of the horn sets them right, but in Pattaya, patience goes a long way.
  21. This is the problem. The victims are peacefully resting. It's the families that can't sleep until some form of justice has occurred.
  22. I'm sorry that you're so confused. If you consider only bikes with over 1000 cc engine capacity are real bikes, then I understand your confusion. You'd have to be a bit daft to think anyone would jump on a brand-new GPZ1100 for their first and only bike.
  23. Maybe they got away with it many times before, as they would not expect many foreigners would take the matter to the police for 300 baht of Viagra. They called your bluff and lost because you weren't bluffing. Good for you! In Pattaya, I can buy real Thai-manufactured Sildenafil at 400 baht per pack (4 x 100mg tabs). What did you get? It couldn't be the real Viagra brand at that price.
  24. I was just trying to keep it simple. The bikes that go fast without too much fuss and Harleys that make a racket LOL.... but yes, there are many subcategories. My last big bike was a GPZ 1100, back in 1983, so I'm out of practice.
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