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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. living the dream
  2. Many Thais have no concept of quality weed and susoect anything that even approaches the way way weed should actually smell. Im not sure how this relates back to your cube weed, but i have had plenty of Thais question whether or not my weed is "pure" based on its strong smell and their inability to do little more than drool after a single hit. I rarely offer to share as a result. That said if your weed smells like burnt plastic when lit, she may be right.
  3. what's with the "us"? neither overweight nor bald here, thanks. even the old is arguable, though i wont bother.
  4. I have no idea what local rates are and I don't do academic work. As a freelance business writer I charge between 100 and 125 USD per hour. $250 is my minimum for taking a project on.
  5. its insane to charge by the word for editing -- every piece of writing has different issues and it can take minutes or days to untangle the mess created by people writing in a second language,
  6. Both sides are at fault. the very fact that you need to bring partisan politics into the killing of children only underlines the inherent problem which is a country so heavily divided by marginal issues that it is willing to overlook dead people to score a point. how can you focus on politics in the face of the fact that there have been nearly 400 school shootings in the US since you broke your cherry with Columbine? You make remarks about "the right" how is a "left"-leaning headline like this any better? or these gems: my point is that it is idiocy to politicize this on the basis that the perpetrator is trans or otherwise, It is wrong no matter what side of the fence you are on. It is indecent to detract from the very real human tragedy by focusing on asinine side issues. The fact that people are divided about something we should all be agreed upon -- ie dead children are bad -- speaks volumes about how morally and politically crippled we have all become --yourself included for even daring to inject the terms left or right into this conversation
  7. having suffered Bangkok's recent pollution issues, i really can imagine what living in the north must be like.
  8. i know two russian athletes banned form comps last year that will be competing as Israelis this year.
  9. No, I am not missing the point. i think it is you making my oint for me by bending this to meet you narative, which is why i state this is just one story, look around and you will find people moaning about tha fact that the killer was misgendered. You will also find people vilifying the "establishment" that drove an individual to commit this act. You will also find articles that try to downplay the trans angle altogether. The fact of the matter is its all bull<deleted> and if it wants to avoid more dead children, the US needs to get its act together and control guns, not to focus on divisive gender politics that have no place in any sane society,
  10. reported for discussing moderation.
  11. Sounds to me like intercostal strain. I do some very vigorous sports and have strained the webbing between my ribs and even stressed my sternum befor, it can be painful as cracked ribs (done that too)
  12. a naked german is neither a shock nor a surpise to anyone,
  13. what scares me is that 4 out of 10 do,
  14. or at the thought of being sent home. People don't go into hiding for a decade for no reason.
  15. America have lost the fokkin plot and most other "first world countries are following hot on their heels. Its a byproduct of having life too easy. Canada is almost worse, but they, at least, have avoided mass gun deaths, People come on here ranting about the idiosyncrasies of Thai culture, but Thailand doesn't hold a candle to this load of old cobblers. And now, agenda benders on both sides of the political continuum are twisting this to fit their narrative. they are overlooking dead children and a lack of gun control to point fingers at irrelevant gender issues or worse, becoming incensed that this murderer is being misgendered in the press. WTF? Way to miss the fokkin point
  16. Have you really been researching spatula deaths just so you can prove yourself right? and even if you have found a precedent, what indicates that the guy was dong anything other than watch?
  17. no but i see the blind man posting nonsense.
  18. the way you struggle with words is just plain cute.
  19. there is a whole lot there to upack. Thankfully, it wont be me unpacking it.
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