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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. Anectodal, I know, but today I caught a baht bus by Jomtien Complex and once he passed Pattaya Tai, he only stopped at the marked red bus stops.  Some people were confused (upset?) that after they rang the buzzer he continued a distance down the street before stopping.  But, each time he stopped, it was one of the red bus stops.

  2. 8 hours ago, ChomDo said:


    With the Thai tablets you can only take a max of 45mg because if you take more than 3 tablets per time the paracetamol dose goes too high (exceeds 1000mg). Well nothing we can do about that, just an interesting observation how the Thai brand has made the dose that way.


    I read on some Canadian web site that that is the reason that the codeine sold there OTC has to be mixed with paracetamol or aspirin:  to keep people from getting too high dosage of codeine, i.e. to  prevent satisfying (causing?) an addiction.  The problems caused by the "overdose" of aspirin or paracetamol would occur first.

  3. I got stuck at the point where you said "...the site manager fell out with the original property owner (Mr C) about turning his car round on his site."  What on earth did the site manager get so upset about?  (Rhetorical question, I guess: Hard to explain how other people tick.)


    I suspect you're reluctant to just walk away since you said: "We are in our very late 50's with little money."  I assume you'd like to get *some* of your investment back.  Not sure you can, but maybe someone can find an angle for you.


    Good luck!

  4. It seems that it's specifically Thailand that Staples is blocking.  Without a VPN I get the blocked web site notice as above, but when I sign on to PureVPN's Singapore server I reach the USA web site fine.  If they are simply blocking locations to which they don't ship (apparently in Asia they only ship to China & Taiwan) they should be blocking Singapore, too, no?

  5. Correction to my post above:  It was not the buttons on the case that was the giveaway, it was that the magnetic charger would no longer connect to the port on the side of the phone through the cutout on the case.  That detail struck me as I was falling asleep last night.  FWIW, it was a Sony Z3 Compact mobile phone.


    @Pib: That photo is scary.  :shock1:

  6. @JimCrane:  Would you be interested in moving into the unit beneath Tropo?  Sounds like a good solution.


    Seriously, though, I tend to agree with you about the acceptance of normal and reasonable noise from an adjacent neighbor.  But, I know different people are sensitive to different frequencies of vibration.  I, for example, tend to get irritated by the dull thumping of someone stomping their feet upstairs whenever they move around.  But, I also understand that if the person is hugely obese and/or has flat feet, it's somewhat out of their control, so I won't complain.  Although it's annoying (and luckily the person is not here year 'round) other occasional noises from neighbors, like dropping coins or scraping a chair across the floor, do not phase me at all. I hear them, but my blood pressure isn't affected, unlike the stomping.

  7. 9 hours ago, evadgib said:

    Thanks for that Joe :smile:

    Curiously I can fill it in direct from this website but when I saved the blank template to my computer hoping to do it properly later I found I can no longer do so. Does anyone know why?


    Edit: I just filled in the template and saved it to my computer but all that was saved was the blank template. My pers data had vanished. If I have to fill this in manually i'm in trouble as not even I can read my handwriting!

    That's odd.  I saved the new, blank, fillable form to my hard drive (on the Desktop of my Windows computer), then opened it in my PDF reader (free PDF Nitro) filled in some fields and saved it with a new name.  When I re-opened the altered PDF file, the changes were kept.  Maybe try a different PDF program?

  8. I had a similar situation with a Sony mobile phone.  The phone was in a case and I started having problems using the buttons on the case.  Then I realized it was because the back of the phone was bulging and the buttons on the case no longer lined up with the buttons on the phone.  Sony replaced not only the battery but all the internal components of the phone under warranty.

  9. Despite the ringing endorsements usually seen here for Numchai air con service folks, I was not all that impressed when they installed two Daikin air con units I bought from Numchai this year.  They didn't use the rubber bushings between the condenser and the metal wall bracket until I asked them to.  They had the rubber bushings and the longer bolts, but arbitrarily decided not to use them.  Also, I had the area for the air cons pre-wired by a competent electrician including a green earth/ground wire.  I brushed up against the metal of the exposed bolts on one of the condensers and could feel current leakage.  Obviously they didn't connect my green wire to the air con green wire.

  10. 2 hours ago, mgb said:

    What do you think the route numbers at the site of the songthaew beside the big numbers are good for?

    They appeared in December (2016) at the same time the new routes were announced, however the new routes never were started as far as I know.  At least, they are not operating now.  What operates now is the same as what operated pre-December announcements.


    So, to answer your question "What...are [they] good for?"  Absolutely nothing.  Unless/until those routes announced in December are actually implemented.  And, I won't hold my breath on that.

  11. @TallGuyJohninBKK:  I originally got into discovering VPNs when I had True and it made a big difference in overseas speeds to use a Singapore server.  However, I found it hasn't made much of a difference with my current 3BB ADSL.


    Hey, the wonky VPN behavior continues from my opening post.  I had intended to show that using PureVPN's Singapore server basically had no effect on my 3BB ADSL, which in the past was shown, but these results (using testmy.net just now) are somewhat erratic:




    I'm reaching the conclusion there there is no way to reliably test the throughput of a given connection.  Is 3BB wonky?  Is testmy.net not reliable?  Is PureVPN a whack job?  None of the above?  All of the above?


  12. 6 hours ago, digbeth said:


    For new air conditioners these days, the supplied piping comes in pre cut length and only requires bending and fitting of connectors at the end. very minimal chance of botching things up in typical installation


    1 hour ago, Naam said:

    because there are no different distances between evaporator and condenser to bridge? my shortest pipe length is 3.5 the longest 17meters.


    next! :coffee1:

    I was wondering how they could pre-size the pipes when each installation is unique.  I thought I must be missing something obvious, but it seems you felt the same.


    digbeth: Can you clarify what you meant?  I suspect that what you meant and what Naam and I are understanding might not be the same?

  13. If this is an interior door, you can find fairly inexpensive, but nice looking, foam-core doors just about everyplace.  I bought a couple at HomePro for bedroom doors for under B2,000 each few years ago.  You just put a coat of paint on them and they look pretty nice.  Good enough for a rental anyway:




    I think this might be the door, currently on sale for B1,710.  This is a catalog page of HomePro doors.


    PS:  I wonder that this door actually looks like.  It's only B559???

  14. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Luckily I still have a couple of packs of four cartridges as I bought a dozen or more a few years ago at 40B per pack of four.


    Use them while you can.  I unearthed a package of some old, like probably 15+ years old, Bic disposables and when I used them the plastic cracked and broke where the handle meets the blade head.  Guess they didn't engineer the plastic to be used as antiques.  :whistling:

  15. Go to YouTube and put "soundproof wall" in the search box and you'll find dozens of ideas for reducing the noise from next door.  There are so many strategies and I don't know which is best, but I suspect each of them works to some degree.  I knew someone who did a version of adding a gypsum/drywall layer with an air gap and some sort of foam glued to the initial wall and he seemed happy with the result.  I think all these methods will result in some loss of floor space.

  16. Okay, that eliminates the idea of using a truly local VPN -- there aren't any!


    I think I'll stick to the K.I.S.S. principle and just keep using PureVPN's Singapore location when I want encrypted surfing, like when using public hot spots.  Although, I guess it should be identical to using their Thailand "location," no?


    Didn't really know what digitalocean was, but just Googled it.  I'll put that on a future project to research further.  Thanks!

  17. Thanks.  I'm by no means a communications tech person, but I've never heard of "compression in vpn."  Interesting.  Do I want to know why it wouldn't help in real internet usage?  :crying:


    Okay, then that brings up my original concern which led me to the speed test.


    Is there a reliable VPN who actually has a server in Thailand?  I'm thinking mainly in terms of end-to-end encryption without sending my data out of the country and back, which is what PureVPN apparently does.  Or, should I just stick with PureVPN and choose the Singapore or Thailand server?


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