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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. right. they dont even provide guards with uniforms or shoes that aren't threabare, but they are training them at the range. I know for a fact that the 7-11 across from my condo of three years in BGC, the shotgun didnt even have shells.
  2. its truly tragic how often you use that phrase,
  3. six conditons if you count a square head! That said, the stage is perfectly set for royal, pardon. He appaently has the aforemetioned health issues, and he is over 70. That two criteria met before he has soent a night in jail. oh to be a fly on the wall and see how (and where) he spends his first night back
  4. quit banging that completely unrealted drum wontcha please
  5. yes right, a billionaire with the entire world as his oyster has voluntarily returned to thailand to die in jail. i call bull <deleted>
  6. the issue is that the left does not promote dialogue either. They berate, They bully. They shame and they cancel. Freedom of speech fine, but don't get my gender of the day wrong. god forbid you call me by my birth, I mean dead name. Its all pathetic. Unfortunately this is what happens when the idiots on both sides take over.
  7. lookit you putting words in my mouth. Nice try, but of course it is the shooter's fault. That said extremist rhetoric has brought us to a situation where ANYONE who does not blindly accept LBGTQ rehetoric is demonised. That in turn creates animosity from the other extreme. its a vicious cycle and nether extreme is in the right.
  8. alas, the elephant building is a true mostrosity.
  9. they are refurbishing it. refrubishing the robot away.
  10. most definiely. shooting her seems a rather miltant act does it not?
  11. she was not asking for it. the rhetoric of the movement she supported however has been pushing the boat further and further out, For the most miltant, this is a positive result that will fuel yet more division.
  12. the tiny minority of people you speak of use divisive rhetoric as their stock in trade.
  13. that should work out great. He has been so quiet for decades.
  14. i wonder why Davao is so safe? oh yeah, i remember now. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2021/06/16/2105923/heres-why-davao-death-squad-was-included-icc-drug-war-probe The philipines, a true utopia
  15. The US is <deleted>. The place is so broken, every choice is complete <deleted>. the only option citizen have is chosing which end of the spectrum the <deleted> occupies.
  16. aaaaand you are obviously an expert and a genius.
  17. round my neck of the woods you can buy xanax and valium, and, im certain, other stuff over/under the counter. not legal but certainly avialble. I wouldnt reccomend xanax long term, but a couple nights isnt going to kill you.
  18. Seriouly, did somebody get a <deleted> thesauraus for their birthday?
  19. What a <deleted> joke this whole dog and pony show has become. Thaksin is being perversely disruptive, the <deleted> has no intention of setting foot in Thailand until he can do so with complete impunity meanwhile he will continue to stir <deleted>. If justice were to be truly served he would be stoned by the public as he steps off the plane for subjecting us to decades of bull<deleted> and not sloping off quietly to squander his I'll gotten wealth.
  20. pool lights these days are all 12 volt and essentially harmless
  21. its usually shotguns at 7-11 and those would likely kill anyone who tried to fire them
  22. except for the upper middle class/wealthy this has been my experience too. i made many well off freinds in the phils, i also saw some horrifically dodgy <deleted>.
  23. <deleted>, i have never had a motorcycle driver shout at me to get my business. they sit at the head or tail of the soi and wait for people who want a lift, they dont need to get agressive,
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