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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Absolutely right. What was the phrase; all "far away countries of which we know little"! And that approach ended well didn't it?
  2. It is becoming increasingly clear that the system is broken. The executive branch is ignored, the legislative branch has been hijacked and the judicial branch is following it's own agenda.
  3. As the money moves, so the moral compass tracks it. And does anyone really believe that if the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) were to get a cheap deal, that they would pass the savings on to the consumer?
  4. True, but I suppose the opium made it feel a bit less less sore!????
  5. The avatar is a throwback to the 1970s when the boxed six-pack of Herferder Pils was known to British Soldiers based in West Germany as the "herfiehandbag". In truth we all drank more then, not as much as the Dutch Army up the road at Hohne and Soltau who used to put away industrial quantities of the stuff! They practically lived on Amstel! I'm really not sure why I chose it to be honest - nostalgic memory perhaps?
  6. 1) I don't drink - stopped recently as it was hampering recovery from a serious injury. I didn't drink much anyway and it hasn't bothered me. 2) I don't smoke. Stopped over 20 years ago. 3) If you read my post again, you may see that it was somewhat "tongue in cheek".
  7. Maybe after lunch he will pop round and mend the roof of the Parliament Building "Sino Thai Construction Company" built?
  8. I know very little about Cannabis, particularly the techniques of using it. Is "blowing smoke up yer jacksie" one of the rituals involved in smoking it? Does that practice enhance the deep serenity, inner harmony and enhanced creativity we are earnestly assured is the main benefit of consuming the substance? How does that work if, to use that popular excuse, " but of course I didn't inhale."?
  9. Perhaps the point of the summons is not so much to berate the Prime Minister and the Air Force Chief about the incursion as to inquire what political and military steps they intend to take to ensure that they don't do it again.
  10. I am sure I recall that one of the often used justifications ( both on this forum and in general) was that an appointed senate was not vulnerable to the establishment of "political dynasties" based on certain families . Maybe some of the then enthusiasts for these reforms may care to comment - it has rather, as they sing at football matches, "all gone quiet over there!"
  11. A decade? A couple of years more like. And if the next election process results in an elected government free of the dead hand of control of various decaying dynasties of dinosaurs, then the end of the road may loom...
  12. The Army spotted a business opportunity and reinvested some of their "surplus cash". The Police gave their "surplus cash" to their Mia Nois.
  13. Just an idle thought - could they make envelopes from hemp now?
  14. And Thailand isn't? Let's skim over the corpses of disappeared political opponents found floating in the Mekong with their stomachs full of concrete, the indiscriminate use of CS gas, rubber bullets and chemically doctored water canon spray on protestors, the savage sentencing for allegedly expressing "incorrect" opinions, the cynical trafficking of people, linked with virtual slave labour in some industries, the treatment of ethnic minorities (hill tribes)... Take a deep drag and it all goes away!
  15. Whilst waiting for the customer to come to him!
  16. I imagine that is his definition of an election campaign!
  17. OfIt is a couple of hours one morning or afternoon a week. The teachers act as the scoutleaders and have to dress in appropriate uniforms. Some of the subjects are quite useful, first aid, camping, cooking and so on, but their is a heavy emphasis on drill, marching and saluting. Once a year they go on a "hike" and spend a couple of nights at a camping ground, doing activities and living out. They seem to enjoy that. For several years I was asked along to run a "jungle living" stand, making an "ad hoc" jungle shelter (basha), and how to filter water, build a fire and so on. Bits of it are useful and fun for teenagers, the drill and marching less so.
  18. Girl Guides goose-stepping, and now middle aged beer drinking Japanese matrons (at least I presume "Keiko" is a female) hearts a fluttering over homoerotic TV drama stars! This place just gets weirder...
  19. Schoolgirls being dressed in paramilitary uniforms and made to goose-step! There are some weird fetishism being enacted by whoever is in charge when this "parade," was staged!
  20. There may be something in that - when Ian Paisley died and arrived in heaven he demanded an immediate audience with God. He was most insistent and would not wait. After ten minutes of him bellowing, Saint Peter shut him up by telling him that God would see him as soon as she got back from Mass!
  21. The whole thing hinges on the matter that private prayer is just that, a matter between yourself and Almighty God. If this gentleman felt the need to pray, there was no need to do so publicly. Or involve anyone else, let alone the football team he was coaching. Obviously, Mass or any other church service is different. That is a public act of worship, and what is more unbelievers would not be attending. By making it public he caused all his own problems. Wasted as it happens, everyone knows surely that Rugby is the Almighty's game!
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