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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Yet another typical forum knee-jerk overreaction to one single bus crash of the Roong Reuang coach line on the Bangkok-Pattaya route that I've ever heard of in 20 years here... and no one died. This coach company runs 61 trips a day between Bangkok and Pattaya, so 22,265 trips per year. This is only one of many other coach lines running between Pattaya and Bangkok. I often take this bus and have been impressed with how good and professional the drivers are. One single no-fatalities accident from well over 1 million trips over the years, and now, after this crash there's a high chance you might die if you take this bus. How many forum members dare to get out of bed in the morning, never mind driving anywhere, is beyond me. I will continue, unfazed, to use this bus line, fairly confident I won't die. After this accident, they will be even safer. Roong Reuang Coach
  2. It's ambiguous, because "next time need apply non-immigrant visa" doesn't mean this METV is not still valid for entries until its expiry date in April unless it was canceled.
  3. In reality, you didn't reverse your diabetes but just improved your blood sugar numbers. This can be done by most people in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, but it's important to know it's not a cure, and constant monitoring of blood sugar is still recommended.
  4. Of course that takes some research, but I believe there are many reputable brands out there, brands with reputations that go back 50 years or longer. Solgar, for example, has been making supplements since 1947. I have no doubt their products are very good. Blackmores Australia was founded in 1932. I'm sure they won't risk their reputation by producing junk. I find them a bit expensive, but buy the multivitamin "active" for my wife. They have a good range available in Thailand if you have deep pockets and don't mind splashing out and prefer to buy locally rather than online. I would feel confident about the quality of their products.
  5. I'd say very few people get all they need from their diet. Perhaps some very fanatical people might manage, but the effort would be enormous and far too much (and expensive) for the average person. It would be a full-time job trying to prepare such a diet. It's very unlikely you even know what you need, let alone find food to provide it all. A powerful (high-quality) multivitamin and mineral capsule is a good starting point for most people, but Centrum is not a good one and is way overpriced. There is no such supplement available in Thailand so you will need to comb the Internet and import one. Getting sufficient minerals from your diet is even more problematic. For example, you're not going to get enough elemental boron as it doesn't exist in sufficient quantities in the soil of most countries. Countries with sufficient boron in their soil have a low prevalence of arthritis (the drug companies do not like this information getting out). When it became known that boron (in the form of borax) could cure or diminish the symptoms of arthritis (in Western Australia), they outlawed the prescription of borax (in the 1970s) to patients. My recommendation to the OP is to experiment with other formulas. It could be a tablet filler that is causing an allergic response. Check out iHerb as they have a vast selection of multivitamins and don't forget the minerals. Some vitamin/mineral manufacturers produce tablets especially for sensitive people who are prone to allergic reactions to many compounds. On iHerb, if you order more than $40 worth, you get free shipping. This week there is a 24% site-wide discount AND free shipping.
  6. You're not. Reminder to self - don't reply to this idiot.
  7. This guy is not an American (Australian), but I do know things have changed quite a bit since I cruised 38 states of the USA between 1996 and 1998. It was an amazing place to visit, and I spent nearly a year there over the 3 years. I bought a Chevy Blazer and drove 25,000 miles from Key West for a full circuit of the country and back to Key West in 1996, from May to December. Best time I've ever had. Lots of cruising music was blasted LOL.
  8. Great! (that you listened despite my opinion that you didn't). I don't want to listen to your dreadful song as it came out 4 months after my father died in 1979. Music has a powerful link to the past.
  9. You didn't listen - cruising music with a solid beat. Here's another example... Sunlight Project - Antigua
  10. I really enjoy living in my rented condo, so the sacrifice was worth it. I used to blast a bit in my last place - a townhouse with no neighbours, but then a Thai woman moved next door and pretended to care about loud music. It's a bit strange - Thai people complaining about loud music in Pattaya, a stone's throw from Walking Street, hence my comment "pretended to care". Back in my not-so-distant blasting days, I began to enjoy progressive house music turned up to a reasonable volume. A bit different from my early days with Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and so on... Sunlight Project - La Marea (have a listen - you might enjoy it too)
  11. Due to living in a condo, blasting music is off the menu.
  12. It might not be ideal for people who receive a lot of phone calls, but my phone is on silent 24/7 unless I'm expecting a call. People can message me on multiple apps if they need my attention.
  13. It seems that on every thread someone finds a reason to talk about Trump. We could talk about the price of milk and someone will mention Trump LOL
  14. Considering the $25 ADR (14-day) of gold, which is about an 850 baht range, and roughly 420 baht per half ounce (15.16g of 96.5% purity), they cannot constantly adjust the price too frequently. Here is my go-to site for the price in Thailand: https://www.gcap.co.th/gcapgold/home.php I always check there before buying or selling. I bookmarked your site too - good to have a few.
  15. Well done! You have a 50/50 chance of being right.
  16. The main driving forces for gold are interest rates and of course feelings of impending doom in the marketplace. The baht is weakening against the USD, countering a small drop in the price of gold. The Spot price of Gold plummeted by $55 on Jan 15 & 16 but it has since recovered nearly $20. They were a bit late with the news.
  17. Yes, it's a joke, as the price of spot gold ranges about 1.25% per day on average.
  18. Gold is unpredictable and you can't expect it to do anything, but bear in mind that the 14-day ADR (Average Daily Range) of gold is around $25 per day.
  19. Oh my goodness! Gold plummeted by 150 baht per baht weight of gold! The world is ending! This is the clearest example of trying to find news to fill up a news void. Gold is STILL currently close to record highs (spot price) and people are getting record prices for hoarded gold.
  20. Yet you visited more than once. Not enough museums for you?
  21. This is not true. Thailand's laws on divorce are clear... in Chapter 6, Book 5, Commercial and Civil Code. You can buy an English translation on Lazada for about 600 baht.
  22. If you were married in Thailand, was it necessary to report your marriage in the UK? I've recently gone through a divorce as an Australian who married in Thailand and recently divorced in Thailand. There is no marriage reporting to Australia. As far as Australia is concerned, I never married. I was thinking maybe it's the same deal in the UK.... however, Australia does recognise uncontested administrative divorces legally obtained overseas.
  23. For the divorce obtained in Thailand to be valid for a UK citizen, the divorce needs to conform to UK divorce law. For sure the Thai spouse would not have a problem and would be officially divorced.
  24. Unfortunately, some countries don't recognize divorce by mutual consent, namely administrative divorces in Thailand. Australia recognizes them, not sure about the UK - each country is different. There's quite a bit of information online about divorce in Thailand. Edit: There might be a problem. Reading here: Divorce in Thailand According to this article, only a judicial divorce is recognized in the UK, not an administrative divorce. If you divorce in Thailand, you'll need to do it in court. I would suggest you hire a lawyer in the UK and get your divorce there. Just make it clear you haven't had any contact with the Thai spouse for 4 years and you can't contact him.
  25. That has to be one of the lamest polls I've ever seen with no point at all.
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