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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. n00dle

    Head or Heart.

    at 88 how much can that matter?
  2. well there we have it then.
  3. that is some quality jornalism right there.
  4. I understand you think you are trying to help. That, however, does not mitigate your delusions.
  5. Seriously mate. What the absolute <deleted> are you on about? have a nice day.
  6. NOBODY has said ALL students you pillock. You are making my point for me. I think you need to revist your definition of narcissim, because you seem unable to read, let alone respond directly to any point that contradicts your world view. Keep it up with the word salad, why dontcha. Sure ya do buddy boy. lets see those sources. uh huh. thats not you, nope.
  7. i do believe fredwiggy is on the spectrum and unable to consider alternate viewpoints once he has formed a belief. I once suspect he was a trolling genius, but now my beliefs fall on the side of fool.
  8. Thank you captain obvious, we are however discussing thailand. shouldnt you be off eslewhere posting pictures of your breakfast?
  9. You bloody hypocrite, demanding valdiation and proof froom other posters while spewing your own self-righteous opinion as gospel. Nothing you purport is supported by fact either. it is not up to us to deprove your negative. by your own yardstick, it is up to you to provide evidence. Prostitution and sponsorship amongst university students is a decades old practice in Thailand and there are articles discussiing it as far back as 20 years ago. A sponsorship culture (mia nois and gigs ring a bell?) is endemic in thailand and your verbose denials arent changing that anytime soon. https://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/clg/our-city/university-students-sex-drugs-uniforms/ https://www.afr.com/world/thai-officials-order-survey-after-campus-sex-claims-19990910-k8zmv https://thaisabai.org/2012/03/from-bangkok-udon-thani-tale-very-different-thai-girls/ and just to be clear noboidy is claiming this is true of all students. only someone entirely obutse would make that claim to validate their own myopoic understanding of the culture.
  10. oh the bloody irony. Perhaps you would beieve him if here were to follow your lead and write long rambling responses that make their own sweeping generalizations like this gem?
  11. this is the only sane response. It is also the only resoonse i have read thus far that doensnt samck of geriatric paranoia. Enjoy thew woman while you can, walk on if you encounter issues.
  12. how do you know that cocakine and coca cola have identical density? are you volunteering?
  13. why? she sounds bloody ideal to me. low maintenance pops by to shag.
  14. is there a new policy on the site? I wasnt aware relevance was a requirement.
  15. tell me you are english without telling me you are english.
  16. another quality thread from bob.
  17. Correct. While there have been few arabs on Soi 1, Sois 3 (the grace )and 5 have ALWAYS been their stopmping grounds. Soi 3/1 sits between 3 and 5 and that is almost entirely arab business that spill out onto 5. Ah, i see the post is 10 years old. nevermind.
  18. Bumrungrad hospital and soi arab (3/1) may have something to do with it. Ah, i see the post is 10 years old. FFS.
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