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Posts posted by RR2020

  1. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


    It's all about how they word it, e.g. 2 in 100,000 people die from vaccination, 1,660 in 100,000 people stand the risk of getting Covid.


    The above said, they don't say anything about how many people of those 1,660 in 100,000 who are at risk of getting Covid, make a full recovery, and there in lay the problem.


    It's all about the Covid vaccines and of course, no one dies of these Covid vaccines, they keep telling us that, repeat, cleans and repeat, no one will take responsibility because if they dare suggest it is the vaccine, people won't take them, and they need people to take them so that they can keep everything under their control.


    Lifetime immunity comes from T Cells.


    The vaccine companies have got everyone focussed on antibodies.


    Very simply, if your T Cells are good you wont make any or many antibodies.  Antibodies are like a back up.......the final line of defence if your T cells are useless.


    Only the people with poor immune systems dont have T cells capable of killing the virus and end up requiring antibodies to survive.


    If you look at the bigger picture here............people who get Covid and recover quickly....will be immune of life.  Their T cells are fine and the memory T cells will protect in future - regardless of variants.


    But those with weak immune systems (because they are sick, or obese, or unift, or unhealthy) will need a once yearly vaccine now for Covid............ = money = profits.


    Interestingly its been well proven for a long time that people with low Vitamin D levels have poor T cell response.  See below link from 2010.


    Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses -- ScienceDaily










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    All the vaccines are causing some deaths.................


    But of course...........AZ is a "not for profit" vaccine........so there is a lot more knives stabbing it in the back, people and companies selling vaccines for profit DO NOT want countries and governments buying AZ.   


    Orange County woman's death after 2nd dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine spurs concern from family - ABC7 Los Angeles




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  3. Shocking report on Sinovac vaccinations: Increased Covid cases after using vaccine | The Manila Times


    ..........The first reported death after vaccination in Hong Kong occurred on February 28. On March 28, within just one short month, 13 people in Hong Kong, aged 55 to 80, died after receiving the vaccination. Eleven of them were given the Sinovac shots, while the other two had received Pfizer/BioNTech............

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  4. 2 hours ago, edwinchester said:


    Actually, you can see the "misinformation" here.  As Ivermectin was never on any list.........it cannot be dropped if it was never recommended in the first place.


    Actually whats happened is the DGHS has simply said its not WHO approved so dont use it.


    Which is a very different headline to it being "dropped".


    MONEY MONEY MONEY.............dont let a simple cheap drug get in the way of all the Covid profits.




    DGHS drops Ivermectin, Doxycycline from Covid-19 treatment; ICMR rules unchanged - Coronavirus Outbreak News (indiatoday.in)


    ..............However, there seems to be a split in opinion about the new directives as the Indian Council for Medical Research, the country's leading health agency in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, has not yet approved the revised guidelines.....................

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    You cannot claim that any drop in cases in May 2020 was due to herd immunity.


    No....its just natural in Northern hemisphere when winter ends and people go out more and get more sunlight and UV rays..............virus levels fall off.


    As they did in May 2020 so they did in May 2021.


    The point is.........in May 2020 there was no vaccine but a big fall.  In May 2021 there is a vaccine and a big fall.


    What is the common factor 2020 and 2021.......what was the same in both years ?

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Nope. The initial infection waves in the US and the UK didn’t come close to generating herd immunity. The recent drop in new infections in the US and the UK is due to something called “vaccination “.


    So the big fall in cases in May 2020 was due to a vaccine that did not exist at the time ?


    The virus will mutate........just like flu has over decades.....


    You cannot defeat Mother Nature, she will win in the end.......all that is happening now is delaying the inevitable.


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  7. 12 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    The article did not state that the airport workers were vaccinated.


    It does but not clearly.


    So this article below spells it out very clearly.


    Singapore Announces New Restrictions After Vaccinated Airport Workers Become Infected - The New York Times (nytimes.com)



    Vaccine passports................USELESS.............just allows Vaccinated spreaders of Covid to go around killing people as they want to avoid quarantine and checking.........

  8. Oh look.............now the scientists "dont want to study or report too much" on vaccinated people getting and spreading Covid.


    Wonder why ? Not suit their agenda ?


    This is the reason Vaccine Passports are complete and utter nonsense.


    Vaccinate people can get the virus, can spread the virus and so a vaccine passport means NOTHING.





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  9. 3 minutes ago, jojothai said:

    Check out the article noted below that refers to situation in the Seychelles indicating that the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm does not stop the spread of Covid very well.
    Although there seems to be a reduction in severity.
    Its on many internet news channels. Search online for
    "World’s most vaccinated nation sees COVID-19 resurgence, raising questions over Chinese vaccine"


    NONE of the vaccines stop the spread of Covid.


    They reduce it a little bit.


    This is why Vaccine Passports are total nonsense and any country saying vaccinated people do not need to quarantine are IDIOTS of the highest order.


    Complete stupidity.......its just those who got the vaccine now trying to say they are special and should get the red carpet......when scientific evidence says they can get and spread the virus.  


    So vaccine passports are a complete and utter waste of time..................nonsense of the highest order.


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