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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. n00dle


    yet another aseannow wit who cant actually seem to read. what do the three waterfalls you named have in common? they are not STICKY falls.
  2. what a ridiculous thing to say.
  3. n00dle


    simly put, in this cothext, no.
  4. then i hope you enjoy them by the handful, god forbid liver issues affect your helpful and well informed posts here
  5. I suspect the Savannakhet is only the most popular because Vientiane embassy has that ridiculous appointment system. I really miss my trips to Vientiane
  6. fixed that for ya.
  7. First of all, that is NOT cheese. Second, Lazada is not a fair indicator of the cost of imported foodstuffs, and the same product is available there for as low as 150 baht. Finally, Impoted food comes with a serious markup.
  8. Magnesuim supplements. You should also be consuming D3. Also Consider NAC and Glyciene If want to go down the rabbit hole, check out Eric Berg, Andrew Huberman and any one of a million
  9. the single time i can recall having an issue making a payment for anything i was pissed as a fart at 3 am when the bangkok bank online app was down for scheduled maintenance. I gave them my number and transfeerd cash in the hangover aftermath the next day. It sucks to pay for the drunk while you are paying the consequences. That was incidentally the day i decided that perhaps my hardcore drinking and party days had run thier course, as for the language barrier, though i speak thai i have never had to do more then hold up my phone and say "scan"
  10. Im sure that a member of the incumbent government can be trusted to make unbiased decisons that could seem them replaced.
  11. And if you you have a buffer of one years worth of earnings you need not pay tax here at all.
  12. you need to lay off the meth mate.
  13. what network is this. i cant remeber being unable to get cash due to an unscheduled network outtage in years. possibly over a decade.
  14. no. that isnt the moral of the story. the moral of the story is do your dillgence and dont base decsions on trust.
  15. except i dont buy apples wrapped in foam and I dont have a problem with briused fruit although i , quite literally, eat an apple a day.
  16. i reckon "dont <deleted> where you eat" is a better fit.
  17. time for monsiuer leduc to go the fok home.
  18. because McClubs are where its at.
  19. i see none of these as positives
  20. one lives in hope. Alas, i feel Canada is truly lost.
  21. not dead yet is all I can come up with.
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