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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. more like £4. I think the charge is more for the aioli and curry, i can see charging for houseemad sauces, condiments like ketchup, no.
  2. The paranoia is so strong here, one wonders about the conditon of the posters relationships.
  3. most don't, but some do after a 2 yerar period
  4. No, the EU ruled that they had switch to usb c over their proprietoay connector
  5. because your comment was meaningless without context.
  6. what the hell is that thing in the picture? Id be opposed to using that for any purpose.
  7. and how big is your sample size? thousands? hundreds? tens? mabye 5? Your wife?
  8. Right, because there is no chance those blood free trousers were provided at the hospital after the wound was dressed.
  9. Seriously mate, WTF?
  10. For the love of god are you dull. If you think I'm going to read that self involved pile of rhetorical vomit past you affirming yourself as "probably more rehearsed in matters psychological than anyone you'll ever meet," you truly are delusional. Have a nice day Fred.
  11. Fred has trouble distinguishing between belief and fact. He has a tendency confuse anecdote with authority and he is unshakeable in and discussion. He can and will type nonsense for days without ever acknowledging counter arguments or requests for verification (and without paragraph breaks) Save yoreslf the frustration now. Do not engage.
  12. The entitlement is strong with this one. Ffs, You are not shopping at home pro or a major department store. You would fail in this errand in any convenience store around the world. It is not how 7 11 operates And then you have the gall to turn it into racism because someone reacted to your being an irritating pain in the ass willing to make a scene over some garbage bags. Get over yourself and stop bothering people just trying to make a living. In fact just bugger off. And do us a favour by taking that halfwit fredwiggy with you.
  13. Everyone who was into weed was smoking before it was legal. It is just easier to get now. It doesn't affect the bars one bit.
  14. You come up with that gem all by yourself?
  15. Ill leave you to it then. Sounds right up your alley.
  16. Whatever reamins of pattayas appeal is a mere shadow of it's former self. Only ageing sex pests want what the old whore has left to offer.
  17. I'd say 50 percent of leave voters will be daed or very near it in the next 10 years. And it is all very academic. As you say, who says that a return is even an option at this point. The UK is hardly negotiating from a position of strength at his point.
  18. Yet again you ask inappropriate and frankly bloody nosy questions.
  19. Again, good doctor, It is not for me to judge the ops situation. I pretend to no moral authority and entertain no sense of smug righteousness. Unlike yourself, it seems. Nor do I claim knowledge of the ops interaction with the mother and daughter over the years, other than he does seem to have remained in contact and even visited. Despite your moralistic squeals it would seem the abandonment you imagine was not total.
  20. and if it is real, as one of the few folks around in a position to offier accurate advice, you refuse it on moral grounds. gotcha
  21. ffs pattaya has been dying for decades. it is perishing as fast as the men who used to frequrent the gogo bar scene as a way of life. That just doesnt appeal to people these days. There are so many other ways to go about it.
  22. you have some options. you can live here on a retirment visa, a marriage visa -- the requirments are not as stringent as you seem to beleive. You can also get a visa based on visiting your daughter until she is 18. Im noit sure however if the marriage complicates that.
  23. who are you to judge?
  24. im not certain its even a boat anymore
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