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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. TLDR: I used to be an american caricature.
  2. What an ignorant comment, finding fault where there is absolutely no suggestion of incometence or neglect, The article gives no indication that anyone but you has become fixated on the money over discovering her identity and cause of death,
  3. I remember a few (7 or so) years back a big white house/bulding in (just outside) jomtien that was just crammed with freelancers by day and night. It was essentally a huge brothel with indoor and outddoor spaces. The week was a blur of alcohol and substance abuse but this place stands out in vague memory as particularly mad. Ring any bells with anyone?
  4. I actually know 80 year olds that seem far more alert and well spoken. Besides, just becuse pople live longer, doesnt mean that government is the place for septegenerians. I would like to think that the president of the united states of Murca can actually handle a few late nights without risk of health issues. im all for capping presidential age at 65. Biden (and Trump) is from a different era, he has no place determining the future.
  5. I cant quite deciide what i find more distasteful an aging monger or your judgements and smug virtue signalling. i do, however, have a few suggestions on what you can do with that flag.
  6. it seems to me beer bars are as agressive today with the lady drinks and cash extraction tecniques as the gogo bars I began to avoid years ago. It is simply impossible these days to go out for a few beers without blowing triple or more the cost of your own drinks on beverages for everyone else in the bar.
  7. given the shopping list, i cant imagine what the vast amount of narcotics looked like.
  8. say what you want about the old biler rooms, but at least they had the common sense to stay way from thai nationals, and just use the place for operations.
  9. then you would know its not tequila.
  10. your lack of imagination is shocking.
  11. i eat alot of popcorn. ever time i get a craving, rather than goin to 7-11 for a fix i just make popcorn. contol exactly what goes into it.
  12. The issue isnt traditional diet, its the rise of processed and fast foods,
  13. i disagree whole heartedly.
  14. rather a sweeping exageration. While fentanyl has found itself into many illicit substances, especailly in north and south america, the inference that relatively inexpensive marijuana is laced with meth or fentanyl, especially in thailand is ludicrous. From an economic perspective there is no upside.
  15. at least get the story straight why dont you?
  16. so dangerous you can buy 10 bottles on lazada for 433 baht
  17. i love it. thye are incensed because the quorum check exposes that they are not, in fact, even there.
  18. n00dle

    Head or Heart.

    more likely to find yourself crossing your legs.
  19. whores got the day off.
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