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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. Well if the guy gave his side it'd likely be from behind bars in a jail cell.
  2. A street car system would be a good idea I think but it'd take 200 years to complete.
  3. Why not just have inspections that require a minimum standard be met? Lawsuits would likely never be paid anyway.
  4. herpetologist Thaland
  5. This Mother Jones deposition video is very illuminating regarding Mr. Dump's veracity
  6. I wonder how much whinging these posters did during the actual lockdown during the last three years?
  7. At two places in Pattaya if I wanted to try on a pair of pants before I bought them I was instructed to just drop my pants and try them on. One place was a vendor outside Tops at 2nd road and Pattaya Klang and the other was the clothes vendor next to the cashiers at Avenue Villa. I ended up buying at each place and was happy with my purchase..
  8. Fortunately it's far from over. There's he very real the possibility Mr. Dump could be tied up in criminal proceedings for the remainder of his life. Besides the stress that'd cause him, seeing him lose his precious money in trial costs would be entertaining to some. Everything out of his mouth is deny, deny, deny, even when a contention is clearly on video tape with voice recording he just makes up another lie and moves on. On a personal level I know of no other person with a greater penchant for lying than Donald Dump. Some fact checking organizations have estimated his lying at up to 31 lies a day.
  9. Great attitude, Mate. ???? Your friends must love coming by your house. To add, that is of course assuming you have any friends.
  10. I think you gave your girlfriend a car., but it's only a small problem.
  11. I think it's a shame there isn't some process to determine if this person could remain in Thailand. As mentioned he clearly represents no threat to anyone and he's Ok to stay in his house. It's likely there's no home back in his home country so it seems unfair to me to cast him off like this.
  12. I've read William Randolph Hearst was a pretty controlling host but I don't think even he controlled the water temperature of his guests. ???? ????
  13. Does that claim take into account the tens of millions of dogs that would wag their tails and greet a person coming into their domain? I'm glad you're happy with your doberman experience and at the same time I wish you could have experienced going to my friends house where Mary had her Doberman, Rex. Rex knew me well and i'd spent plenty of time petting him. When I came to their door, however, every time Rex wold bark and scowl as if he wanted to remove my neck from my body. Like it or not, It is my opinion Doberman's are a ticking time bomb.
  14. I'm a dog lover but Doberman's always strike me as a dog that's a ticking time bomb
  15. Yes the bank is a private business that can set its own rules. I was once told I'm not allowed to wear and cap or sunglasses in the bank. I complied as I realize they want no obstructions to their identifying robbers. The mask requirement is to protect both customers and employees. Whinging about it as some do is such a waste of time.
  16. My MIl is a bit more modern I believe and according to the Ms., the MIL does use and like the fryer. I didn't.
  17. One of the more interesting stories I've read connected to BTC is about the fellow who forgot the "password" to access his bitcoins. At the time he'd made a few attempts to guess the password but realized he had something like only 10 attempts available before they were lost forever in the Cyber space.
  18. I gave my air fryer to the mama in the village.
  19. Again, there's some confusion in your post. The day you made the post (11/19/2022) the exchange rate of the USD to Thai Baht was 35.59. If you look at the past few years of the exchange rate, you'll find that that rate is very favorable toward your USD. What is likely happening is you'er seeing a reflection of fees charged by the bank as well as possible increases in your SSA payments for things like prescription medicine and other such things. I feel your pain. A couple of years ago, after the yearly increase, i ended up with less money than before the increase. And I'm not talking about having the money converted to Thai Baht. It was just less USD.
  20. What humor do you find in this man's motorbike death?
  21. Heck I had quite a bit of pain just from a hernia operation and before anyone says anything, a good mate experienced the same issue with his a month ago. Good for you wife she got by with only Tylenol. Doctors frequently drop the ball when it comes to pain mitigation.
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