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Everything posted by Darksidedude

  1. yep and everyone dont care if they get it as they are over it, which is fair enough considering they have had 7 lockdowns 265 days
  2. Me and the family had recently gone for a trip to Australia from Oman, We all had neg PCR test before we flew as per the procedures, it was 20 hrs in total travel time to reach Melbourne, taxis, airports and aircraft. My wife tested positive 5 days after arriving in Melbourne then me and my daughter. for sure 100% my wife contracted covid whislt travelling. We will not be travelling anywhere until this covid is gone away
  3. throw the book at this nasty <deleted> and lock him up with sex offenders so he will get his just deserved
  4. Thailand have to get on with it and live with it, shutting down the place all the time destroys it more than any pandemic.
  5. Dont know why this was not the first country to implement same sex marriage, gay/lesbien, transgenger are very common and excepted in Thailand and have been for century's
  6. Was the first thing i thought of doing when i arrived first time 1990, basically the main reason being you could stay forever in Thailand and have a multitude of girls at your doorstep. Did not go with that plan only reason was money didn't have it, would have been a great experience as a young one (mid 20s) running a bar in Patts, was so envious of the guys running bars in BKK and Patts.
  7. Pattaya and Investment are 2 words that do not make sense to me, may as well go to a casino and put all your money on black or red ha ha
  8. Umm well depends on what your doing there as to weather its the healthiest place to retire
  9. Cant really help here but i got mine after a lot of running around that my wife did so i dont really know the process, i think its just if you get it or not up to the people you see that allows this to happen. Saying that i have no idea why i got it in the first place, doesn't help much with anything unless there is something i dont know about.
  10. I dont need to read anything below the heading of this post, by looking at the pic of this guy its just self explanatory ha ha
  11. waste of time and money fighting this as Thailand has no rules build stuff anywhere you want
  12. dont know framerates but it doesn't shutter or crash anything of that nature, laptops are the go desktops are old news a lot of laptops come with that other type of cable connection as well the one you mentioned
  13. I always thought gated and brought a house in a gated compound Its all fine however i have a few friends in stand alone houses, which are fine as well and not to mention you get a lot more for your money just need extra security measures in place such as window and door metal frame security CCTV etc and to check the neighbourhood out thoroughly before committing, like rent a place first in the same street to check if or if not there are nutters living there saying that it gos for gated compounds as well some of them can be a nightmare with dogs and the like
  14. Do you not know of a HDMI cable to connect to a monitor ?? all laptops have that facility, as for graphics laptops have come a long way. I am running full settings newest MS flight sim or any latest game for that matter with a 200 dollar second hand gaming laptop that is 4 years old i used to build my own desktop machines, stopped that 10 years ago
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