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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. not sure how long you have been in thailand, but Chuwits 15 minutes have lasted 25 years. Former prime minsters have far less staying power.
  2. walkie talkie, are we all four years old again?
  3. not must have, did pay massive sums. Then when he was double crossed, he began his vendetta, taking back od destroying police boxes he donated and exposing police corrupton. Of course we shouldnt forget he was also the force behind the destruction of Sukhumvit Square to make way for a hotel development, the subsequent creation of a park that was only open for a few hours a day as compensation to the city for those heinous actions, and the recent clousure of that park to retun to his Davis hotel development plans once all was forgotten. He is a major douche and a major player. Dont get in his way.
  4. So let me get this straight craigharrigan with a single post or two who can baerly string together a sentence in recognizable english needs a side hustle. Out of the woodwork come all these helpful folks to dicuss, each with less than 5 posts to their name, most of them with clearly english names but no english skills. Channarong12 nonhuman ButtHurt joewills Who are these people one wonders? What could the endgame be? Why would any sane poster engage such a balatant festival of spam? Just you wait, there is a link and a pitch coming. Commendable effort.
  5. i find the story amusing, this gender politics bull<deleted> is such a snakepit. in reoprting the story the news outlet consistenty misgenders the teacher referring to her as she, unless the story is wrong and she is just a lesbian who perfers pants. While she is wearing those trousers do the students have pernission to call her him? This however leads me to beleive there is still hope, unlike in the west where the parents would be cut out of the loop until one day their child came home with a state sopnsored vagina.
  6. virtue signalling in line with all the crap in the western media
  7. nice. did you grow up and attend school beside an essentuilly un-moniored highway in a developing country with lax traffic law enforcement?
  8. yeah. I can imagine how i would ha phrased my "warning"
  9. that is not staying after 90 days though. its leaving and coming back.
  10. Has she made remrks in your passport or done anythng to suggest that you cannot renter the country on your exemption after you go? If not, ignore and business as usuaul until you hear different,
  11. !quality unsolicited mansplain!!!!
  12. but that was the understanding since these ITV shares first surfaced. that is harldy news at this juncture and has not changed or "blown open" the case in any way. it is just more of the same.
  13. no, just someone who prefers genuine company over mecenary halfwits. assuming im gay was cute though
  14. see, 50 bargirls is my idea of hell.
  15. read the post, read the artice, now please expalin to me what exactly has been blown wide open?
  16. In reality, neither Thailand, nor anywhere else is any sort of paradise
  17. interesting, thanks for the explanation.
  18. Interesting. This is entirely contrary with my expereince.
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