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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. About the only thing missing is a Sky News logo in the corner of the screen!
  2. Perhaps not politically motivated - that suggests the entire police force marches to a particular beat; but I would agree that the ultimate decisions were, if not politically driven, certainly politically influenced. Looking at the essential similarities between the two events, including the evasiveness displayed by both parties, it is difficult to escape that conclusion.
  3. Maybe, like some of us, he tends to avoid the Autotràder Political Supplement. As with all political commentary, print or broadcast, truth is subjective.
  4. He went public, Sky News on Friday morning I think, and said that was what he was going to do.
  5. Well perhaps. It does however seem, well, remarkable, that two essentially similar matters resulted in such different responses. Still, the Blessed Keir can at least procede with his declared plan of calling a vote of no confidence in the government now, can't he? That will allow the electorate to decide...
  6. What is more, although Churchill did lose the 1945 election he won the 1951 election, with a bigger share of the popular vote on a bigger turnout... I appreciate the purpose of the column is not a history lesson, but superficial comments like the one about Churchill don't really work.
  7. Perhaps because Chauvin was a racist and a thug. Floyd may have been a criminal, may have been " no angel" as they say, but he was murdered in plain view, during an attack which took place over some time. What I have always found surprising, no remarkable, is that none of the other police officers present, or for that matters the bystanders, intervened effectively.
  8. Surely, it implicates those with whom he shared these underage trafficked girls?
  9. Now here's a novel idea: It's an ongoing series of occurrences apparently; therefore instead of poling up afterwards and looking for clues on CCTV, why not a proper police presence to put a stop to it, not just a couple of blokes on a motorcycle flapping their paws at the hooligans!
  10. Living proof that if you've got the (tee) shirt you must be an expert...
  11. One of the cabinet who stayed loyal. Interestingly being reported as the favourite amongst Tory party membership. - outside the Westminster bubble! Me, I am waiting for Michael Gove to declare his candidacy, and then knife himself in the back! Strange fellow - a very astute political commentator but seemingly incapable of applying that astuteness to himself!
  12. For what it is worth I think that she is a very pretty girl. If she had been teaching me maths fifty years ago I would have worked a damn sight harder!
  13. People will pay lots of money to fly in to watch goons from central casting strutting around in paramilitary uniforms congratulating themselves. It's one of the premier attractions don't you know! In fact it is such a feature that soon they may charge foreigners double for watching it. Still, good to see they have medical cover just in case - did you notice the fellow in a doctor's smock in the front row?
  14. I really don't see the problem with confusion. After all, last time they enjoyed a leisurely few weeks to count, assess, interpret and reallocate as appropriate the ballots.
  15. Thailand to host World Cup. "You pay more because you Falang" Can you imagine the shenanigans over ticketing - the mind just boggles!
  16. In other news, as the effects of the Covid pandemic begin to subside, the Ministry of Tourism desperately casts around for ways to muck up the recovery...
  17. Ah yes, the Blessed Keir! "Injunction, injunction, don't read all about it!" Allegedly! But then he is a lawyer...
  18. The problem is that the Tory Party have been in power for 12 years. 4 General Elections ,the last one, Boris's producing by far the biggest majority! Large sections of the party take being in government for granted, and are manoeuvring to serve their personal ambitions. They are likely to ditch their main election winning asset. They will be left squabbling over a hollow crown. What is more, you don't imagine for a minute, that having been central to the ousting of Johnson, that the hostile press and media ( Sky and the BBC in particular) will back off, surely?
  19. There is a mechanism for the Labour Party to get rid of Johnson and his government. Force a vote of confidence in the government. If the government loses it then you have your General Election. Of course then they would have to win that election... Perhaps they will continue to rely on the hostile press, and the indiscipline and opportunism of sections of the Tory party.
  20. I think that it is quite (very) possible that money err, facilitated whatever arrangements were made to allow him to stay.
  21. I have little time or sympathy for Assange - in particular because he was, I firmly believe, reckless as to the consequences for people working within the American intelligence operations which, amongst other things which it could be argued did deserve to be made public, he exposed. However, I have reservations about just how fair his trial will be, and more so, about the likely sentencing. He won't, we are assured, receive the death sentence, but America has a penchant for ludicrously long jail sentences which are neither rehabilitating, a deterrent or a fair punishment - but which just serve as revenge. He will if sent to the USA die in jail - either of old age or at the hands of inmates. I understand he is Australian, why not return him there, or even grant him retrospective diplomatic immunity - it seemed to work with that American woman who killed the lad on the motorcycle!
  22. Righty ho! Does this mean that we can go back to using the word "gay" in it's original meaning, bright, cheerful, happy disposition, colourfully dressed?
  23. Erdogan is in it for Erdogan's image of what he wishes to turn Turkey into. A theocratic fundamental state, with Erdogan firmly cemented in the top seat. As part of that process he has been playing NATO off against Russia for the last ten years.
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