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Posts posted by wpcoe

  1. I wanted to see the effect of using PureVPN's Thailand server on download speeds, and got confusing results using speedtest.net to Bangkok.


    This is using a 30/10 Mbps FTTH package with TMN (a local Pattaya cable provider):




    I was surprised that the download speed dropped 10+ Mbps.  That seemed like a high overhead.


    Then I did the same test with a 18/1.8 Mbps ADSL package with 3BB:




    And this time the download speed increased 6+ Mbps.  How can the speed increase -- especially so much -- on a local test?


    What is the reason for the opposite effect?  What should a reasonable overhead be for using a local VPN server?


  2. 4 hours ago, villa82 said:


    Does using the correct terminology really matter so much when we all know what the poster really means, it's always the usual suspects on here that can't wait to point out "it's not a visa, it's not a visa!!!", who gives a ****!


    In *many* cases it *doesn't* matter, but when someone with a retirement extension writes that they are from the UK (or USA, Germany, etc) with a one-year Retirement Visa and another poster instinctively thinks ("Ah, a Non-Immigrant O-A visa!") then all hilarity ensues when non-appropriate advice (relating to an O-A visa) contradicts appropriate advice (relating to a retirement extension) in the same thread.


    Even before coming to the forum, folks may be confused by friends telling them how they did what they did, some of them on a visa and some of them on an extension, when they all used the term "visa."  The confusion compounds when they ask here, using the wrong term.


    Just like there are rules for the highway to provide the smooth, safe, function of traffic -- and you can survive not following those rules -- if one follows the pattern of using the correct/precise terms on the forum they will probably get better, relevant information faster than by using incorrect/ambiguous terms, that's all.


    (We're going too far off the thread topic, so I'll stop with this post.)

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/26/2017 at 11:11 AM, louse1953 said:

    Fair enough,but when Immigration officers call the 2 extentions of stay Married and Retirement visa,where does that leave us.Common usage has taken over from the correct terms.Immigration has found it easier to refer to the extentions as Married and Retirement,easier for us and them.


    I know that discussion of use of the terms "extension" and "visa" can lead to holy wars, so I'll try to traead carefully.


    Most Immigrations Officers are not native English speakers.  I think they probably began calling extensions visas from hearing mis-use of the terms by us foreigners.


    A Thai employee in a store will universally use the term "finished" to indicate an item is out of stock.  You understand what the employee means, but do you then alter your use of the terms with other native English speakers?  It's the same thing.  I don't think we should necessarily change our proper use of English with each other based on an IO's use of terms in his/her non-native language.


    When I first became active on this forum I thought a visa-exempt entry stamp was a "visa on arrival," but then learned that the latter term was a class of visa for residents of certain countries.  I also thought that when I went to apply for a retirement extension that I was getting a Non-Immigrant O-A visa, but I learned the difference.  If *I* can be taught the correct terms, then most (all?) forum users can, too.  Try it , you'll like it!  :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, sandyf said:

    If you can get the Non O in the UK it may be the better option. You can do it by post and they are quite quick as you have to use a special delivery envelope, normally 3/4 days.

    This sounds like the easiest option, no?:  obtaining a Non-Immigrant O visa in the UK, if you can.  You arrive in Thailand as normal, get stamped for a 90-day stay, and without leaving the country or going to Bangkok, you apply for a one-year extension in the last 30 of the 90 days, giving you time to get the money in the Thai bank properly for 60-day seasoning.


    (This is assuming the UK does still issue Non-Immigrant O visas to folks over 50.  I don't keep track of which consulates/embassies around the world do/don't.)

  5. 2 hours ago, chubby said:

    Not sure how that helps Google know that it's the same person when I search via Google on different days and my ISP has assigned me a different IP address (and I'm not logged on to a Google account.)  Can you elaborate?

  6. On 4/25/2017 at 3:43 PM, Farang two dot zero said:

    Please what the shop name and adress please ?

    I would have sworn it was a Pure shop, but looking on Google Earth Street View (dated 8/2016) it appears to be this place?




    I've been in the shop, but it's been a few years.  I also thought it was closer to the intersection, so maybe the shop I'm remembering is no longer there?  Anyway, the sign in front of this shop is directing folks to "Water Filter" parking, so this must be the current water filter place at the Sukhumvit/Pattaya Nua intersection.

  7. 7 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

    I use a VPN because it encrypts all my traffic and Firefox with duckduckgo browser instead of the idiotic Google which tracks every f... thing I do. Not to mention the f... personalized advertisements which I never asked for. 


    If you're not logged in to a Google account, does it still track?  If so, how does it log searches that you've done over time and attribute them to you if your ISP assigns you a random IP number?

  8. On 4/26/2017 at 0:05 AM, sniffdog said:

    Well partly the truth. They throttle bandwidth (I have the Inter option) between 6 - midnight. Torrents start at full speed (25Mbs) but after a while slow down to about 2Mbs where it remains.


    But during outside these hours I get full speed. Streaming has seemingly improved since I got the Inter option. Btw the upgrade is 200 baht + 7% - THb 214.

    Which 3BB plan do you have?

  9. I'm following along with interest, as I'm also considering having some custom furniture pieces made.  Please keep the recommendations of specific shops coming.  Thepprasit Road fits my needs just fine, as I live nearby in Jomtien.


    So far, Mai Thai seems hit or miss, and Jar gets one thumbs-up.

  10. 23 hours ago, attrayant said:

    I've found that a vigerous daily exfoliation of the more aromatic parts of the body helps a lot.  I use a stiff brush like this and a shampoo that has tea tree oil in it*.  Not only does it leave the areas in question feeling minty fresh, I find they take much longer to become un-fresh.  Sometimes I also do an alcohol swab of the arm pits after drying off, which I have found allows me to go without antiperspirant or deodorant for a good part of the day.  YMMV.




    *Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo, which I brought with me from the states in a gallon jug.  Not sure what I'll use when that runs out.

    If you can't find the Paul Mitchell shampoo, you might try this.  I buy it at Tesco and use it in the shower because it lathers up so nicely:




    It's not a shampoo, though I often use it as such.  (Hey, what can I say.  I'm a guy who used to use Dial soap as shampoo in my youth...)  It comes in different varieties.  I think that in addition to this chamomile extract version, there's a rose water one, and maybe others.

  11. 11 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


    You have been very helpful. Thank you. If I am pushed on time in UK, I can come in on a 30 visa exempt stamp and then request a Non O visa in Laos,yes?

    That would be more useful to me

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    Technically, to qualify for a 30-day visa-exempt entry you need a confirmed ticket out of Thailand within 30 days of arrival, and some (many?  most?) airlines won't permit you to board a flight to Thailand without that ticket out of Thailand.  Not sure how firm/thorough the carriers from the UK are, but US carriers frequently check.  Just in case, you might want to buy an inexpensive, but refundable, ticket out of Thailand during the 30-day period.


    Also, once you manage to arrive in Thailand on a 30-day visa-exempt stamp, you can convert that to a special Non-Immigrant O visa within Thailand (i.e. without a run to Laos), but depending where you are, it might require two trips to Bangkok to do it.  Depending where you are, it might be easier to just go to Laos, but wanted to make sure you knew you had another option.

  12. PS to my post above:  Just went past Nat's clothing repair shop and noticed the yellow sign now hangs off the blue/white awning, facing the street, and is no longer hanging over the sidewalk.  Just in case someone is on foot looking up for the banner...

  13. 6 hours ago, Arjen said:

    @Naam and others,


    I still do not get where I am doing it wrong.


    But Ok, I still can learn. My electricity usage is about 1.000 Watt day, what makes that my meter on the end of the day has added 1Kwh to the clockwork.....


    Does this makes sence?


    Best regards, Arjen....

    Here's what still doesn't sit with me:  You say you use 1,000 watts (1KW) per day.  That would be 30KW per month, and using a rate of B4/KW, your previous electric bills were only B120 each month???  :wacko:

  14. Thanks for the feedback, guys.


    @mtls2005:  Yes the redundancy back-up is another factor I'm considering.  It's a bit disappointing that my B599/mo 18/1.8 Mbps 3BB ADSL beats the pants off of B1200/mo 30/10 Mbps TMN FTTH for overseas sites.  I tested Singapore and Los Angeles over a period of time on different dates/times and 3BB routinely is 2x faster.  If I do keep the TMN as a backup, I'll drop back down to their B599/mo FTTH package.


    The other change I'm considering is changing my 3BB ADSL to VDSL, but am waiting for first-hand reports that their VDSL + B200 @Inter supplement has decent overseas speed.

  15. 11 hours ago, NormanW said:

    An email probably won't be replied to either. You're better off going in person. 


    As you turn off Nua it's just in a bit to the left.

    "A bit to the left" as in after a turn on the second soi after turning off Nua, as on the map?

  16. 6 hours ago, michelangelo1000 said:

    Thx guys! I'm located on Thappraya Rd near Thepprasit Rd, but it's not a big deal going to North Pattaya for example, easy with baht bus.


    I lost weight but that was not really intended, instead I should need to put on some mass now, we all have our challenges...


    50-100 baht sounds great, yeah probably the Indian tailors are more expensive.



    In that case, if you turn on to Thepprasit from Thappraya, in the first block about 150m up on the right-hand side is a seamstress with a shop and a sign hanging over the sidewalk.  Here's a screenshot from Google Earth of her shop:




    I've had her hem some pants for me for B50 and she offered to have them done same-day when I dropped them off at noon.


    Congrats on the weight loss, BTW. :thumbsup:  I'm more than a bit jealous as my girth has been heading the opposite direction for quite some time.








  17. On 12/26/2016 at 0:55 AM, starrdog said:

    From the Dolphin Roundabout heading towards Sukhumvit on North Pattaya Road, it's just after you cross Pattaya 3rd Road on your left. The complex you want to turn into is called "The Office". If you reach the Bangchak gas station, you've gone too far. Service center phone# 038-197045.

    I'm a little confused on the exact location.  I'll be going via baht buses, so don't want to be wandering around in the tropical heat.  The above quote makes it sound like it's directly on Pattaya Nua.


    However, this thread has a map which shows it off of a soi off of a soi off of Pattaya Nua:




    By any chance, does anybody have an e-mail address for them?  Rather than cruising up there from Jomtien once to place an order, and then a second time to pick up the item, maybe I can eliminate the first trip by sending them an e-mail with a photo for what I want.


    I tried calling, and my English didn't get very far with them.



  18. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Not visible, maybe, but I would hate to sleep on a sheet with a seam up the middle.

    I've slept on those cheap Tesco sheets with a seam, and didn't feel it.  The low thread count I did feel, but not the seam.

  19. 5 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Can't do... the landlord only accepts one-year contracts. The people above come for short vacations once or twice a year.

    Actually my idea was to rent any unit in the building short-term just to see how much noise is transferred via walls/ceiling/floors from surrounding units to give you an idea what your potential new neighbors might experience.


    Before I bought my current condo, I stayed a week in each of two units a friend owned for just such a reason.  I was pleasantly surprised to learn how quiet the building was for interior noise (except daytime construction, of course.)  I also was pleased to find the building has excellent water pressure, something you might not ordinarily think to inquire about.


    I hadn't actually considered @JimCrane's point about how many short-term renters might be in the building.  That's also a valid consideration.

  20. Is there a resource that lists which overseas web sites maintain hosts/mirrors here in Thailand?  e.g. Do Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL (just kidding), YouTube, BBC, Wikipedia, etc. maintain a local presence for content here without having to access via overseas internet cables?


    I'm trying to decide whether to keep an FTTH provider with relatively high-speed intra-Thailand access, but with very low overseas access speeds (including to/from Singapore).  If a majority of the larger overseas sites have local access portals, it might be worth keeping the FTTH, and also keep my trusty 3BB ADSL alongside for occasions where I might need to download large amounts of data from other overseas locations, like torrents.


    I anticipate finding that few overseas sites have local portals/mirrors in country, but don't know how to check to be sure.  If few local access points are available, I'd cancel the FTTH.

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