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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Who gives a flying fok
  2. As a long term smoker who quit last year and has been healthier and more active than ever before (100- 175km weekly on the bike -- over 1000kms this year so far with regular weekly wakeboarding sessions and the odd run thrown in), i have been destroyed by this years pollution. I feel worse than I did when I was smoking two packs a day. It is not sustainable as far as I am concerned, alas nowhere else in the region is much better.
  3. err, right. I reckon i prefer them as a neighbor over your good virtue signaling self.
  4. Well, Thailand certainly has not eradicated burning, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to its neighbors this is a live firemap showing burns registed in the past 24 hours: https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:2023-03-05..2023-03-06,2023-03-05;@103.9,14.6,6z
  5. n00dle

    Snakes in garden

    I really doubt you did.
  6. Show me a single post in this thread or a reference to these "western feminists" in the news story.
  7. You are making my point for me thanks I reckon you would complain.
  8. I live in central bangkok in a house. It the wild kingdom out here dragon flies, wasps, bees, centipedes you name it. Occasional snakes, skinks and a <deleted> ton of different bird species.
  9. it isn't going to kill you as a one off, but will certainly have effects in the long term if it becomes a regular occurrence.
  10. the walking street? Srtithanu is not Pattaya
  11. thanks for that trip down memory lane, i was in dire need of a pithy anecdote.
  12. Sure ya did, chief. Sure ya did,
  13. Aren't you just a special fellow.
  14. is aduletry the mark of moral turpitude now? if so, we have just lost a great many of our heroes.
  15. The people don't have deep enough pockets to maintain the great houses. This has been shown again and again. Without the firm to support them much of that heritage would be falling down and forgotten. Their curatorship is a service. Take a good look at the Chateus of France.
  16. Talk about sending a message,
  17. Thats how brexit came about.
  18. It was conservatism that brough about prohibition in the US as well as the demonization of ganja in Asia.
  19. Hold Up! We have an intellectual in our midst. best quid while we are ahead.
  20. only to linger around the forum like a disenfranchised soul. Ah, the good old days syndrome. What travelers in the 80's from people who arrived in the 70's and so on every decade since. The world has changed, it is not just Thailand.
  21. I reckon this is more of an example of how you have have been standing still while the world around you changes. Its like bemoaning the loss of 1950s America or your parents claiming they don't understand your music.
  22. When I was in uni a buddy had a very bad acid trip, took two slices across his own throat, stabbed himself for times in the chest and took a swipe at each of his wrists. His left hand he severly severed the tendons, his right was almost undamaged because by that time he could barely hang onto the knife. He was out of his mind with paranoia and did it to avoid being caugh. has some interesting scars to share too.
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