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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Why would we do that? It is the lull before the european summer break.
  2. Certainly wasn't the case where I lived.
  3. Would it now? How can you even speculate? Why would you even speculate, especially if you are financially stable?
  4. you are wrong. he was ordered to step down an an MP, that does not affect his ability to be nominated as PM. our incumbent PM, Prayut, did not even run in the last election.
  5. why? as a medical professional how would it be any worse than many other things they encounter daily?
  6. of course we have. but either way, entropy is invetable, we are just hurrying another cataclysmic event along
  7. of course pretty much everyone ubder the age of fifty has long eschewed facebook
  8. Why? because you dont like tattoos? Thats pretty shallow.
  9. Mid-flight, in flight -- as far as im concerned if the plane was in the air it really deon't make any difference.
  10. Im not certain kicking the whole family ff the plane is backing down
  11. Personally i would rather not pay rent in a hostile situation. Id simply move, though I might threaten action if my deposit is denied me.
  12. I highky doubt that. It is just the most convenient and polarizing rationalization
  13. between the old UK currency and Imperial systems im amazed anything got done
  14. Hmm, interesting. Some backpedalling and skullduggery going on indeed. No direct comment from the "party leader" on the matter either. It is so very interesting to see the real-world results of the junta constutionally rigging the senate. A outcome similar to this was obvious to me, Move Forward's outright victory and brutal slap down and Prayut scurrying into the background were not.
  15. Nothing you can do but move. It is highy likely she does not want to officially declare your tenancy, the incme from rent, or both. I have rented a house in Bangkok for nearly 20 years. The landlord categorically refuses to provide any supporting doumentation, I dont even have a rental contract. I can't say it has ever really been an issue, (though i have needed to be creative over the years getting internet and similar services) and the frozen rent agreement makes the situation work for me.
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