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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Just feed them. They are a lot less hassle, cleaner and more cute than Soi dogs, and Thais feed them everyday.
  2. I suppose he expects the restaurant staff to be cooking until 9pm and sleeping at the shop.... and what about the delivery people? I've heard they are not actively pursuing curfew breakers. I wouldn't want to take my chances as a foreigner though.
  3. JensenZ

    Beer Prices

    I only come here occasionally these days to catch up on news, but the stupidity of some of the comments is astounding. Are there still people who physically drive/ride/walk around all day comparing prices all over town? That's very old school.
  4. Of course they have to close restaurants and other shops at 8pm, so the staff have time to clean up, close up and get home before 9pm. It's exactly as it should be.
  5. JensenZ

    Beer Prices

    it's a good idea to ask online rather than wasting time driving/riding arond to compare prices. It is not laziness.
  6. I was wondering when someone was going to settle the matter and state the obvious. "Pattaya" is everywhere from Naklua to Jomtien, and the Dark side too. I live right at the border of Jomtien/Pattaya, on the hill. There hasn't been any busy areas since March last year. There's nothing going on anywhere and I don't believe it will ever be like it was before Covid.
  7. I would say a progressive and rapid closure of 1000's of businesses is high on the list of changes since 2013. You'll have to look very hard to see a tourist bus.
  8. Everyone burns out sooner or later. Who cares where it is done. Where should they be sitting? Where would they be sitting if they were back in their home countries? Where would they be sitting if they were living on a farm in Isan? Pattaya is a fine place to burn out.
  9. "engrained into them from birth"? I would say bashed into them by the CCP is a better explanation.
  10. Correct. I would put my money on it being Vietnamese catfish, Basa or Tra, which is used in fish 'n chips the world over. it's the most popular and cheapest fish and chip fish on the planet. Mild, flaky and filthy from fish farms in the Mekong River basin. It can be called "Pacific Dory" in SEA. They can get away with calling fish anything they like in Thailand. Imagine the pollution in the Mekong River water by the time it reaches the delta in Vietnam. It's probably some of the most polluted water on earth. I won't touch it.
  11. Are you focusing worldwide or just in Thailand? The last big deadly nightclub blaze in Thailand was in 2009. Fires aren't burning them down with people inside too often. We can only test you logic by knowing how many small fires in nightclubs were exthinguished before they become deadly blazes. I would hazzard a guess that many more are extinuished than become deadly blazes. There might be 1000's more fires successfully extinuished than became lethal blazes.
  12. Now they are praising the lockdown for saving lives whereas the lockdown was a significant reason for the fire in the first place as there was no one in the building to put out a small fire that became a big blaze, or there was someone in the building secretly lighting the blaze. Either way, the lockdown was responsible. The timing was perfect for a person to descretly light a fire and leave just before curfew started at 9PM.
  13. If that is introduced, I'll bet the restaurants will lay off in a few days and let anyone in.
  14. I buy meals at 7/11. Salads and fruit too. You mustn't have been to a 7Eleven for a decade as the days of only pot noodles are long past. My local 7/11 even has a selection of vegetables and hot pot ingredients.
  15. They just want to ensure more restaurants go broke. I won't be dining out if I have to show proof to eat. Why didn't they start this for people entering supermarkets where you can enjoy the company of hundreds of other unvaccinated people?
  16. or lucky no one was driving or riding on that section of the road when it collapsed.
  17. Perhaps "respect" is not the correct choice of words in this case. "Obey" would seem a more appropriate word... then again, do you have any choice not to obey?
  18. It should be noted this study was conducted before prevanlence of delta (November 2020 to April 2021). Before delta came along virtually no one in Thailand had died of covid, then came daily numbers higher than the previous entire year's numbers.
  19. I wear pretend masks so I can do my shopping. The biggest bonus is how fast my wife gets ready to go out now that she doesn't need to put on a face plus I don't need to bother shaving or be concerned about bad breath. I can really get stuck into the garlic and onions lol. I'm OK with forever.
  20. Yes, that's a common problem in Thailand. They buy too soon, decide they don't like living here and want to get out asap.
  21. Giant and tall are two different things entirely. To be a giant, you need a lot of mass to go with your height. Having been with a lady 12 inches shorter for many years, I don't feel tall and don't think of her as short. It all just feels normal. I'm 183 cm (6 feet =72 inches = 182.88 cm) and never bump my head on anything and never feel tall around Thai people. Considering I live in Pattaya, everything is designed for taller people. It was quite a surprise to hear someone complaining about the problems of being only 6 feet tall.
  22. Farmers do not produce food for any altruistic reasons. The people who do the hard work are just trying to make a living, not to feed you. A lot of farms are owned by very rich people who aren't too concerned about your table either, but their profit.
  23. As Pattaya is mentioned in bold letters, and it's posted in the Pattaya forum, it "seems" targeted to Pattaya. You must be in the wrong forum.
  24. Even if this is a requirement for getting into stores, restaurants, salons etc., they won't be turning away customers and this requirement will be largely ignored after the first day or two.
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