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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Whatever happens to the three occupants of the pick up I am sure the cannabis will be (probably has already been) seemlessly fed into an alternative distribution network.
  2. Well maybe, but not anywhere near as serious as unspecified allegations of anti-monarchy activities. Anyway, it is covered by the amnesty issued by, umh, himself as it happens.
  3. Look on the bright side: it is probably write off - crash landing and then cutting them in half at the crash site tends to do that to helicopters! There will have to be a budget allocated to fund a replacement. There is probably a Mercedes in there somewhere...
  4. Probably not shrugging his soldiers but a nervous tic he has developed, from total strangers coming up to him and accusing him of trying to kill them!
  5. Yes, I had rather overlooked the benefits of digitising the system...
  6. Yes but, in his mind (and that of many of his supporters) he will see it as a platform from which to bellow about his opponents trying to use the law to derail his campaign. The louder he shouts the more he believes himself. It will also inevitably be used as leverage to extract more money from his supporters.. He couldn't resist the money!
  7. Whilst I understand your cynicism, Greece is certainly not "en route" from Serbia to the Ukraine, and whilst Serbia may not be averse to hiring Ukraine aircraft to deliver to Bangladesh, I suspect that the strong residual Russian influence there would stop them producing munitions for Ukraine long before it got to the stage of loading them onto aircraft.
  8. I should imagine that two more years of " a protected status as a presidential candidate would appeal. That can be sorted when the right people are in post...
  9. I suspect that we have a long way to go until all the other possibilities are exhausted. I also suspect that Republican/Trumpian control of Congress and the White House will result in various "electoral reform measures" which will cement that control they are already working hard towards that goal. I doubt whether the Supreme Court will take an interest. I'm afraid I see a rather dark future for democracy in the USA.
  10. They do seem to be making "a mountain out of a molehill"! Why not a simple protocol that on disembarking from an aircraft, ship, walking or driving over a land border each traveler simply hands the first uniformed fellow they see a wedge of cash. That is after all the real point of the exercise...
  11. As a certified bear of very little brain, I like them to be clever enough to help with my homework!
  12. Thoughts and prayers, and then in due course another class of children slaughtered by a gun toting onanist. Nothing will be done.
  13. Just out of interest, are these three nuclear power stations, or indeed any of the ones which have closed, situated in areas of Germany which are likely to suffer a tsunami? Given Germany's almost stellar reputation for engineering skills and thoroughness I would have thought that it was one of the countries in the world best suited to operate nuclear power! I am sure that the decision could never have had anything to do with German politicians enthusiasm (links?) for importing gas from Russia?
  14. I think their IT set up is quite simply terminally ramshackle!
  15. There is, the làst time I tried Shoppee ( to buy some earwax clearing tools - I'm a sucker for gadgets) the transaction stalled at an early stage on my phone.The same thing happened when I tried again using my computer. Oh well, "mai pen rai" I thought. Ten days later two identical parcels turned up cash on delivery. So if anyone wants a set of ear wax cleaning tools...
  16. So increase the pay and improve the working conditions. It's not as if the building sites or the fish are going to up sticks and move elsewhere! Bloomberg complaining that their clients cannot get enough low paid (virtually slave) labour, well my heart pumps purple pee!
  17. Yet funnily enough I can't get Shoppee to work, on my phone or on my computer. Lazada is OK, again on both ( Chrome or Android).
  18. I suspect that they only surveyed their clients. The number surveyed in each country will skew the result. If for example, they only have half a dozen clients in Malta or Cyprus it only takes a couple with an issue to put the country at the bottom of the list - it also of course is affected by the demographics of their group in each country. For example I have heard anecdotally many times that New Zealand is a great place to bring up young children, but I suspect that few with young families will have the time, inclination or money to play with a company like InterNations, so the two grumpy old men who responded have the floor!
  19. Thinking back, Heath I think, and his tastes for relaxation/entertainment allegedly lay elsewhere than dining in restaurants! Mind you I am not sure whether that has anything to do with the original post, nor the little excursion that @transam and I have indulged in!
  20. Actually, if I recall correctly (and maybe not, as an old gin sodden fascist I do occasionally get these things wrong) the last "transfer of power" from one sitting Labour Prime Minister resigning to allow another one to step up to the plate was all sorted out in a restaurant. The "Granita" I believe it was called.????
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