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Everything posted by yeahbutif

  1. I thought not again brake failure.... But I googled this it not just Thailand....Brake failure is a terrifying idea, but it fortunately doesn't happen very often. In fact, brake failures only cause about 5% of the car crashes in the US every year. Of course, there are 5.6 million car crashes in America every year, so brake failure accounts for about about 300,000 crashes per year.De
  2. Last time I went 2 years ago now.. when I arrived.they gave me a few sheets of paperwork with different headers and these sheets had to be put in yours paper's under the correct header section..it took me a while to do and I found not easy..this is done before you go scan documents.. I thought these section would be in the same order as the online form you filled in but that not...
  3. Copy to Google translate
  4. Okay I was referring to selfishness . But yes you right.. on the temple noise.
  5. I know it's against the law to gamble...but can anyone see why? Is it because the government not getting a cut of the money.. as I can't see 3 people playing on the beach a problem..
  6. So what you saying is its noisy in a sanatorium..... As it's full of idiots that can't control their selves.that have become an anusence to other people.so maybe the world is becoming a big sanatorium..
  7. Happy new year. I googled why some people like too play their music so loud everyone has to hear their tastes. It comes up with people who need attention as they not got any when they were child. Like man in flash car look at me I have a big dick... But really it's really says what a Dick... .. it seems the music problems seem to be worse in Thailand.could this be due to lack of attention.. or just plain selfishness. As I would not have thought that selfishness was the Buddha upbringing.
  8. What is classified as retirement? To be allowed to bring things from UK duty . is just having a retirement visa the only qualification for this?
  9. I don't think you stupid .just galerval... even Thais lend money to Thais and they don't get it back.one person I know lent money and the borrower ended up in prison.so if they have no money can't pay back
  10. My agent told me can be renewed max 3 months before expired date. And renew date stays the same as last expiry date.
  11. Sounds like some leeway..... Does that mean make sure you carry tea money.
  12. If you have the funds any bank. Okay.. if you use agent and don't have the funds they seem to have the banks they deal with.
  13. I thought I re entry permit had the valid to date on it.? Had to re-entry Thailand by that date. So when you get a new exstention get a re entry permit same time .the permit then will cover you till the next exstention.
  14. So the 500b max fine for that must be for a Thai... As now 5000b for a falang.. makes sense I suppose in Thailand.
  15. Maybe different trying to Find a German falang .and I'm English don't speak german. So I thought German embassy would be the best way.. have the address he used on marriage certificate and passport numbers ect but still no good.. we heard he may even have a family in Cambodia now. .. I tryed Facebook with names and photos but photos ten year old so changed by now joined Cambodia Facebook on the off chance .. but still no luck.
  16. Not as easy as it sounds been trying to do this for a long time .it been to court 3 times and the judge said need more information.. the falang can't be Found even via passport numbers and old adress via embassy ..the embassy say they have no information.. so stuck.. so be careful lawyer say he can do it but be careful Could be expensive and get no where. We at a dead end. And the problem is example if she wants to buy a house she can't without husband sign.. at land reg office.. good luck
  17. If there is a damformation law. That say you cant complain about somone or thing. Why is there not a law that says when someone says they going to do it or included why is that not damformation...as it's a dam nuisance..
  18. The amount of insurance cover is relevent to premium... I have 4000 Dollar cover For £396 For 3 months I'm 65 without any illness.. so best I could find.. as for if they honour claims don't know. As it seems they are quite new.. they do have a Facebook site just search wrlife on Facebook search..
  19. Nope... I find it odd there is not alot of information on the inlist subject? Even Google is not that clear ..and forums far and between.. I was told the other day maybe if I searched in thai there is would be info .. but if you a falang and you have a half thai half falang son we need to know what goes on ..as I found some Thais lady don't seem to take any interest in important life issues
  20. I bought what I thought was 2 pairs of trainers as they said buy one get one free in big letters on images... I only got one pair so they must mean buy the left one and get the right one free..
  21. No he has a job already.. so not looking or hoping to join up.but it seems they have to be on a list .but can't see why if they do have to reg every year.
  22. 18 year boy registration requirements for military service We having a debate what the boy has to do to register for military service He went to the place where he registered in blue house book at the age 18 She now saying she has to go again this year and do it again ? She says it has to be done every year till he 21 then goes in the draw. Does this sound right ?
  23. So if you have your own house it looks sounds like you don't have to do a TM 30.. only tm47…?
  24. What's the difference between a TM30 and a tm47 ..TM 47 is notifying adress you are staying that you have to do every 90 days ,so if you do TM 47 do you still have to do TM30. .as I can't see the point..
  25. This is For some reason they only count what comes in and not what goes out.. this was the day when I used to get letter From embassy to clarify my income .they only looked at bank statement and saw the correct amount .they not see I put it in and took straight out...
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